Choose your Digimon
Choose your Digimon
>he doesnt main agumon
Impmon of course
All I remember is that Imperialdramon PM is the best and Wormmon is awful.
fite me
>no keramon line
shit roster
Agumon, obviously
What really sucks is that in reality there's only 10 real characters, 10 characters that are just fully evolved versions of the main cast and thus just better because you don't have to transform, two boss charcters, and two repaints.
>PSX v1.13
>No enhancements because that's how PSX v1.13 works
Disgusting desu.
Reapermon or BKWarGreymon on my childhood, nowadays I'd prolly pick Imperialdramon PM, Galantmon or Seraphimon.
Guilmon. He's too cute. And Gallantmon is a badass. I prefer Rumble Arena 2 though.
Fuck I haven't seen that screen in so many years, played it next door at a friends and never knew the name but tried to find it a couple times. This is the one where one of the characters has a shield beam attack right?
Omnimon, you can almost do a one hit kill with his ultimate
I hope this is battle evolution and not rumble arena, user.
>playing the inferior USA version
There was a sequel, but the first one's just better
>We will never get a proper modern Digimon Rumble arena with a normal cast rather then the same generic Adventure 1 pandering
Not fair
Unlocking those Mega back then is a headache for young me. I usually just double tap run to distance myself away from Reapermon and cheapshots him when he make that slashing attack that have that cooldown after the combo, and his Ultimate is fucking annoying to run using a rookie. Wargreymon, Gallantmon are the easiest to unlock. Man, good times, good times.
Rumble Arena 2 is better though. Bigger cast, more combo, 4 way battle, better and a much more fun arena. Digimon World 4, that, that is much worse than DW3. Fucking hell.
Is there any way to tell which of the two was the one i played?
The pic from OP is Digimon Rumble Arena on the PS1.
RA2 is much worse than the first one.
It feels so cheaply made.
In what way sir, what way?
Wait, I just noticed, no Renamon, yup RA2 is worse.
Why does V-mon get to evolve to Imperialdramon but Wormmon doesn't even have GranKuwagamon?
Okay, I know that wasn't shown in the anime, but it was in other games at the time.
Stomping OP, character animations are weak, graphics are barebones, physics are half-assed, character selection is shit.