I still miss him

I still miss him.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw no more Iwata asks

>Left the industry in the greedy hands of Sony and Microsoft because "blue ocean lol", in the same way a terrible parent would left his son alone with the pedophile crackhead uncle
>The Wii and WiiU were the worst Nintendo home consoles
>Only after his death Nintendo started to recover, to the point where the Switch was one of Nintendo's most successful console launch ever

I would spit on his grave if I could.

Wii was ok


>Iwata dead
>Miyamoto still shitting Nintendo up

Is there no justice in the universe?


So fucking fake

The Switch was Iwata's last project you fucking tard.

Yeah man, it suuuuure was. It totally wasn't languishing in development hell along with Breath of the Wild until Iwata died and the new CEO rescued both. Two years after the man's death.

It was.

If Iwata was still alive then Wii U owners wouldn't have to pay full price for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

No it wasn't. It was Nintendo's R&D project. Something it was about to be discarded because Iwata wanted to keep milking the dying WiiU.
The Switch exists thanks to Kirishima.

>Something it was about to be discarded because Iwata wanted to keep milking the dying WiiU.
prove it

>"Instead of moving on with the NX project, let's throw a bunch of money to Atlus so we can get our own Persona for our failing console"

That game was in development in 2013, dumb fuck.

No you don't. Nobody on Sup Forums gave a fuck about this man or even knew the significance of him up until the day he died.

Sup Forums needs to stop acting like they gave a fuck about Iwata outside the directs.

The dumb bastard was the one who turned it into #FE to get the Persona audience

Pretty much this. D tier acting to get views.

>The dumb bastard was the one who turned it into #FE to get the Persona audience
That's not true. It was Atlus who made that decision.
There's interviews from 2013/14 from the director saying the game would be set in modern day and would have stuff like a pegasus appearing in modern day tokyo. And guess what? That's exactly what the game was.
You're just grasping at straws because you hate Iwata for some reason.


It was always idolshit though going by the interviews. They just fucked up with the teaser name.

So do I, user ;_;

There will be even more videos like when Miyamoto dies

I'm so glad that even as a kid never liked Nintendo games outside the NES Mario games.
Being a brainwashed cultist and having your gaming world limited to three series must be a fate worse than death.

NES and SNES had third party games and people who owned them could at least play more than just Mario and Zelda.

Pic related make me wince just a little bit.

He's right

Is it bad that I was kind of happy when he died?

Ninja Gaiden, Megaman, some NES game named Dead Fox, Contra, Ninja Turtles, Tetris, JRPGs, those games were my shit. The only first party Nintendo games I played on NES and SNES were the Marios and the Donkey Kong Countries.
Probably that's why I jumped immediately to Playstation and PC


I don't think so. I'm mean did you really know or care about Iwata at all? Notice how many people act like they gave a damn about him. I certainly didn't care about Iwata in life, and I'm not gonna start acting like I care now that he's gone.

At least you're honest unlike the vast majority of Sup Forums

This, unironically. He got Nintendo lots of money but at a severe cost.

The Switch would not be doing as good as it is if he were still around.

>some NES game named Dead Fox
That would be Code Name: Viper. Dead Fox was the JP title.

>tfw learned about his death a month due to missionary work
> Who's iwata? Get over it user"

>I'm mean did you really know or care about Iwata at all?
No not really, for the most part I wanted him to be fired and thrown out of Nintendo, when he died I was like "oh well now that he's gone, Nintendo may get better".

I played it as Dead Fox because my country was nothing but bootleg Famicon cartridges. In fact the 8-in-one cartridge that had that game is the source of many of my most cherished childhood memories
>Mario 2
>Mario 3
>Dead Fox
>Ninja Gaiden 2
>Some Megaman-esque game starring a child vampire
... I can't remember the other two games.

The Wii was a fantastic idea, but they made a mistake by not jumping back into the hardcore and the casual market.
Instead of the WiiU they should have made a legit eight-gen console with the same specs as the PS4 and actual third party support. They would be in the same footing as Sony.

>outside the directs

That's the thing though: he had a strong presence in the Nintendo Directs. Everyone who followed Nintendo knew his face and voice, and he was very charming and endearing.


And you're right. They did get better. All it was needed for Nintendo to be great again was the death of their most brilliant coder and face of the company.

>Iwata dies aged 50-something
>Allied dies aged 26
>Constantly paranoid about having cancer at age 22
I fucking hate anxiety.

