Has combo's that do more damage than some supers

>Has combo's that do more damage than some supers
>On arcade medium
What the fuck were they thinking?

Everyone in any nrs game have combos more damaging than supers, for whatever reason they always are balanced so supers end up being kinda shit

Holy fucking shit he's the final boss just get fucking good already. Anybody with half a brain can pull off combos that damaging in NRS's juggle fests. Just play the game for a couple of days before you start bitching about the difficulty. Better yet, lower the difficulty. There's two lower levels for a fucking reason you scrub.


Nigga I've wrecked his face with multiple characters, it's just his damage is super apprent with green lantern who i'm doing now.

>fighting game boss does stupid high damage

News at 11.

This is exactly what I'm fucking talking about
>Nail a decent combo, even out the health bars at about half left. Feel accomplished
It's lazy design.

Why are you playing a shitty fighting game?
Why are you buying a fucking comic book game?

>Why are you playing a shitty fighting game?
It's not shitty.
>Why are you buying a fucking comic book game?
Because I like superheroes.

>Because I like superheroes.
Are you a liberal and/or a child?

Supes did nothing wrong

A child obviously.

Where do you think we are? This isn't some elitist website that looks down on childish things like capeshit, it's a fucking anime image board.

holy shit, you're the one that's actually pathetic dude

You must be new to Midway/NRS bosses

a lot of combos do more than supers if you invest meter into them and that's not just in I2


Yea user real manly men watch anime and masterbate to anime boys!

Literally deserved everything that happened to him. Nigga questioned the great leader.

Nigga what about the bad end?

Mind control is nothing wrong?

>Supes ending is canon
>Means Aquaman goes back into other universes to assemble a team to go against Brainiac-Supes
>tfw Injustice 3

Sometimes people need to be controlled, it's better than letting a fucking serial killer like Harley run around loose because the Joker is dead

Why would a machinegod be anywhere near the level of meatbags to begin with ?

Hopefully Supes knocks some since into them as well.

>knocks some since into them

Bitch Harley proved her usefulness and loyalty during the scarecrow fight.

Wow its almost like fighting game bosses are designed to eat your quarters but since arcades are dead it's just tradition to make them artificially hard.

Sorry sense
Oh yea, cutting a vine and not being scared is so hard. Wonder Woman should've killed her when she had the chance.

>spot the neo-liberal
>free will is bad if people use it for bad!

>complaining about the FUCKING BOSS

Jesus Christ, just how casual are you OP?

Found the batfag
>so sure of myself that I am willing to let a murderous psychopath live and possibly escape
>lol metropolis is gone fug :DDD
>Couldn't save my best buddy supes LMAO
Batman is scum.

>free will is bad if people use it for bad!
That's exactly right, Batman whined when this bitch died. He would rather let millions die than kill someone like this. Zsasz killed over 120 women but that's A-Ok in Batmans eyes.

Batman is morally correct though, if you kill them you're no better, and you no longer stand for justice.

I'm pretty sure Batman whined because Damian turned into a murderous fag himself.

>He would rather let millions die than kill someone like this.

Exactly how the Regime did it when they jumped down the fucking hole.

Are you seriously trying to justify that edgelord Damian?

Speaking of Damian, why the fuck is Nightwing in the story with his staff and moveset and not in the fucking roster?

>so sure of myself that I am willing to let a murderous psychopath live and possibly escape

That's on Joker, not Batman.

>Batman is morally correct though, if you kill them you're no better, and you no longer stand for justice.
Fucking what?! You are saving millions of lives by killing those bastards, if Batman killed Joker Lois would still be alive and so would millions if not billions of people. Batman caused all of this.

Because the staff is an ability modifier for Damian I believe. It's not as in-depth as the first game's moveset though

That's just Damian with a different weapon.

It's kind of like this: Robin is the only character in the roster that gets different movesets depending on weapon, and so far you can choose a sword or a staff, and several armor sets that, with the appropriate color, makes you look like Nightwing.

In fact, the Nightwing costume he uses is just a recolor of one of his armors.

>people expecting any but from the mortal kombat devs

So it's ok for Superman to go full Man of Murder? He himself starts killing innocents in the first game because he doesn't get his way and wants to show everyone what happens when they defy him.

