Adventure Time gets a Zelda 2-like, a rougelike, and a adventure game

>Adventure Time gets a Zelda 2-like, a rougelike, and a adventure game
>Regular show gets a platformer
>all Steven Universe gets is a low rent cellphone game and a sequel to that same game on consoles

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Regular Show was the only good one.

Well it makes sense that a "low rent" anime knockoff gets a low rent JRPG knockoff game.

>Adventure Time gets a Zelda 2-like, a rougelike, and a adventure game
There was also a MOBA

Oh cool Connie is a party member. I like that little poo in loo

Steven Universe is absolute shit that was created by a kike as propaganda.

SU is garbage.

Ain't she like married to a black dude?

I don't see any problem here

Oh shit, is it still up? Any news? I remember having a blast despite it is only 3v3 and on unity. I heard too that the devs are asking for improvements of the game here.

No she (bisexual) is in an open relationship with him.

>Oh shit, is it still up? Any news? I remember having a blast despite it is only 3v3 and on unity. I heard too that the devs are asking for improvements of the game here.
Last I saw the servers are still up but they stopped updating the game over a year ago.

>people actually watch this shit

Stephen Universe is for fags.


There's also a rhythm game for Steven Universe on mobile

Are you referring to Treasure Fetch as a rougelike?
If so I fucking hate you.

I call it a snakelike, because that's what it fucking is. It's literally just objective-based Snake.

No. The one with the long title

>The original cal-arts faggy socjus cartoon is more reknowed than the 3rd-4th faggy numale calarts acrtoon

Worst show in the past 10 years.

Oh, okay. Something like "Explore the Dungeon Because I Don't Know," right?

Treasure Fetch is an alright game. It's your typical decent Android title. Could stand to control a little better.

>REEEEEEEEE muh sjws are ruining my media,make your own!
>NOOOOOO you cant make your own!

Not the worst, that would be We Bare Bears. But SU is overrated as fuck.

>We Bare Bears

I found this on wikipedia and what is this?

Who else is waiting for the SU fans to try and get anyone else to review the game badly to try and kill themselves?

>she (bisexual)
That's not how you use that meme user


Rebecca is a fan-turned content creator. She made a whole character based off invader zim fanfic, incorporating slice-of-life into a mostly dramatic show, and is trying to have dynamic characters but fucking up.
It makes sense that she wants some turn-based casual rpg. She wanted that scale because thats the kind of person she is. A fan


We Bare Bears is the best sleep aid I ever had.

Bisexual is a gender now


>Trash cartoon gets a trash game

The only reason I don't go to Sup Forums anymore other than obvious shill threads.

Gems can fuse to make a new gem and in the show it's subtext for sexual acts and romantic relationships

Pearl really wanted to fuck Steven's mom for like 5000+ years. She got friend-zoned and strung along the entire time, while Steven's mom had numerous human men in her lifetime.

She's pretty fucked in the head as a result, and manages be the perputual fuck-up on a team that includes children and characters that act like children.

Would still hit it though. She's pretty cute.

>casual RPG
Gosh, a rough paper mario android clone that's being fleshed into a proper full game

Hmm.. Wait a minute, so paper mario is casual?


>so paper mario is casual?

I mean it's a pretty casual, easy-to-grasp RPG when you compare to something like Xenoblade X.

Doesn't mean Paper Mario is bad, it's just build with a wider audience in mind.

>a rougelike
No it didn't you asshole.

I like Steven Universe.

Not my fault that when faggots make their own show it's shitty, borderline propaganda.

I don't watch the show but it revolves around defeating whatever enemy, helping someone or .. facing a bad situation (i can't be more vague than that), right ?
Then if they need to fuse to overcome that thing, what is the message ?
>fusing is like fucking
>problems are ... like problems
>fucking helps solve problems other than the lack of fucking

I didn't fuck a lot in my life so far but i know for sure i never could fuck my way out of an electric bill, a ticket, to get a better job or to resurrect my dog when it got run over by a car.

Yes it did

>Would still hit it though

A man of fine taste. All I can say for the game is they better not try to charge $50 for it.

Show it.

Fusing makes them one, they become some huge other gem that are very powerful

>lves around defeating whatever enemy, helping someone or .. facing a bad situation

No, they dropped the monster stuff and now focus on retarded relationship drama like this

Will the game have Lapiven?

This is supposed to be a goddamn kids show?
That is revolting. Western society was a mistake.

That's the point though. If casual is used as a derogatory term, then Paper Mario is bad.


Adventure Time was good originally and Regular Show was pretty good. Steven Universe has been shit since the beginning though


How could you even make a good Steven Universe game that isn't a fighting game?

Is it bad that both of these images turn me on?

Tbh that's kinda cool. The show revolves around this?

I always wished fusions in Dragon Ball we're played a bit more interestingly

>he said, posting anime


Yeah okay, it's like DBZ fusion principle but you also say fusing has a message of "kinda sorta relationship, maybe sex" .. how does that translate in a fucking combat ?
.. or is it just that they didn't think beyond that ?

