An entire game starring black gangsters, steeped in gangsta culture...

An entire game starring black gangsters, steeped in gangsta culture, featuring a very diverse cast of lowlife of all possible backgrounds, where all white cops are incompetent and/or corrupt.
Released in 2004, and feels completely natural.
Meanwhile, whenever modern 2017 games try steering away from the standard "white handsome dude kicks some ass" formula it always feels forced and artificial SJW bullshit.
How come?

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Because youre a fucking fag?

This game would be toasted by SJWs today.

It is full of niggers doing nigger things. CJ is the furthest black character from bing degenerate, and even he has been to jail.

Because that game was just trying to make a fun game where you get to be gangsta and shoot people while having some comedy, not just solely try to make it a point of how awesome non whites are?

because of gameplay, story, and presentation

People weren't as overly sensitive little babies back then.

Obama happened

because the blacks were all criminals so it pleased the autists by validating their views

Whereas the white GTA protagonists are all, like, upstanding citizens

Regressive left ideas poisoned games,music, movies, media and and pretty much paved the way for trump to become president and cut off the limp little dick of Political Correctness.

Yo regressives!
Thanks :^)

and this. I remember people saying Political correctness would only become a problem if shillary won the dem primary instead of Obama in 2008 but, It obviously didn't matter.
also II recommend this podcast with Jordan Peterson to eveyone.

Its a very good watch.