>Soul Memory >Adaptability >Life gems >Horrible feeling combat >Worst magic, invasions and covenants in the series >Only a handful of bosses that don't feel like a glorified miniboss >Every area is a PS2-esque series of straight lines >Shitloads of callbacks and references to DS1 for no reason instead of coming up with something new (DS3 has the excuse of being a direct sequel) >Backtracked all the great changes DS1 make from DeS for some reason but failed to have any of that games strengths either >Almost comical lack of thought put into the world design >Lots of obviously horrible gameplay designs too, like how the game encourages you to upgrade more gear than any other game in the series yet requires you to grind enemy drops for almost all your upgrade items. In spite of this the game doesn't have a designated drop rate stat, has soul memory and despawns enemies if you grind them too hard making actually getting the drops you need a huge pain in the ass
Contrarians and idiots that love 1v1 duels in the shitty delay based netcode of these games will somehow say this game is better than DS3 in spite of all this.
Pardon me, I actually forgot one because this game has more stupid decisions than the 2016 election
>Only souls game so shit it had to get a release >Release actually makes the game worse overall
Carter Powell
g-g-gg-git gud c-c-ca-cc-cazl shitter
Jose Barnes
Don't forget about the graphical downgrade.
Evan Nguyen
Samuel Anderson
>ruined poise
Nathaniel Ward
That was a big post, OP. But DS2 is still my favorite Souls game.
Joseph Jones
It's flawed yeah, but I still like it. Not my favorite by any means but I still find it fun to revisit ever so often
Jace Hughes
I'd love to see what the original game looked before they went and scrapped it halfway through. It must have been even worse.
Angel Peterson
Gael is supposed to represent all of humanity and hollows He is literally the counter-part to the SoC
Christian Lee
Not much can be done about your shit taste I'm afraid.
Jose Campbell
If your favourite souls game is not Dark Souls 1 then:
>You probably never played Dark Souls 1 >You tried to play it but gived up (Souls games are not even hard) >You got tired of pvp filled with cheaters >You started the series with DS2 and think its the best one just because of it.
Luis Thomas
mat_fullbright 0
Cameron Taylor
>pshh look at this kid having an opinion. You should like this instead because I said so you sure showed him, laddie
DS2 is a good, fun game. They all are you faggots. Enjoy them all it's a great game series
Samuel Adams
DS2 sorcerery = completely irrelevant shit because it's just "shoot laser at man" and hexing does that way better
DS3 sorcerery = actually has it's own niche as long range big DPS once you realize the scaling is different and you need 60+ instead of 40+. fun spells like flashsword and farron dart, stealth spells are actually good now
DS2 miracles = total trash, worst type of spell in the whole series post patches because the attack spells are nerfed into uselessness and because of unlimited cheap lifegems the healing is pointless
DS3 miracles = healing in co-op is actually useful for the first time in the series because one ash estus of healing spells can stand in for many more regular estus, attack miracles finally have a niche as close range big damage between taliasman WA poise, lightning spears having a second short range hit and new spells like lightning stake
ds2 pyro = needs a stat investment but most of your damage comes from upgrading your flame, something that you need an entirely different vendor to do (worst of ds1 and ds3 pyro combined). probably the least terrible spell school in the game but DS3 has amazing pyromancy
ds2 hexing = broken bullshit that had to be patched over and over. in it's current form it's dark orb and dark weapon: the spell school because everything else either always sucked ass or was nerfed
ds3 "hexing" = realizing that it was too good and that pyro already exists as the quality build for magic, instead there's just some neat spells in each school that have different scaling, spells that actually have unique effects and aren't just sorcery spells with black textures
Also ash estus is a way better system than the herbs in DS2 when it comes to having you extend spell casts between bonfires. you can catually play as a spell only character and make it work without just cheating and having 99 of an item that gives you all your casts for free
Carson Jackson
Nope. None of those apply to me. Dark Souls 1 has an amazing first half, but a very shit second half. Plus, looking back, most of the game is extremely fucking easy. Dark Souls 2 is has the most content and most replay value. However, this creates a case of quantity over quality. Dark Souls 3 is a shallow and soulless cashgrab filled with fanservice. It is basically the 'The Force Awakens' of the Souls series. If you judge them based on a simple dollar-per-hour system, I got the most enjoyment and money's worth from DS2.
Jackson Turner
poise was the same, right?
