>Another month
>Another batch of good games
Can 2017 be stopped at this point? Will this year wind up being remembered as one of the greats, alongside the likes of 2007 and 1994?
>Another month
>Another batch of good games
Can 2017 be stopped at this point? Will this year wind up being remembered as one of the greats, alongside the likes of 2007 and 1994?
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How is NiOh anyway? It seemed to have lost steam so damn fast for a game that wasn't trolled constantly.
And WHERE exactly is The Surge? Or Little Nightmares? Fuck you user, bad taste in games
>snake pass
>fire emblem
nice bait image
There's no point to these lists if you include every notable game that came out in each month.
All these games are overrated and mechanically uninteresting
>2016 was absolute shit
>2017 is just game after game
Feels fucking great being an idort/not poorfag.
May is weak as shit
you can tell they really try to shoehorn switch craps in there with puyo and mediocre shit like snake pass
>Snake Pass
>a game from fucking 2014 that was also on the 3DS so you can't cry "SONYGGER"
>May, period
I still play it reguarly. It has a lot of content, anyone who says they beat it quick are memeing because theres a lot of shit to do. 9/10 game in my opinion desu, it has a very comfy feel
>not FE Heroes
Like it or not, its easily Sup Forums's favorite game of that month, its still getting constant threads where even Zelda is hardly talked about these days.
May usually has the fewest big releases, what with being just before E3 and all.
Isnt there co-op, how hard can you get carried?
Let's be real, OP.
Both of those are multiplat you tard
Horizon, RE7, Prey and Snake Pass should not be on that list
Yeah, but Nintentards always claim "INDIES ARE S-SUPPOSED TO BE P-PLAYED ON A HANDHELD!!!!1111!!!"
>Sup Forums still doesn't understand the concept of a personal list and still has every user on it thinking every posted list has to be an aggregate of the board's general opinion (which isn't even really a thing)
Just because they're tards doesn't mean you have to be too
Resident Evil is shit
Horizon is shit
Hollow Knight is indie shit
Snake Pass is indie shit
Persona 5 is good, the rest is literally who tier
Prey and Fire Emblem are shit
Fix that and now is a good list.
It was a terrible game though.
>make a thread with your own list
>people shit on it as expected
>get defensive
I don't care if people shit on it, I'm just baffled by how they don't seem capable of realising it's not meant to be for the board.
If you hate Snek you need to neck yourself.
He's not wrong
More like
>List garbage
>Get told you listed garbage
>"I-is just my opinion!"
The problem is that this "personal list" is literally the same one that keeps getting posted each month, even though nobody gives a shit about OP's opinions. GotM threads were much better back when you were limited to picking ONE game per month (despite the rampant fanboyism they'd create, but also BECAUSE of it), but now it's literally just one guy trying to please everyone by throwing a bunch of extra undeserving shit in for each month.
Fire emblem really?
Games are horrible.
You're completely misunderstanding the intent and purpose of the list, I'm just throwing my favourite three games of each month on it and posting it up to try and provoke a discussion to see what Sup Forums has liked or hated.
I might just need to change the title so people stop fucking bitching about their feefees getting hurt rather than talking about vidya
>Post shitty tier list that reeks autism
>"Just pretending! Merely wanted to discuss videogames teehe!"
Fuck you.
It does feel like the best year in gaming since 2007, thanks for the reminder OP. Now if I coulf fucking get over my addiction to MMO's, only game I played so far is Nioh and Zelda.
>getting this assblasted
Re-evaluate your life
What MMOs are you playing?
I'm not pretending shit, you're just a retard.
>MFW my GOTY is actual on the list this time.
Is prey good? It's gotta be the least marketed AAA game in years, if it wasn't for youtube I wouldn't even know about it.
>people still shilling Feminist: Action Game
But Horizon is acceptable?
Do you like Bioshock and Prop Hunt?
If yes you'd like Prey.
Never played TF2 prop hunt but it seems kinda fun. Bioshock is great despite me being in the minority that likes Bioshock 1 and Infinite more than 2.
You have really bad taste
Prey is very good. Great level design, solid systems-driven gameplay that lets you fuck about with your powers and equipment, and good atmosphere/music. Writing is sorta inconsistent though, varying from being pretty good to pretty boring pretty often. The port isn't a total mess like Dishonored 2, either.
And yeah Bethesda basically sent it out to die.
He's right about HZD though.
>Playing singleplayer games
Lmaoing@your lives
I don't want to play any of those.
Pretty hard. I usually only do it with a friend but ive seen players one shot bossed. I dont know how though its insane
Least the list ain't complete shit this time.
Replace one of those throw away weeb games in may with The Surge, and replace Snake Pass with Blaster Master Zero
Must suck to have such shit taste
Then you have shit taste.
>Takes Prey off
>Keeps Horizon still on there
Did anyone actually think Horizon was good??
>All that bad taste
>"Persona 5 is good"
Okay weeaboo.