No dedicated servers for PC. Blame it on the shitty Bungie devs. How far they fallen to such a shitty company.

>reduce amount of polygons rendered
>magically game can now run at whatever FPS you want given you reduce the amount of polygons enough
What developers mean when they say this is "We couldn't make it FPS while keeping the screenshots good looking enough to make our marketing team happy". They also mean "You and your readers are way too retarded to understand this so I'm giving you a simplified explanation that works in my favor instead". In other words whenever a developer says this you can be sure they're fucking scum.

Do consoles have dedicated servers? The horrific laggyness of PvP was one of Destinys major flaws

It's also a nice way to find out which """"""""""""""""journalists""""""""""""""""""""" are technically illiterate.

Not so fast

>downgrade the graphics so it can run on PS4 PRO :'(

The mind of a sonybro

>it's devs fault for my shitty hardware
I guess the memes were real

>Another franchise ruined by being ported to PC

>How far they fallen to such a shitty company.
Halo didn't have dedicated server's either, they haven't changed.

must suck to be a console only fag

You think they had a choice? I'm sure Activision has been priming them for Battle.net for a long time, since it's gonna be another Origin soon.

fuck you

I bought Prey and will probably get the new Wolfenstien, am I safe?

Consoles haven't been running 60fps for years now. Why are you surprised?

>In other words whenever a developer says this you can be sure they're fucking scum.
Just imagine being that buttblasted

I mean mostly every fps available runs 60 fps on PS4 and Xbox. Not Destiny 2. But yeah suck on that Bungie dick.

Didn't Destiny run at 60fps?

since this is a sequel why would they be stupid enough to try to increase the graphics?

because the graphics are so good you can only get 30fps?

but most ps4 games are already 30fps

ill take reduced poly count for uncapped fps.

nah 30

>Do consoles have dedicated servers
neither platform

Fuck it then, all they need to do is give the game actual content and give PvP servers and it would maybe be a game worth buying

can't wait for them to have bullet damage client side and people cheating their dick off in PvP


Die in a fire.

>PS4 Pro has literally zero (0) reasons for existing

Yeah, but it wasn't completely unplayable like the Crucible.

fuck you

Gaben prophet of truth.

who cares even if it did, only retards play fps with a controller

why do you think the PS5 is rushed for christmas 2018?

i know this thread is shitposting but the reason is because you can't have PS4 and PS4 Pro exclusive servers

nothing to do with hardware limitations

What about all that Dynamic 4K?


4K is a meme and the retards at Sony and Microsoft fell for it

>Mfw there are people who brought the launch PS4 and the PS4 Pro

>Mfw the amount of money they spent on these two consoles could go towards a PC that could run games at 60fps

inb4 "I don't care about fps"

:thinking: then why did you buy a PS4 pro if you don't care :thinking:

why didn't they just overclock it further and add features like the xbox scorpio did to take the load off the cpu? they are using the exact same cpu after all. if devs are saying 4k60 is capable on the scorpio with that cpu and those specific modifications then sony could also have done that. this is looking more and more like a quick job by sony to get this console out a year early for whatever reason.

>caring about an expansion being sold as a sequel


praise gay-ben

t-tt-the Scorpio will save console owners, right bros????


He truly is a genius.

>implying PS4:Electric Boogaloo 2 is going to run it at more than silky smooth 35 FPS

Sounds like you were just shit

Jokes on you, my mother already left before i was born


At this point you faggots are worse than the fuck who posts those meme images. This shit has been floating around the internet for decades now and people still fucking respond to it.

>stupid enough to buy a cucksole.
>claims other people are tech illiterate.
>advocates downgrades to make up for his own moronic purchasing decisions.

We found the real scum boys.

This can't be happening bros.

>Implying the PC version won't be unoptimized to shit too
Enjoy needing a 1080 to run it at 720p20.

On a separate note I still can't get over how stupid looking this cover is. Everything about it is just stupid.

>guns look like fucking toys
>armor looks like cosplay
>generic live action hollywood cover
>that tilted angle shot

What about any of this looks "cool" or appealing? People actually want to buy this shit? Especially after the first game shit the bed?

you know you make yourself look worse than what you are making fun of






Destiny's engine is a huge fucking joke. The first game was teetering on the edge of falling apart all the time, and one of the reasons there was so little new content was because it took days just to move a fucking rock.