I noticed no difference unlike in 3 where I was getting slapped around in Havel gear
Adrian Fisher
you forgot no whole orbs
Alexander Scott
>Every area is a PS2-esque series of straight lines thats an insult, comparing this pos game to ps2 games but OP is 100% correct with everything else
Michael Cook
>Dark Souls 3 is a shallow and soulless cashgrab filled with fanservice. It is basically the 'The Force Awakens' of the Souls series.
Except this is actually what DS2 is like
and so on. DS3 is a direct sequel to DS1, reusing some characters and concepts makes sense. DS2 has more in common with kings field than anything, so it being full of DS1 references anyway is retarded.
"The game might have bad content, but it has a TON of bad content" is a terrible argument
Colton Ross
I started with 1, hate 2 and my favourite is 3. What am I? Although i guess judging by the threads i'm a contrarian
Gavin Stewart
Also, Dark Souls 2 had hitboxes that follow your character, unlike Dark Souls 3, where you phase through everything and can't attack anyone unless you attacked the location they spawned, while nobody can attack you unless they attack your spawn
Leo Howard
rendered useless due to ADP
Camden Brooks
>worst magic
stopped reading there
Grayson Clark
>it's just "shoot laser at man" and hexing does that way better
Nigger do you even use spells + MLGS?
Tyler Johnson
>hbomberguy puts out video utterly dissecting autistic anti-DaS2 virgins and shits on their graves >suddenly matthewmatosis apologists start shitposting about DaS2 again after everyone forgot it exists turd eaters on damage control
Luis Anderson
>Nigger do you even shoot lasers at men and also sometimes swing a sword
??? you can do the exact same thing with hexing and the crypt sword, which takes about as much effort to get
Jose Morgan
Man that still pisses me off. I never even use heavy armour but watching a literal rockman getting knocked around by some faggot with a leather mitten just looks dumb.
Surely the inability to dodge and being forced to tank hits is a good enough trade off for being literally immovable?
Jackson Hernandez
>MEMBER ORNSTIEN? A boss early in the game that affects nothing >>MEMBER SOLARIE? Oh no, they referenced an older game in flavor text! It's not like DaS1 and DaS3 straight up included characters from DeS or anything. >>MEMBER BONFIRES EVEN THOUGH YOU DON'T LEVEL UP AT THEM ANYMORE AND THE GAMES THEME DOESN'T DEAL WITH FIRE AT ALL You're in the same universe as DaS 1, you're still undead, you still link the fire in the end. God forbid they have consistency unlike DaS 1's framerate >>THESE 4 RANDOM ENEMIES IN SOME OTHER PLACE/TIME RANDOMLY HAVE THE SOULS OF GWYN SEATH NITO AND IZALITH LMAO Only legit complaint since it actually affects the game.
Meanwhile, DaS3 is more linear and rehashes absolutely everything. Absolutely Nintendo-tier.
Jonathan Cook
ds2 hitboxes are fucking terrible dude,
Ryder Williams
DS3 poise activates when you attack, to prevent giant dad running towards you, tanking your attack with his face and getting a backstab
this + being able to have good rolls with way higher equip thresholds than in previous games make the reduced effect of poise fair imo
Adam Cooper
Yeah, I guess being able to avoid backstabs makes sense. Especially with that fucking hornet ring.
Personally though I hated how DS3 only had two rolls (not counting the >100% stumble). Can't even explain why, probably for the same reason I hate seeing Havel get slapped about. Just doesn't look right.
Michael Lee
lmao ds3 pyromancies are so much fucking worse than ds2. forbidden sun, gcfb, and flame swathe were all significantly better in ds2
Noah Russell
People who's favorite game is DaS1 are only narutoretards who think Artorias is the sickezt xD character ever
Oliver Flores
>It doesn't count when DS2 does it: the post
>Meanwhile, DaS3 is more linear and rehashes absolutely everything. Besides the deep? or londor? Or the farron legion? or new character like nameless king and the super lotheric bros? or new areas mentioned in lore like cathrus?
DS3 has lots of stuff inspired by DS1 to be sure, but as a sequel that makes sense. It's not even confirmed that DS2 IS in the same universe as DS1 and yet it has literally ornstien and literally the belfry gargoyles but with more of them and literally all of the lord souls and literally linking the fire even though that has nothing to do with the games vauge theme of forgetting things.