Fuck off Soccer can tell me what to watch.

>relationship drama
Oh man, you know this is basically western anime, right?

It's a modern outlook on society and how some relationships are viewed. The point being is that it goes deeper than what you see. You're supposed to find emotional resolve in following the storyline, not watching a snippet of a short lived fight [argument]
sailor moon

>The show revolves around this?

I wish, fusions only show up for melodrama and then they drop the dancing part also.

Rebecca Sugar is user, i'm pretty sure SU was meant to be a satire and afyer all that money she just rolled with it

No, that's one of The Bad Ships and everyone knows The Bad Ships are actual pedophilia.

>Adventure Time came out when I was still in High School
>It's still going

Fusions get a new weapon

Lapis could've saved Greg's boat. What a cunt.

>having a console in 2017

Sup Forums - Comics & Cartoons

It's going to end next year. Only 23 episodes left.

>He hates the most canon part of the show
What's wrong with you?

Plenty. Some relationships don't get along. Some fusions are unstable, and they show that in combat. They have their power, but they have their internal struggles.

The show gets deep. And not "LOL TUMBLR MUH FEELINGS" deep. It covers a lot of modern issues and while it FEELS like it panders to snowflakes, it goes deeper into lore and relationships that build the shower even stronger than knowing your "DBZ crew".

DBZ had weak relationships with each other. Having Krillin die was supposed to be an impact, not a trope to beat a boss only to have him come back in the end and
>nothing fucking mattered

SU is just western anime. But it's pretty good. And this is coming from someone who loathes [most] anime

That brown thing looks so disgusting

That YouTube video is literally as sexual as they ever show fusion to be.

Most of the time it's shown to be much more intimate than sexual, which makes sense because it's literally the fusion of two souls and bodies. It's much more realistic than in dragonball in that sense

>fusion = sex
>early episodes is all about grandeur of dancing and whatnot
>now it's like a 30+ years into marriage kind of sex
>it's "really because we have to do this"
Such realism

Steven's 14, that's legal in a lot of places. Some even in the U.S. He's got the Murdercock gene, it'l happen sooner or later.

>And this is coming from someone who loathes [most] anime
And just like that your entire opinion is disregarded

The dancing was never meant to be more than a convinient way to bind souls together. Like the person above me said, it's an intimate process that requires a strong emotional bond with someone

Yeah but those AT and RS games sucked ass, so quit yer bitchin

Eh, it's mostly imposed once they dropped the ball that dancing is going to be a heavily emotional aspect as is. Whether it be fucking between friends, fucking because you care, or fucking because you feel like you have to.

It's easily the worst fusion

Steven Universe is a pretty cool show,

Oh, what? No, I like the good shit.
EVA, Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bepop

Sorry I don't like magical madoka or that lucky star bullshit. That's what I refer to. Good anime is less than 1% of current anime. That's loathing most anime as is.

>equating fusion to sex

It's supposed to feel similar to sex thanks to the strong bonds required and intimacy of it. It's not a direct metaphore.

what's the definitive adventure time game again?

Kill yourself degenerate

>Its stated in the show fusion requires an intemate dance between two gems that is perfectly in sync
>Ruby bumps into Sapphire when they first meet

>Toonami fag
You're only proving my point further

The ending to that manga was a letdown, just like all of his stories.

I do agree. I actually really enjoy the show, but that is the worst thing my eyes have ever seen.

>muh asexual pleasures

it's sex but guised as something else. It's a pretty fucking direct metaphore.

Are you both fucking retarded or something ?

So i guess if all you can do is repeat the retardation of the show that is literally mixing relationship/sex tension with combat, then it explains itself : it's a fucking retarded concept.

Do you like anything that hasn't been on Adult Swim, or do you just go along with the herd and watch whatever people agree is 'good'?

you could show a pixel from some pony art and he'll know

He thinks Steven Jewniverse is actually good. That should raise a ton of red flags

It's really not. People just think it is because it is so intimate.

Prove me wrong. How else could they have POSSIBLY given a realistic portrayal of fusion in a character driven show without showing the intimacy and trust

Well the fact that you actually have the time to reply with an anime-related shitpost image tells me you're underage

But let's step away from the ad hominem

Either way, what was your point? What are good ones to you? The fact that you offer no defense in your retort but merely confusion and disapproval shows your lack of intellectual capability. Here's your last (you) from me, have fun trying to troll the rest of the people who want to enjoy this thread

Pearl was probably only dumbing things down for Steven in that explanation. That happens a LOT in season 1. Especially if you are looking for it

It doesn't. It's the same thing as the fusion dance from DBZ. Stupid as hell in combat.

Plus it's not as retarded as you think you're imagining it in your head. You have to watch it for yourself.
No I actually just don't talk about my personal favorites and for the sake of conversation and commonality since we are on Sup Forums, I post some main ones. Guess I'm not obscure enough for ya. Subs over dubs, amirite?

This is you. Hows it feel to be nicknamed ponyfag even though you hate MLP? Must be some shame in that nickname.

Because fusion also combines their strength, knowlege, weapons, and special abilities.