I wonder where that autistic sonybro from yesterday went that was telling me the pro was comparable to a 1070 and i7

LMAOing @ ur lyfe famalam

>tfw didn't buy a launch ps4
Still worth for me tbqh

Did he use the word "optimized" like it magically made their underpowered shitbox have more gigaflops over time?

>hyping up a terrible game

>Battlefield 1 runs at 60fps and looks better than Destiny

>Destiny can't

So it's Bungie's fault then

Its been 9 years since the ps4 launched and the only game they have is dark souls 4 and some HD remakes from the ps3

he sure did

I skipped the ps3 era so those are also new games for me

Yes, that's called optimization. Idk what youre getting at

>only games

What about
>Nip Non 3
>Ching Fi 2
>Rek Rak Roo 5
>Gook Attack 3
>Chow Chung Chang 4
>Drakes Adventure

Yea fuck off fanboy, ps4 has lots of games

>Expecting 60fps when they're trying to output at 4k

How is this news?
The Pro can only do either 1080/60 or 4k/30 and they're aiming for 4k

>ever good

>wanting 60fps in a twitch shootan with dickass A.I.

No thanks.

>Gook Attack 3

They have these delusions because they think consoles run at ultra settings because they can't spot any difference in a compressed youtube video, when in reality consoles run at medium settings.


battlefield is the only game that does

>I mean mostly every fps available runs 60 fps on PS4 and Xbox
>Homefront The Revolution
>Dying Light
>Sniper Ghost Warrior 3
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided
>Far Cry 4
>Killzone Shadowfall

Or you can keep replying to obvious falseflaggers

Just kill yourself

>It's another "IGN is shit unless they post something we can shitpost about" thread

The dude he replied too wasnt a false flagger though, he was quite clear what side he was on and raised a valid point.

Not like it would have if it even could, then the PS4 Pro players could only play with each other just like the PC players will only be able to play with each other, having consoles that are capped at 30 competing against uncapped or just 60 fps wouldn't be fair and would cause a casual shitstorm.

BF1 lingers between 40-45 FPS on PS4 and even that only because the dynamic framebuffer dips down to 900P during stress.

What's the excuse for FFXIV then? Which plays with PC and runs at 60FPS on the Pro, has PvP included and runs at less than 30FPS on PS3s and sometimes on normal PS4s

Halo 5 does.

>The Pro can do 4k/30

>ps4 can't run a game at 60fps
Isn't that the case with most of their exclusives anyway?

Is FFXIV a twitch shooter? Is the company making it trying to angle for the E-Sports crowd?

>developers making bullshit excuses so microsoft can pay them for better looking game features and destiny 2.0 exclusivity features

Those aren't the big sellers and plenty of those are mostly single-player focused

Sounds like someone was just bad.

There's no reason why they can't do what Siege does on consoles

Terrorist Hunt/Situations (PvE) is 30 FPS
Actual competitive multiplayer is 60

scorpio will save the day

MS has already confirmed that Scorpio will be forced to hold parity with regular Xbox one in multiplayer. 30fps it is.

>60 FPS
Which battlefield are we talking about here because it certainly isn't BF1.

>The internet has been around for decades
Ok gramps, is that why you cant use an iphone

fucking hell, shame that battlefield is ultra watered down nowadays, if they pulled themselves together and improved bf1 ill get back on it, also bf2143 please

>>The internet has been around for decades
>Ok gramps, is that why you cant use an iphone

who said anything about "can't"? fucking thing is designed for people who get a brain freeze from a right-click menu

>dumb post
>by a frogposter
who could've thought

>meanwhile battlefield has bot dedicated and private rented servers

I'll take my german niggers if it means good online

You gotta be fucking retarded. Do you really think servers are separated by framerate? You can't be this fucking stupid.

they can't even do 4k/30fps when they try :-/ they end up upscaling instead because the cpu is just shitballs bad.

>All Activision games will now be sold through B.net exclusively

Fantastic, one way to keep trash off Steam.

>There are people who fell for the Poostation 4 Pro meme
