Why is there no backwards compatibility? There's a lot of games on the ps3 I want to play but cant

Why is there no backwards compatibility? There's a lot of games on the ps3 I want to play but cant

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Because you can get a PS3+E3 flasher for like $100

Because then they wouldn't be able to sell you the game at full price, plus keeping costs down after the PS3.

Because the PS3's architecture is really unique. In order to make PS3 games work on PS4 they would have add a bunch of extra hardware into the 4's, which would make them more expensive.

Thankfully Sony learned their lesson and made the PS4 with more accessible architecture. If the PS5 has the same architecture than the 4, then expect PS4 games to work on it next time around.

this. Why let masses re-use their libraries, when you can just make'em re-buy it all?

on top of that: keeping unit costs as low as possible. Even at 559$, PS3 caused losses to Sony

Better shell out that $20 a month for PS Now

Because then you wouldn't have to use PlayStation now

because they already won, why waste money on extra features

because they don't care about the #players

I kept my ps3 so I don't care. It's nice having a bluray player/netflix box in both the bedroom and living room anyway.

Wouldn't even get rid of it id ps4 was backwards compatible.

>I kept my ps3 so I don't care. It's nice having a bluray player/netflix box in both the bedroom and living room anyway.

Not to mention it can also play CDs.. which I found out the hard way PS4s dont when I bought the new Gorillaz album on CD, tried to play it on my PS4 and it told me the disc couldn't be read..

The PS3 is seriously the ultimate entertainment media box.


The PS4 can't play cds? Fuck me, how?


Did you install the media player?

Nope, it can't.. I dont know the reasoning behind not implementing that feature. I realize not alot of people play music on CDs anymore, but some do. The only reason I can think of is having to pay some kind of royalty which is not worth it to Sony for the amount of people using CDs, but thats just my guess.

Never mind.

Fuck me, it really can't play CDs.

How the fuck is that even possible that they found a DVD drive that can't play CDs

Yeah I did. I'm up to date on firmware and everything. Still can't play CDs. A quick search on google tells me the PS4 indeed cannot play music CDs.

There is, but it's worse than the XBone's BC in almost every way.

I should add that there's nothing better than having consoles on all of your tvs OP. I would really suggest buying a ps3 if you have 80-100 bucks or so. Remember every single model is backwards compatible with ps1 even if you don't want to hunt down a decent working fat with ps2 capability.

Between my ps4, ps3, and 360 I'm also covered with ps1 and a box of OG xbox titles as well. It's great.

The only upside is you can play from your PC and xbone BC is console only....but yeah, it's shit.

while we're on the topic of stupid PS4 shit, could someone explain what the fuck it's doing during the "preparing to download" phase where it goes slow as hell?

It goes slow as hell even when it is downloading.

>How the fuck is that even possible that they found a DVD drive that can't play CDs

I'm wondering the same.. it all goes back to Sony somehow having to pay royalties to someone for the playback feature. It's the only reason that would make some kind of sense for this basic feature.

This is fucking rediculous - I'm installing Destiny and it has moved 2% in 10 minutes in "preparing to download"

From googling, allegedly it's doing a file hash on everything locally first to figure out the diff between the latest patch and what you have. But the speed is fucking bullshit.

"preparing to download" IS actually downloading, its just a shitty version of it where it adds a patch to existing content and it royally fucks you over if u want to pause and restart because then instead o resuming, it starts from the beginning.

but watch. after its done "preparing to download" it doesnt even take a minute to finish the rest of it.

just finished
>48 minutes remaining
16 gigs to go

>have 45Mbps down
>PS4 hooked in wired ethernet
>still only downloads at max 1MB/s
>50GB+ games

I'm really loving how the library is finally shaping up, but Sony fucked up extremely bad with its entire PSN infrastructure.

PSN speed has always been shitty and will always be shitty. Japs unironically still use fucking fax machines in day to day business there. While they aren't nearly as bad as Nintendo Sony is still a Jap company and will never be able to properly into network, at least nowhere near a level approaching M$. They legitimately think these speeds are excellent.

Get this
>connected via wifi
>16GB update file
>fuck it, I'll run an ethernet cable
>download goes dramatically SLOWER

I don't get this. According to PS4's network test, I get 7Mbps over WLAN and 80Mbps over wifi.

it can, its just been locked down by sony, there isnt anything stopping the ps4 running a ps3

> buy pyshical copies of games... Still have wait ages for entire game to install before I can olay

I was watching a baseball stream a couple days ago that some reddit faggot was streaming from his toaster to like 25-30 people and it legit was going over twice as fast as the usual psn download.

And that was with me on wifi.

