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Free for 48 hours
Other urls found in this thread:
>Urge to play
>Start new game
>Max int during character creation
>Work on maxing surgery, pathfinding, spotting, and training.
>Run to nord villages
>Recruit ~30 men
>Run around until I have about renown enough for 50 men and 50 huscarls.
>Go conquer a town in the name of whatever faction.
>Rebel when the lord doesn't give it to me.
>Get bored
Every time.
>not warband
>not already owning it
>owning not-warband
I own warband. Is there any point in getting this?
>not owning not-warband
it is a very dulled down warband, unless you want to get it just for the strange gear in it, no
Why are they doing a sale now? Is it because the devs are about to get executed?
This, there is no point in getting the inferior version of the game.
>tfw bannerlord, if it comes out at all, will be rancid shit
When Paradox got fucked by Sword of the Stars 2, Magna Mundi, East vs West, and whatever happened to March of the Eagles, they started dropping studios that were too incompetent to make a game as soon as they missed a milestone. This happened with Taleworlds, but no one mentioned shit, or at best are like "fuck publishers".
Warbands was a oneoff.
Owning warband literally means you can download demo of non-warband and just use warband key to unlock it
There's a western mod if you're into that
Missing milestones is normal for a studio, user. Game devs aren't machines.
Not yet anyway.
Not that guy but isn't there one for warband too?
Though I remember playing the scenarios in the vanilla mb western mod and enjoying them a lot.
I tried playing that one and I couldn't get past the character creation screen because I couldn't allocate weapon skill points due to the names pushing the buttons off the screen.
Can you form up a band of comanche raiders and just spend the whole game stealing from the white devils?
It came in the package though
There are some older mods that are much less buggy on vanilla, like The Last Days
Literally shit comparing to Warband, do yourself a favor and just pirate it instead of playing this
Make your own fun user, be a bit autistic and rp a little
>literally the 'worst' mountain blade
>not at least warband to hype up never everlord
Other than Warband are there any other expansions or whatever I should get?
Get that viking expansion, also check /mgb/ for good mods
Thanks. Will do.
The one for Warband is made by a literal (yes) autist, and the characters are really fucking bad.
they are coming right after half life V, chill
huh, I never heard of that. Bought Warband a long while back but didn't know I could plug the cd-key in the have Steam tag not-warband onto my account as a bonus.
tfw bought it 5 years ago during a steam sale and never ended up playing it
In case it hasn't been made clear already, Mount & Blade: Warband is the actual game that people give a shit about. Non-Warband is like a shitty demo that they released for full price.