Which game deserved its score more?
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Witcher deserves a 72 max.
I've never really cared for any zelda game. Witcher was a good rpg, so yeah... I think witcher deserves more.
who the fuck cares
fuck you
>The best game of this decade
>Manchild nostalgia weeb pandering trash
Gee, I wonder.
I could only stomach the crapper 3 for 40 hours and decided that's it's a pretty shitty game. When I say pretty, I mean aesthetically. But when I say shitty, I mean a giant clump of op crap.
Botw is fun, mindless and doesn't take itself serious. It doesn't feel like a chore to explore.
>FFXV is at 81
>Manchild nostalgia weeb pandering trash
What does that have to do with The Witcher at all?
There is no such thing as a 10/10 game
everygame has its flaws.
People who rate shit 10/10 shouldn't be counted.since they are clearly fanboying.
>crapper 3
How old are you, child?
>There is no such thing as a 10/10 game
You are dumb.
both of them are a good 2-3 points higher than they should be so neither
>The most immersive, well written and mature game ever made
>Some weeb shit
Old enough to not insult strangers when someone hurts my precious feelings over a stupid game.
It's crap, so go dry your tears.
Both amazing games, do you prefer a more serious or light hearted adventure?
Zelda captures a wider audience, probably why the higher scores.
>>The most immersive, well written and mature game ever made
>>Some weeb shit
Literally no way to know what game you are talking about.
Witcher 3 by default can not be immersive if half the fucking quests you go into batman detective mode to be led to the goal.
>Witcher 3 Angry Joe score: 10/10
>BoTW Angry Joe score: 9/10
Weebs eternally and ultimately BTFO
This is pretty much my feelings on the new Zelda.
Reminder to remove the 10 points given by the Nintendo children working at review sites
not an argument.
Damn, Witchercucks are in full damage control trying to keep "their" game relevant.
It's not a 98 but it deserves 90+ a hell of a lot more than Witcher 3 does.
Witcher wasn't even made by nihon. How is it weeb trash? Explain yourself.
>witcher 3 was too complicated for this user
go back to cawadoody faggot
This guy is a retard and you're also a retard for believing him
the witcher has a lower score because the low test man-children of today can't relate to Geralt's pussy slaying manliness, but they can relate to puckered boipussy trap Link
Of both series I've only played The Witcher 1, Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past.
Based on those experiences I can say, without a shred of doubt and without playing TW3 or BOTW, that BOTW is the better game (or more exactly, an actual game) and TW3 is fucking garbage.
>Shitter 3
Almost as funny as the drones who insist that Death March fixes the gameplay.
wait, I forgot what his real name was. cans someone please inform me?
Joe "Spic on a Stick" Vargas?
>Thinking Zelda:BotW is not flawed
I watching the video and the dude is right. Go back to buying Ameebois or w.e they are called and jerking off to Yoshi.
I can't read or really see at all but I know with out a doubt that you are the biggest faggot and I don't even understand what that word is.
the witcher 3. Not saying the witcher 3 has the best graphics ever for an open world game. FFxv alone is better but it looks much better than zelda.
Zelda easily
Equal points?
>open world meme full of missions that are all solved by using your Batman vision
>open world meme full of nothing
Then again, Witcher also beats Zelda at
>Source material
Easy win for Gerardo.
I knew the faggot posting this was a retarded Nintendo fan.
Probably yes
>responding to b8
>inb4 you assume that post was mine
>tfw Conan knew all along
I swear the segment is fucking gold.
>hating Amiibos
Go back to /vr/, nostalgiafag
Witcher is less generic than Horizon at least the score for both games is fair. BotW is the greatest game ever made
well gameplay on witcher sucked major elf balls
so i dont think it deserved a 92. no good story can save a terrible gameplay
neither, they both should get like 7/10, if breast of the wild cunt is practically a 10/10 game what about games that are actually like masterpieces, they're only 2% better than a pretty good game? bullshit.
Link can't even get pussy. 99% sure Link is a incel insert character to make the fat nerd who plays Nintendo to recreate their dead childhoods.
Never played The Witcher III.
BoTW was good, but certainly not a 98. Maybe anywhere between 90-93.
witcher 1 is the best one
This is a witcher fan notice the sad attempt to mispronounce a word to seem cool and the need to reference masturbation so mature.
I don't even care about TW3. Saying Crapper 3 is just the lamest most childish thing you could do.
I think Witcher.
It nailed what every open/trilogy AAA game was going for the last generation while not even having the normie audience until the final entry into the trilogy.
Every Zelda gets 10/10 reviews
>he's serious
you're adorable
They are designed different and are praised for their own reasons
Don't shit fling stupid comparisons
>witcher 1 is the best one
Oh. a nostalgia fag. The grass was greener the light was brighter blah blah blah. Read this
>plays video games as a hobby
>can't handle criticism
>calls others children
Zelda wasnt downgraded
Witcher 3.
Sure the main quest sucks but Heart of Stone is amazing and Blood and Wine is okay.
BoTW story sucks ding dong.
Combat-wise, W3 also manages to be deeper.
>i cant get pussy so i going to play as a white mutant with a 20 inch dick that can fuck anyone and never get anyone knocked up. so its aways casual sex
>he can also kill any monster and human because his fight style is the best fight style ever
The gameplay part could not be anymore important for the difference.
Witcher's open world is complete and total garbage. Half of it is complete filler with very little interesting side quests in themselves that aren't way better in the main areas like Novigrad.
Especially fucking Skeliege's dry as fuck area.