Different hardware. PS3 was a clusterfuck and is hard to emulate

>cucks coming out of woodwork because they think microsoft will win E3 "again"

At least I can watch Rick Bayless make tacos while I wait for this shit to download

Just the architecture. But honestly that's irrelevant anyway because owning a fat PS2 BW compatible PS3 with a 500gb-1tb HDD is the patrician way to go irrespective oF whether the PS4 had BW compatibility or not.

>buy physical copy of game
>install 60gb onto harddrive
>install 40gb day one patch
>only 400gb left on harddrive
>3 min load times even when only died 10 seconds ago
wow I sure love the power of the PS4
>inb4 upgrade with a 200 dollar SSD
>meanwhile BotW loads on a fresh start in 20 seconds

>entire thread is people discussing the multiple sony consoles that they own
>hurr durr must be xboners false flagging
Take your juvenile console wars faggotry to another thread, we were having a good time in this one.


Just preorder the HD remakes of all your favorite games for the low low price of 59.99 friendo.

But then they couldn't sell you the game for full price again?

they wanted a $400 price point

Dunno why you posted this, not a single statement in the pic is true.

New gorillaz ablum, very bad

>Because the PS3's architecture is really unique. In order to make PS3 games work on PS4 they would have add a bunch of extra hardware into the 4's, which would make them more expensive.

except they did exactly this with the ps3 at launch and that's why it costed 600$ since it had a fucking ps2 inside for retrocompatibitily


ps3 was a piece of shit im so glad cell tech is dead.

that was made on pre-release info. shitposters don't care about staying up to date though.

>99+ hours left

>Even at 559$, PS3 caused losses to Sony
later ps3 models can emulate ps2 games from isos, just not from a physical disk. that's why you can buy ps2 games digitally.
they could let you download an emulated version of the game and use the disk as a check that you own it, which is what the xbone does with 360 games, but obviously that means you could use your own games instead of having to rebuy them for full price.

original PS3 had a literal PS2 inside of it

If the PS4 had the cell then PS3 BC could've been possible.

the later models can still emulate them.

I might be reading your post wrong so forgive me if I am but are you suggesting the PS4 could emulate ps3 titles? Because given the absolutely fucktarded architecture of the PS3 I can't see how that would be possible other than the way they're doing it now, with ports and streams.

Hell a PC can't even emulate that clusterfuck for shit.

I think only some games and it had some issues. Original had 100% compatibility

Not him, and while you're right, emulating a ps2 and emulating a ps3 are entirely different animals.

get fucked and fuck any moron that sat there defending that shit

>Not having your 1 tb ps4 pro and 500 GB slim ps3 both hooked up

not defending the xbone at all. there are tons of reasons why it's bad without having to resort to telling outdated and untrue info.
take a break from shitposting and look at how pathetic you're acting.

While this does have a bit of a basis in fact sometimes HD remasters are worth it given the sales PSN sometimes runs.
For instance I got TLoU remastered on sale for 9.99 on PS4 which included Left Behind which I hadn't played yet. I already had TLoU on PS3 and they were charging 9.99 for Left Behind.

So really I just bought Left Behind for the same price and got an upgraded copy of the game as a bonus.

I've been thinking about getting a scorpio when it comes out, assuming it's just an xbone that runs multiplats at PS4 level. I'm not too impressed with the backwards compatibility list though, there's no Dragon's Dogma support. Like how do you look over one of the few gems of 7th gen?

So they can resell you all those PS3 games as 'remasters' and shit.

Dragon's Dogma bombed with normies, it's way down the list on M$'s priorities.

And if Capcom's participation is needed for some reason then you can pretty much write it off as never going to happen.

I still think there's hope since they're apparently still adding onto their BC list. Just saying though no Dragon's Dogma BC support no Scorpio purchase from me.

The Nathan Drake Collection and Last of Us remastered were both pretty good values to be honest. The jump to 60 fps alone was great. There are far more egregious remaster exploitations than the Sony's IPS.

Looking at you Gearbox.

I don't know what platform you play it on but presumably you already have something. Do you need to sell whatever that is in order to afford the Scorpio? Because if not there's no real reason you can't roll the dice.

Last time I rolled dice I got a PS4. I want to know what I'm buying next time.

>have to switch between LAN and wifi every 15 minutes or so during downloads to get full speed
Sony is retarded

It's more amusing that Capcom went through the trouble of porting the game to PC but didn't put it on XBone/PS4.

This they would have needed to include PS3 hardware like the original PS3 fats which included some of the PS2 hardware.

Still does not entirely excuse them though because MS has backwards compatibility through custom emulators but I imagine emulating a PS3 would be way harder than a 360.

Makes you wonder where the fuck your money for online goes

There's like a 99% chance that the PS5 will have BC, right?

