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So did everyone forget about this game

I said when the first trailer came out years ago and I say again, the worst thing about this game is how retarded trico's design is.
The dog face mixed with bird feet just looks so unbelievably bad.

just post the porn already

I hated and loved this game at the same time.

pretty much. E3 revived the hype for a while but a week after release people realized that nobody had actually cared about the last guardian for years due to dev hell. didn't even get spoiled on Sup Forums. that's how little people cared

is this some souls ripoff?

the only thing i dislike are the absolutely insane trophies
who the hell are ever gonna get those

What could be spoiled anyway? That trico "probably will die in a few weeks"?

>tfw expected it to die to the point that it surviving felt like a twist

But Trico lived to be as old as the boy did.

Game was a straight up masterpiece, I've never felt so involved and attached to a character the same way I was with Trico. The entire white tower segment, especially the part at the top, fucked me up so much emotionally.

Man I remember that piece of shit got released but was so quickly forgotten again. Not even the die-hard sonybros went on a shitposting spree about it.

>But Trico lived to be as old as the boy did.

The boy had leukemia,

I wanna fuck that doggo

>make thread
>nothing but "6 hour game" and "10 years" shitposting
>falls behind the hundreds of FFXIV threads

It was worth trying to discuss anyway. It's like having a thread for Journey.

I made this for my gf. Filename because im posting this on phone.

There isn't really that much too discuss anyway. It wasnt left to interpretation as much as ico and sotc. Basically all discussion is arguing whether or not Trico has good AI.

Yea I agree. The game touched me in a very profound way. It's a shame that not everyone feels the same, but I understand that it's just not made for everyone. For me it was beautiful though.

Trico is THE thing about the game that they nailed 100%. From a technical standpoint he's extremely impressive, and I still can't believe there was no mo-cap for him because I could've sworn they'd strapped those ping pong balls onto a golden retriever or cat at some point. It's too bad the rest of the game has a lot of unpolished shit in it, otherwise TLG would easily be a masterpiece.

I will never forget about this game.

I've never cried more during any game, show or movie than during this game.

That said, I understand why some people might not like it. You need a very specific mindset to be able to enjoy it.

>tfw the vinyl OST finally arrived

Fucking phenomenal game and an equally spectacular soundtrack.

The music was beautiful, but I don't know if I'd want to listen to it outside of the game.


This song always fucks me up pretty good, in game or not. I adore the ost, I don't listen to it regularly but there are just such fantastic songs on it I had to own it.