Vidya Cringe Thread

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>disapproving /an/ in the corner


>tfw we were naive and didn't know the truth about Schafer



Wasn't this done before by Katie whatever-her-name-is?


Anons screamed for months that he was scamming everyone. The majority of kickstarters have failed to deliver anything worthwhile, and Schafer was well known by that time to consistently go overbudget and end up with less product to show for it.

At least he put out a game. He's not star citizen


this is layered


I miss Katie.

But now she's married and a Rocket Scientist.

I don't see what's wrong with this.


>They don't even accept Japanese games

I really hope someone replied and just posted Katies ancient version of the same joke.


>all those women
jesus christ i remember when women were banned from Sup Forums, TITS OR GTFO and they get banned if they post tits anyway.


I'd just take those down and piss in the urinal if they aren't broken. We have non-gender specific restrooms at work that urinals, no one was gives a fuck lol



You're god damn right. This is like what would happen if those brain memes were actually made properly.

I'd just piss on the bags.



>not even a beginner artist and wants to tell me about what good design is

other than the 2 fat and the trap on middle it's ok

>Sup Forums


>no bulge

I am dissappoint

>all those arm-cutting scars


Urinals are overrated tbqh, I prefer the privacy of a stall
I have this irrational fear of entering the wrong bathroom, though. I'll read the sign, look at the symbol, and even count the letters, but until I see a urinal I'm on edge. So I'm not sure if I could deal with not having urinals unless the bathroom is unisex.



Look at this newfag pretending to be an oldfag

One of the best drawn Froot Loop boxes I've ever seen, can't even focus on the rest of the picture


I need to go there more often

>the fucking cat


>diet coke
>regular coke
>snorty coke

This is hilarious

>all that disgusting fucking acne



Really? Is the husband a doctor?

I really hope you just made this shit up.

>We're damaged!!

I imagine how it will feel to look at these years later, like visiting your old account for when you were a kid and cringing at the shit you used to say except its on your arm and it will never leave you


Did she swim too close to a motorboat?

I feel like that was the focal point. They went ham on that fruitloop box than lost all motivation and finished the rest in half an hour.

Man, life at the paper factory must be rough.

Who the fuck made these again?

I like that Sup Forums cosplay, is bretty gud.

please no bully


I'm intrigued

tell me more of this person's intent



>tfw it turned out every single publisher who ever gave him shit and was maligned by his fanbase over his entire career was absolutely, completely and totally right

kinda fun to see the fans themselves play the role of "frustrated publisher who can't get this pie-in-the-sky ideas-guy to settle down, make the game, on time and reasonably within budget"

I've heard "GSD" for Gender/Sexual Diversity, which I think is a bit more inclusive than "GSM" and pretty much catches everything.
Also transgenderism isn't sex, you can be transsexual but to use "transgender" in the sex section is muddying up a message that a lot of people already struggle to get across in a way agreeable to many people.

t. actual SJW


My three new favorite boards, god damn they are smoking AAAOOOOOOOGAH


I would marry this girl.


>all those shitty fucking casual games for the lowest common denominator
lurk moar normalfag

Less foliage on the lower PC version

Why even go through the effort of even printing the 'disc'? All you need is the bar around the rim no?

>Biologically, humans are one of two sexes--male and female--think of this as the motherboard
>Again biologically, a human brain is wired to be either male or female--think of this as the motherboards firmware or BIOS
>Occasionally, a person's brain may be cross-wired to be of the opposite sex--these are legitimate cases where gender re-assignment is necessary and they're usually born like this
>However, gender and sexuality are product of human socialization and society--think of this as the operating system
>In my opinion, these are occasions where the person simply 'thinks' they're the opposite sex--nurture over nature, if you will
>Generally speaking, you can argue that this is a psychological disorder than a physical one
>People have also argued that sexuality is simply what kind of sex you prefer in relation to your own gender
>Ie. Is a guy that likes taking it from a girl with a strap-on gay?

She'll always let you dualshock her

cringy af

>undertale has probably given a last minute dash of hope to hundreds, possibly thousands of people on the brink of suicide
Is Tabby Fax a true hero?

More like a fucking idiot, anyone who has a bunch of paper cuts on their arms just for showing how depressed they are just deserve to die, the wouldn't kill themselves anyway

We had this discussion fucking years ago, none of those women actually come here and that was an r/Sup Forums meetup for Sup Forums.

I don't have the screenshot because it's been fucking six years and my picture folder is 1.6tb lego bin.

She looks like a trashier, less hot Balalaika.

Did he steal an XKCD comic?

No, he stole an awkwardzombie comic.

I've seen this one before but this time the thumbnail made the bed look like a fucking pool of blood and it grossed me the fuck out.

the /fit /co and /a are so perfect

>All the orientations are defined by sexual and/or romantic attraction
>Except for heterosexuality, which is just sexual attraction

This show is ending soon, right?

god that
wojack is so fucking sexy

They got one thing right at least.

>ywn have a girl let you dualshock® 3 her


>finally get my big chance to score with an 8/10 BBW gamer girl
>things are getting hot and heavy
>she stops me just as I hit DualShock 2
>tells me her controller port is incompatible
>mfw she's an OG Xbox

>remember when /diy/ was the hot new board no one asked for

I want my time back

Females visit this place?


What are these comics about? Never understood the message they were trying to convey.