Yet it runs like shit like the Og PS3. Xbone has games running better on BC

PS3 had obscure architecture and PS4 isn't nearly powerful enough to emulate it. So they'd need to include PS3 hardware in PS4 in order for it to play PS3 games.
Problem is, we're 4 years into the PS4 gen now and they got the price down to $250 for slim with a 500GB hard drive, and for PS3 the lowest they could ever get it is with 12GB of flash at right around $200 and that's after it's been out for 11 years now.
So best case scenario they get the price of PS4 down to $600 at launch and don't lose too much money on each unit sold. Remember what happened last time they launched a backwards compatible console at that price?

Assuming they don't go full retard with special snowflake hardware like the PS3, yes,

don't have a ps4 yet, but still play ps3 fairly often.

But if I did wanna upgrade, should i get the pro or a slim?
> No 4K TV
> already have a zeldabox

I think people not being more vocal is a bad thing, we need to let them know we want BC. Because why wouldn't they just push psnow instead you know?

Because no-joke it would have fucked over the PS4 you fucking moron.

The PS4 beat the Xbone for 2 reasons: It won e3 because Sony gained love while Microsoft gained hate. More importantly, at launch the Xbone was $100 more expensive because it forced you to buy a Kinect.

My point is that adding Backwards compatibility would have raised the price of the system considerably, most likely by $100 or more because they would literally just need to put a PS3 into the system, just like how early PS3 has PS2 in them for backwards compatibility, which is why the PS3 was FIVE HUNDRED NINETY NINE US DOLLARS at launch.

With that much of a price raise the clear victory of the PS4 would be a murky victory or possibly even an outright failure if it ended up making the PS4 more expensive than the Xbone.

pro, at some point devs will start fucking over the slim. Also the HDD is nice.

> mfw a ps4 slim is $500 in ausbucks

Capcom hasn't let any games be BC for awhile now aside from the very first SFIV (yes, the first version nobody wanted since it's beyond outdated).

PS4 turned out pretty good for the price though. Meme's aside it's got a solid lineup of exclusives now, with more to come, and is still the best console multiplat machine. Personally I'm not sweating my $350.

Not to say this will have any bearing on the Scorpio but as of now PS4 is pretty far down my list of gaming mistakes. If Scorpio ends up being the new multiplat champ + 360 backwards compatibility that could be really appealing.

The drives most likely can read CDs but the PS4's operating system prevents them from being played, just like the Wii DVD homebrew

OG, Pro or Slim

Jesus your right. Why port something over to DirectX and then not to the DirectX consoles?

>the city of japs

>MGS4 port never

Scorpio won't be simply because MS is pushing play anywhere so hard. PC is always going to be the better option.

Let this be a lesson as to why you shouldn't try to run an economy with one commodity focused sector as your focus. Looking at you too Canada.

Oil and minerals don't stay expensive forever guys.

>mfw the australian and canadian dollar are only worth three times the turkish lira
Get your shit together f.am.

I still own my PS2 and its games, and I still own my PS3 and its games in addition to my PS4.

OG, but the second model where it has a matte finish all over. No shiney bits.
Yeah good point...didn't think of that desu.

M$ needs some solid console exclusives yesterday. God knows wtf they think they're doing.

they want to lock everyone into Win10/the windows store.

And then the assfucking will commence.

fucking please, just give it already.

It will never happen. They're delusional to think they have anywhere near the consumer trust to compete with Steam. All they're doing by abandoning exclusives is putting a knife into their console brand.

you underestimate the stupidity of the normie. Especially if they dangle the next Halo out there.

Yeah I agree with you that it won't take off. PS4 Pro already came out and while it didn't bomb, it didn't do particularly well either.
I don't see a lot of people jumping on a $400-$500 mid-gen console to play multiplats better when most casuals or budget conscious gamers that haven't bought a gen 8 console yet will opt for a regular bone or a PS4 in the $200 range instead.
Not to mention Microsoft has been shutting down their studios and canceling games like crazy the past couple years so there wouldn't be much first party stuff outside of Forza and Halo anyway. And if you did love Forza and Halo you'd already have an Xbone in the first place.

They've dangles the last two Halos and got comparative crickets.

I think even M$ realizes that there's no more milk in that cow.

The pro also played a lot of existing games with a worse frame rate than the original PS4.

You're fucking retarded they could digitally release the games

That doesn't solve anything, it isn't true backwards compatibility. BC is taking a game from last gen, putting it in the new machine, and having it just work. Being allowed to buy curated ROMS is different.

They did, on ps now and through remasters (ports)

If you think they can just release ps3 coded games to the ps4 and expect them to run you're too stupid to breath. The ps4 cannot emulate the ps3. Hell 99% of PCs can't emulate the ps3.