How are they better? They're literally just re-releasing Wii U games from 3 years ago on their new system.

It's... Getting better.

>I played it as Dead Fox because my country was nothing but bootleg Famicon cartridges.
You're Russian?
>Some Megaman-esque game starring a child vampire
Sounds like Kid Dracula on the Famicom.

But its literally the same games.
So if the Switch is considered good then the Wii U is equally as good because it has the same games.

Same, he always felt like such a warm person, completely unlike your typical CEO. The Iwata Asks were god-tier development interviews.

That said, Kimishima looks like a cold businessman, but that's fine too, he showed he knows his stuff by how he's handling the Switch and now that Iwata isn't around to host the Directs, a bunch of Nintendo devs have come into the spotlight themselves, which is pretty nice.

>most brilliant coder and face of the company
Irrelevant and useless for someone who's supposed to be a leader, not a programmer or a PR guy.

Nintendo enthusiast here.
I loved Iwata and his passion for the industry, he was a great leader and programer, and left a mark in vidya.
But let's be real, his decisions and politics where holding back Nintendo, leaving it unable to compete.
I myself am glad he's out of the way and a new golden age not just for Nintendo, but for vidya is on the horizon.

Kimishima is the one who greenlit ARMS so I don't see how anyone could think he's a good president.

Nope; Colombian. And yeah, that's the game.
I really liked that game's music.

I was hurt to see him die only because of the fact that he appeared to be an actual person instead of a corporate figurehead. Say what you will about his business practices, but at least he made things fun when he showed up. His last public appearance made me happy, but in retrospect, he was already far too gone.

What's funny is that Nintendo lost Iwata and is getting better and Microsoft got rid of Don Mattrick now Xbox is getting better.

I'm pretty sure that was an act.
Nintendo's PR tactics always focus on exploiting the public's emotions (see: their localization department not being named "Nintendo of America localization team", but "Treehouse").

From the way Kimishima replied to that sperg, you just know he sent him some yakuza friends to get him to "calm down" after the meeting.

It's called Treehouse because it was established to localize Donkey Kong Country, and DK lives in a treehouse.

Not even, dude. If he was acting, he did a damn good job of it.

>missing the man who single-handedly drove Nintendo into a hole so deep that they're only just starting to crawl out of
If you like him for the games he worked on then sure I can understand, but he was an awful president.

How does the word Treehouse "exploit the public's emotions"?

You now realize the whole reason they did the puppet thing at E3 was because seeing Iwata in such an emaciated late-state cancer state would have been too traumatizing to kids.

You don't need a fancy game to localize a game.
Unless you want to evoke something from your customers' childhood, something they loved, where they felt safe and where they spent time with friends creating happy memories. Like, you know, a tree house.

It's not hard to appear in front of a screen and say "PLEASE UNDERSTAND" in bad english.

I won't go that it far could went worse.

By that logic, no company ever should have a catchy name. Everything should be called "[Company name] [what does it do] [Company]"

You have to be a literal autist if the name Treehouse triggers you that much.

wii was the worst console of theirs by a long shot.

wii u was better. hell, n64 was better.

What are you trying to prove here?

I hate how he went out. It was after a bad E3, right? People were fussing about it and everything. I'm hoping he didn't hear any of that.

>this whole thread
so this is Sup Forumss true face uh

He did unfortunately. His last message to fans was an apology for the disappointing show and a promise that things would get better.

Literally the last public video of Iwata is him apologizing for E3 being bad

>you will never hear Iwata say "Nintendo Switch" in his funny accent

Here it is by the way: bgr.com/2015/06/17/e3-2015-nintendo-ceo-apology/

>We take opinions of this year’s Digital Event seriously and will work to better meet your expectations

That Nintendo is just a company trying to get your money. Not your friend or your lover.

That sucks. He was probably feeling horrible and to have to deal with the feeling of failing on top of that...

>Don't tell your provider / employee he's doing a bad job; it will hurt his feelings"

Are you motherfuckers for real?

He seemed like a pretty cool guy.

Directs were pretty a cool idea and he pretty much saved gen2 of pokemon.

He didn't say that, he said it sucks that he died immediately after that.


I fucking bawled

I havent cried since his death and the only thing that made me cry again was this vid.

He didnt deserve it Sup Forums

He was just the face of a corporation, he was not your friend, get over it you melodramatic faggot.


Don't worry OP, he reincarnated into a shiny blue deer in the new Zelda.

>I still miss him.

He was cute and liked video games.