Damien did what was necessary, sure he seemed "edgy" but it was the right choice. The Regime was doing ok until Lex and Batman wanted to double cross everyone.

Those "Innocent" were in the way.

You forgeting that the regime executed petty thieves?

>it's the arcade boss
>fighting game tradition is to make them cheese you because of quarter-eating in distant arcade times
>actually complaining about one of the most dismissable facets of a game with tons of content

Come on, user. That fruit isn't even hanging, it's literally on the ground rotting and you decided to fucking eat it.

>tfw terrible at fighters
>set difficulty to easy in campaign.
>Win every fight until it's time to face off against this fucker.
>must've lost at least 20 times vs him

I understand he's the final boss but common shit shouldn't be so hard on easy.

piratefags BTFO

Petty thieves soon turn into notorious crooks.

Just like heroes finally putting their foot down turn into a murderous Regime?

When you have rapists and murders what else do you do? Hope they change?

Comic book morality is fucked.
Sure, the heroes might not want to kill the villains themselves because it's not JUSTICE and it would just be vigilantism.

But what's stopping the government or the law condemning the captured villains to a death sentence after they repeatedly break out of prison and start killing again?

And if the heroes are actually against death sentence after the villains went on a proper trial, then the heroes are retarded.

And why is it not the fault of the other hundred superheroes who ran into the Joker and didn't do anything about it?

How about the Justice System that's so fucking corrupt that let's criminals like Joker with a slap on the wrist? Or the judge who didn't slap joker with a death sentence?

Or Arkham itself, with it's blatantly shitty security and guards getting bribed up their asses?

How about the incompetent fucks who let Joker get his hands on a fucking nuke?

(((Comic book morals)))

The Joker is not responsible for his actions; Batman knows that. Joker is no better than a rabid dog.

How about not lumping innocents with those same rapists and murderers?

I am the law, defy me and you're no better than a rapist.

Batman had the most confrontations with Joker, he had multiple chances to hill him but he didn't, why would you put them in a place where they could and always escape? Fuck Batman for allowing psychopathic freaks live to cause chaos.

That's all Batman's fault, because he knows better than trusting in any of those institutions or superheroes.

At the end of the day, it's all on Batman.

And that's why the law got toppled by the Batgod, right?

lol. Enjoy the Phantom Zone.

Those innocent will turn into them sooner or later unless Superman résumés control.

if you don't choose anyone at the end the game picks supes

superbrainiac and batslave is the canon ending

No, it's Batman's fault. He is as bad as those rapists, he should kill them all instead.

I think Joker, legally speaking, avoided death sentences every time because he's mentally unstable. Instead, they'd repeatedly send him to Arkham where he'd inevitably escape and cause mayhem again.

Also, Joker is popular so of course they're not gunna kill him off unless it's for something major (such as the Injustice storyline).

Nope. It defaults to Batman.

And who do you think is the only one with the power over those institutions?


Batman is essentially the leader of the Justice League and the GCPD. Gotham is his jurisdiction, as is the Superheroes and if nobody kills the Joker, it's because Batman doesn't allow it, so it's all on him.

Do people still not understand Batman is just as crazy as his enemies? The dude is traumatized by murder that he cannot kill and hates seeing people killed.

The only thing keeping him from snapping is that he doesn't kill.

You should be happy Batman doesn't kill and believes in justice because if he did he would be terrifying.

>inb4 supes could eye laser him

Just go watch the movie were Bats has to save everyone from his plans that were stolen, imagine if he actually wanted to kill them.

Call it Batgod wankery all you want, it is how he is portrayed and written.

Also it isn't Batman's responsibility to kill them anyway, it is the Justice system's.

where are all the harley and black canary ass webms? seriously i haven't seen any

Pretty much this.

Batman has an iron-grip on the Justice system, and on allowing all those bribes to keep coming. He could fix them, but he has never lifted a finger to fix ACTUAL crime like white collar crime, because he is THAT incompetent. So yeah, it's all his fault.

Like, yeah, keep punching Joker Batman. Corruption doesn't exist.