As for being more linear, you must mean in the progression of areas because any given area in DS3 is way more complicated than DS2, which has levels like huntsmans warf which are literally straight lines. Even progression is a shaky argument because DS2 is basically just 4 sets of DS3 level design that sprawl out from majula
Colton Gonzalez
Speaking of DaS2, anyone want to meet me at Throne of Want? I want to get more sunlight medals but the game is pretty dead. I have 8 500 000 SM.
Kayden Turner
> forbidden sun You mean that spell you can cast only 1-2 times without a wacky gimmick build and multiple playthroughs of the game?
Yeah, that's way better than vestiges that I can throw over and over because of ash estus
Jordan Sanchez
Considering it's the last game in the series, any new lore that doesn't end up being explained and valuable is perceived as just filler-lore made up in two minutes. Miyazaki is such a hack.
Robert Rogers
it is better because it has like twice the travel speed, and faster wind up, and deals more damage. Ashen estus was a huge improvement to magic in general don't get me wrong, but the mainstay pyrospells in ds2 were better than ds3 flat out
Camden Gutierrez
>Yeah, that's way better than vestiges that I can throw over and over because of ash estus >forget all the other tools you have in the game, spam one spell XDD Fucking amazing magic system you got there senpai.
Brody Williams
>meanwhile literally nothing about DS2 is ever explained
Christopher Phillips
They didn't eve explain what sitting on the throne even did.
Andrew Ortiz
Was it really that bad, Sup Forums?
Zachary Gonzalez
What i'm getting at is that being able to use a weaker (but still very strong) version of the spell a shitload of times is way better in basically every way besides making MLG youtube videos where you get sick forbidden sun frags
if any game has magic schools that are about spamming the one spell that's actually effective it's DS2, DS3 made all the weird gimmicky shit like rapport or stealth viable
Thomas Russell
They took away my ability to swing two duel-wielded ultragreatswords with one button, so whatever.
What did they ruin about poise? It's not as OP as in DaS but it's better than in DaS3.
Ian Anderson
>They took away my ability to live out my anime fantasies, that means all these terrible ideas and mechanic changes are justified
power stance fans are mentally ill. it was a cool idea but the DS2 interpretation was fucking horrible and the only power stance builds that were actually any use at all were cheesy shit like mace poisebreak or two blue flames buffing eachother. There was a bunch of combinations of weapons but the time spent on those animations for stupid shit like spear + hammer or whatever that only a couple special snowflakes used could've been spent improving the many many flaws the game had instead
DS3 twin weapons are way better take on the concept, they just needed to actually include them all
Robert Long
We know everything about DaS2's story like 20 minutes into the game.
It's probably the most straightforward of the Souls games in terms of storytelling.
Blake Hernandez
DkS2 PvP was only better for middlecore players desu. You can tell because people who like DkS2 PvP will cite "heavy weapons are good" as a reason DkS2 PvP was good, when anybody with a functioning brain stem would realize that heavy weapons in DkS2 had the same problem as in 1, they were just a bit harder to punish.
DkS2 PvP had a lot of balance patches, but the patches were always based around the LCD. Min-maxing in DeS/DkS was pretty straight forward, but in DkS2 it was a total clusterfuck. Soul memory completely ruined any semblance of even playfield the series ever had, and once goatse ring got added back in, building your character became even more cancerous than it was before.
Nolan Rodriguez
All of that is true! But the brilliant pvp more than makes up for it, at least when compared to das3 and its flaws.
Connor Hernandez
Please explain the following. If possible cite where in the game you learn this
>What was up with the CGI intro, in particular the vortex your character jumps into >What the fuck is things betwixt >Why does the emerald herald just sort of assume you're here to see the king, and why does the main character proceed to murder anyone and everything in their path in response to a vauge pep talk from them >What does sitting on the throne do?
Leo Rodriguez
>to prevent giant dad running towards you, tanking your attack with his face and getting a backstab
Poise didn't enable you to do this in Dark Souls 2, either. And you could run BS people just fine in DeS, a game without poise.
I think poise is kinda shitty, and I'm glad DkS3 neutered it, but this is not a good argument for DkS3 poise.
