Walking the streets with friends/siblings/parents

>Walking the streets with friends/siblings/parents
>Imagine in my head we're in a JRPG and we all have different fighting styles and skills
>Have the FFVII overworld theme playing in my head
>Imagine any animals or people that walk past were random battles

Does anyone else do this?

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Isn't that the guy who got brain cancer from wearing microwaved diapers?

Leukemia, haven't heard about him since then but I bet he survived

Please tell me he died.

He's still going strong.


Yeah bro. FFXV only fueled the fire of my autistic tendencies, with its real world brands and such.

Used to do this when I was but a wee lad. I still do super fucking autistic stuff though. For instance, today I was working in a rad hood (can't move out unless I want to doff all my PPE, so I don't naturally just look around the room) and forgot there was someone working on the bench on the other side of the lab. Did some of my best impressions of smeagol just to pass the time when I heard rustling across the room and remembered someone else was in there. It was kinda quiet I guess, but there's no way they didn't hear me.

Spaghetti fucking everywhere. Yikes

I like to imagine what RPG classes my friends would be as well as their equipment of choice, party formations, etc.

>put in headphones
>imagine it's the soundtrack
Kinda hope I never grow out if this.


>not being in a car and imagining sonic running past everything

I know it's not that similar, but for some reason reminded me of when I was a kid and used to make my middle and index finger into a "man" that would run along things as we passed them in the car.

>not imaging sonic running beside your limo and jumping in through the top

And people believe God is real.

why remind me of this guy. I blocked this shit out

I did the same shit.

After I got a Sonic toy in a Happy Meal, I imagined Shadow the Edgehog grinding on power lines.

Didn't he vote for Trump


Shit like this is why I support liberals on Abortion.

The video with little kids around is worse. I don't think he should be allowed around kids, didn't he developed a cancer that attacks AIDS patients too?

Why has God forsaken us?

OMG i thought I was the only one XDD