Meanwhile, I'd take low durability over the completely insignificant crafting in WItcher 3.
Just apply quen, a witcher armor set and get a superior bomb that affects most enemies.
Skill trees are garbage. At least Link's simple combat knows exact what ti's doing than pretending anything short of never equipping any rare gear on Death March is a complete non challenge.
yeah, same drawdistance as the bullshots and promotional videos, same silky smooth fps as well
I always knew the people who shitposted about the witcher were nintenbros
>Equal points?
really helps having god mode on..
Haven't played Zelda, probably never will because
Witcher is kinda mediocre. There's not much in terms of exploration or figuring shit out, most of everything is solved by pressing left trigger or following a waypoint. The only reason it won so many awards is because its only big competitor was Fallout 4 and that game was barely playable.
Witcher one is not even that old. what a fuck are you talking about?
Witcher 1 had better gameplay, better choises , better story, better lore, better crafting, better dificulty
graphics are shit but there are mods for that
also raising the fucking last boss so he uses whatever you teach him as a reason to fight you was genius
>left trigger
Y-you play it on consoles?
>The best RPG in the last decade and probably the best game as well with one of the best stories ever.
>weaboo anime nostalgia jerk for kids and manchildren.
I'm not sure I would say Witcher 1 has better gameplay.
Better story, atmosphere and music sure, but gameplay?
do not try to reason with cRPG fags, they think excel sheets are gameplay
Oh yeah better sidequests
>witcher 1
A sister killed the other, so you must find a way to free her soul
>witcher 3
there is a monster in that cave, kill him
>witcher 1
You got find the identity of the werewolf killing bandits on the city
you can kill him, cure him and depending of your actions the werewolf can come and save your ass in the main quest
>witcher 3
there is a monster in that cave, kill him. and i'll give you a card
Shit, I probably wouldn't like Witcher 3 either if I had to play it with a controller. I tried that for about ten minutes and it was fucking awful.
Witcher 1 was fucking terrible, i've never even been able to get past chapter 2 on it.
Listen here you fucking kike piece of shit, spread your jew shill magic bullshit again and i'll get a mod to ban you.
>skill trees are garbages
But they offer 3 unique classes and you can mix-match and create hybrid builds.
>best stories ever.
go read the books if you want stories faggot
we talking GAMES in here
That's a gross generalization of Witcher 3 quest since it also involves you know putting soul to rest and curing curse.
>Best stories
I still like Witcher 3 despite the problems but HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH no. No. Just no.
If you're remotely impressed by the romance and Ciri, you're closer to a weeaboo than you think.
Why even bother when you're fully aware that you can cherrypick just as hard in the other direction?
I play it on PC, the controller worked fine.
Does the game remove waypoints, the witcher sense and change the entire combat system when playing on keyboard?
>i've never even been able to get past chapter 2 on it.
casual filter working like magic.
>You got find the identity of the werewolf killing bandits on the city
>you can kill him, cure him and depending of your actions the werewolf can come and save your ass in the main quest
Witcher 3 had a similar side quest. I guess you chose commando :^)
>3 unique classes
That all break the fucking game by the fourth tier and don't play significantly different like say, DMC3 Swordmaster with twin swords to Royal Guard with Rebellion.
>Mix and Match
If you want to complete neither.
>Hybrid Build
See above.
Uh, yeah considering KB+M has different control scheme.
You can turn that off m8.
Stressed-out Sam
I'm about to start Witcher 3 but I'm afraid I'll be overwhelmed by things to do/see
I haven't played an open world game in 10 years
Both had glaring flaws
Better play the first two, if you haven't.
How? I looked for a while and couldn't find anything like that. Is there also a way to remove all of the undiscovered secrets from the map? It's not only insulting but it clutters the fuck out of it.
Link has being chasing the same old pussy for 30years bro. It's time to grow up and stop living for her.
>That all break the fucking game by the fourth tier
Sure it does, but that's an argument to be made for every RPG.
>and don't play significantly different like say, DMC3 Swordmaster with twin swords to Royal Guard with Rebellion.
Why the heck do you bring DMC to this? But a sign build or alchemy build do not play like a sword build.
>If you want to complete neither.
>See above.
That's the point? Do you want to master two paths or what?
I managed to go as far as that part when you're forced to help with a wedding (chapter 5, I guess). When I had to walk through a long, boring, lineal prairie and the main quest was something like "help with the logistics and do some errands" I realized I had enough of that game.
50 hours. I don't exactly regret them but I only had fun with less than half of those.
Option and the mod friendly hut.
>It nailed what every open/trilogy AAA game was going for the last generation
Except for borderline good gameplay
>Game can't have good stories.
It manages to have a deeper battle system than boTW, that's for sure.
What do you consider "good gameplay"? Some examples?
>inb4 (((Dark Souls)))
TW3 is a real score
BotW is a paid score
>his witch waifu literaly fucks guys all the time
Geralt is a cuck
>Sign build and alchemy build
Are you serious, you apply buffs and use signs anyway.
>Why the heck do you bring DMC to this?
A comparison? You know? In an argument?
>Do you want to master two paths or what?
So Geralt can't learn how to use signs and swing his sword fast at the same time but having 5 legendary swords he doesn't even use over the one that came with Cat is fine?
The witcher had no real fanbase before Witcher 3 trailers. People who like it voted it highly because it was good.
Nintendo has a large fanbase from decades ago that are more likely to rate nintendo titles favourably due to loyalism/nostalogia. Also Botw runs on average 20fps so what kind of score would it get if it was 60? 120/100?
>Witcher 3 has good charac-