Aiden Allen
>spamming a shittier spell is better lmao >oh btw in ds2 you only spam one spell ever and thats a bad thing
Noah Foster
DS2 barely has backstabs at all because of how slow it takes to activate and how specific the area is
DS3 brought back backstabs to be more like DS1 (IE actually worth doing with a satisfying animation/sound)
Are you trying to strawman my points, or are you just brain damaged? Since you like DS2, probably the latter.
broken sun you use a handful of times is better: - because it has big numbers and goes really fast so it kills people really good in my sick youtube montage
weaker chaos vestige you can use way more often is better: from a balance perspective because you can't instantly delete a target from a fun perspective because you get to use your cool spell way more from a gameplay depth perspective because you have to use the same resource you'd use for other spells that are also good that you have equipped to cast it, while with forbidden sun builds you generally just cast forbidden sun a few times and then you're either done forever or you use a herb (out of 99) and don't have to think about resource management at all
how is it better?
Jason Morales
>worst covenants Gank Magic is forever.
Jose Sanchez
>be assblasted because B-team made far better lore and story than A-team >shit on DS2
Pat yourselves on the back guys
Parker Rivera
>better lore >better story
did we play the same DaS2?
Mason Butler
I think you might be retarded because vestiges isn't fun at all. It's slow as fuck has a huge windup and is rolled through 99% of the time. Forbidden sun at least fulfilled the fantasy of the giant fuck-off spell by being effective. I already said the mana system is an improvement so I don't know why you keep going back to it ass the hallmark of ds3 pyromancy spell quality
Benjamin Perez
DS1 and 3 have an intro that explains the world/backstory, then after a tutorial segment the very first NPC you run into explains that they think it'd be really cool if you did X because then Y will happen, but maybe along the way you think doing X sucks after all and another NPC mentions you can do Z instead. THAT is straight forward
in DS2 the intro is some vauge bullshit and then your character jumps into a portal for some reason. Then you talk to some grandmas and they say some more needlessly cryptic shit and you go through the tutorial area. Then you talk to the emerald herald and she says "find the king" but fails to actually explain why. Then dozens of hours later after you've obtained the souls needed to open the shrine to winter (because you can't climb over a small pile of rubble) you finally get to drangleic castle and gradually start getting some actual details on what the fuck you're doing here.
Why are you literally lying?
Owen Edwards
DaS1 and 3 have shit lore. 2's lore is actually really good in comparison to those.
Carter James
>he is so fucking dumb he didn't understand the intro to DaS2 Top fucking kek, go watch some VaatiVidya videos or something to get a quick rundown faggot.
Michael Sanders
>2's lore is actually really good in comparison to those.
how does no lore mean good lore?
Angel Cook
nice argument lol xD really made me think haha
Matthew Ortiz
Backstabs in both DkS2 and DkS3 have start-up, difference is in DkS3 if you whiff them, you still get an attack instead of a useless punt. It's also maybe a bit more forgiving in DkS3.
But in DkS2, even if you poised through an enemy's attack, if you weren't in the middle of some action (attacking, rolling, etc.) you'd go into a mini-stagger, which would slow down your movespeed and prevent you from starting any attacks for a little bit.
Joshua Adams
>Worst magic, invasions and covenants in the series >Worse magic than DS3 >Worse invasions and covenants than DS1
Tyler Wood
>What was up with the CGI intro, in particular the vortex your character jumps into
It's how the player travels to faraway lands, and it's pretty consistent with how DLC areas are entered.
>What the fuck is things betwixt
A place? In Drangleic?
>Why does the emerald herald just sort of assume you're here to see the king
She doesn't assume that. She's the one who WANTS you to find Vendrick. She has no idea why you're there.
>why does the main character proceed to murder anyone and everything in their path
That happens in every game in the series.
>What does sitting on the throne do?
It's just an ending.
Gavin Gray
DS1's explanation about the world makes no sense the first time you play it and you're never given any reason to actually care about what you're doing. You start your quest because some guy you just met tells you that there's this story in his family about ringing some bells. And the moment you get to where you have to ring the bells, the first thing you hear is that it's a pain in the ass to do it. They never even explain to you what the ages are and they're sending you off on a quest to keep the age of fire from ending. The whole game is people telling you to do shit but not telling you why.
DS2's intro may be vague, but it immediately tells you what you need to know: you have a curse and you want to get rid of it. Then the grandma tells you to go to Drangleic because you might be able to do it there. And then the Emeral Herald tells you what to do in order to continue your goal. You don't get what you want, but at least you KNOW what you want.
Jose Phillips
>Dark Souls 1/3 - Dude time is convoluted LMAO >"10/10 thank you FROMSOFT"
>Dark sousl 2 is actually a story and its lore isn't some magical time bullshit >"fucking B-team worst game ever no lore lmao"
Asher Scott
>DkS story is really vague and you don't really understand what's going on as you play through it, you just keep progressing from one area to the next by exploring until you exhaust all possible routes and move on >You will always keep moving on, even with no tangible in-game motivation, because you Want to reach the end of the game >DkS2 >Game starts off with Emerald Herald telling you that you that "one day, you will stand before its decrepit gate... >"Without really knowing why."
dks2 is meta as fuck
Jackson Barnes
I legitimately like the core combat and feel like its the best out of the three games for PVE. That being said i hate the PVP in the delayed netcode and people who dick hug it despite 99% of people running top tier meta and saying "everything is viable" well never proving it.
Its too bad almost every boss/area is terrible and so a slightly better then 1/3 core isn't utilized at all.
Adam Rogers
DaS1 is better then 2/3 but i prefer Bloodborne.
Never tried PVP because i played it super recently and got invaded like twice and won once and lost once. From how it sounds it sounds like it relies on more unintended glitches to give itself "depth" then any other game in history. The second i heard about toggling to cancel backstabs despite still going through the animation i lost interest that is idiotic.
I really enjoy DaS1 though its definitely the easiest of the 3 but everything feels powerful and genuinely fun. Some bosses are too gimmicky and have terrible AI though like versions of the Asylum demon all easily looping the jump attack over and over for 100% easy fights.
Or poise being outright a cheese mechanic. But still loved it.
Joseph Rogers
DS2 convenants are worse than 1. 1 had great ideas ruined by execution and bad online framework, 2's are just shit
>invasion covenant that's not actually about invading but dueling >blue's have even less chances to invade the guilty because of the changed sin mechanics, soul memory, and no full orbs >instead of in a large area with interesting enemies that you have to enter, the area defense covenants are all in optional areas with annoying meme enemies >have to get 500 arena wins without losing once to max out red/blue covenants
they're also lame thematically except for belltower
Jonathan Wood
i like how this one is not linear compared to 3, you can go down the hole, to the crossroads, the place with the ancient knights or the forest of the giants if you want to from the start.
Austin Sanders
Except that's not true. You can go to forests of giants or knights first, you can't survive the pit at level 1 and getting the anti fall ring takes souls, and you can't go the the crossroads until you find or buy a branch of yore because the pyromancy girl is in the way
Robert Peterson
>Vendrick's story >Shards of Manus story >Past Kings story >Breaking the curse story
And it all ties together too. 1 and 3 are literally "dude so complex it's DEEP LMAO"
Jackson Russell
mah nigga
Jack Fisher
Yeah, but you can go down the hole at "later" levels without having to defeat lots of bosses, i just like that you have to option to go whatever the fuck you want from the start, do you want to farm souls for the ring? go ahead and do it. 3 just feels so linear imo, but it's a way better game.
David Moore
>>Shards of Manus story >>Past Kings story >>Breaking the curse story
none of that was in the game or DLC
Brody Cruz
>ds1: 2318 players ds2: 1764 players (steamcharts) huh really made me think
Christopher King
check again sweetie ;)
Jack Thomas
It was in the DLC.
Adrian Smith
>It was in the DLC.
which I did not buy outside of Sunken King
David Phillips
That's like saying Gwyn is never mentioned in Dark Souls 2. He is. They don't have to say his name directly, you know exactly who they are talking about.
Connor Brown
Liam Taylor
>ds1: 2322 players ds2: 1732 k?
Brayden Robinson
if you're on pc SOTFS it isn't dead at all
Luke Walker
1700 people isn't that much. I get a summon like every 30 minutes.
Tyler Collins
>worst magic Fuck you, that's 3 by far. At least 2 makes up for the shithouse early and midgame by making you monstrously overpowered by the endgame.
Jaxon Carter
I play SOTFS all the time and the arena is a constant backstab fishing fest. I rarely ever see backstabs used in DKS3 because of how easy it is to roll away from everything 12 times
Caleb Evans
I started the series with 1 and my favorite is 3. Sorry that you can't handle different opinions, my autistic friend.
Sebastian Baker
Shit-ass dead dude something something King Big Sad Guy something something ANOTHER FUCKING SWAMP LEVEL, followed by unskippable laughter
Blake Watson
just dont play ds2 its trash anyway
Benjamin Jenkins
no fashion souls
Austin Nguyen
>lets you choose which linear path to follow first >not linear
Angel Rodriguez
>try DaS2 >roll to avoid attack >try immediately attack back >swing sword at the air instead of enemy Shit game.