Why don't more games have cute dogs as playable characters?

Why don't more games have cute dogs as playable characters?

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I liked A Walk in the Park
member that
member flash games

Will any game ever have a playable dog as fun as Repede is in Vesperia?
The answer is probably not.


Mother 3 has your dog as a party member. Honestly don't get why more games don't appeal to dog lovers this way, seems to be most families.



Your first party member in Chrono Cross was a lisp speaking retarded pink dog.

>catfags are in a dog video game thread at this very moment

Games for dog lovers only.

ive thought about this alot.

i mean if you look at an oldschool game collection you had every type of playable character imaginable, then like somewhere between 2005-2007 everyone became human.

Im guessing it was just selling better than anything else and alot of marketing teams just wanted to tell human stories.


Fallout 3/4/New
Dragon Age Origins

I played that too user.

fag detected


You really need to log off user


I had to snap myself out of watching this over and over again.

Golden retrievers are too good for this sinful earth

found a non-white

>I don't like cats
>Why not?
>Because they're a bunch of assholes
>That's the point hahaha!
Why are cat owners such cucks?

post more cute doggers

Theres that word again


>playable character
>not really that cute but that's a matter of opinion
checks out to me


Found the nigger. Dogs have been the best friends of white people for ages, only niggers and sandniggers hate dogs.

>Black people hate dogs

Are you mentally retarded?

that's a lot of big puppers

It would only encourage degenerate furry shit.


Pets are fucking stupid

>that one guy who dislikes dogs
>doggo sniffs his leg and he makes a comment later when doggo is gone
>"oh what's that sound?"
>stamping his foot while making whimpering sound

Doesn't help the dude is from a South American country

Did he died?

Were it that I had the money, I would find this chinese man and skin him and his limbless devil alive.

Nice edge

Dogs should be used as food.

Most black people I know hate dogs, and dogs hate them back, fucking niggers can't take care of themselves they will never be able to take care of a dog and form a bond with them.


I believe he said "niggers" not black people. This is significant because while all niggers are black people, not all black people are niggers.

Hey man don't get mad at the snake, it's just following instinct. That human faggot on the other hand should be ground into a paste

Not all black people are niggers, niggers don't give a shit about anyone so taking care of a dog is out of the question unless they use them for protection of other niggers.

>This stupid meme.

You're the reason why Chris Rock refuses to tell that joke anymore.

What the fuck are you talking about? You're literally pulling shit out of your ass.

Snakes must be eradicated.

And this man must be dropped in boiling oil

>Getting this triggered over animals eating each other.

Is like you have never seen actual niggers. There is a huge distinction. A nigger is mostly a fucking criminal that behaves and acts like one and basically is a parasite on society.

>I'm not racist! I'm only talking about the bad ones! Please don't take offense to this racial slur!

Dogs and Cats are products of man creating companions from the wild. Dogs, moreso, are man's best friend.

I am mad. I am so mad. I wish I could nuke a good portion of the east asian continent that feeds off dogs, an animal bred for companionship.

Are you seriously triggered by the use of the word nigger? In fucking Sup Forums? This isn't facebook, faggot.

The issue isn't you saying nigger. It's you saying it unironically and then trying to act like you're not racist by pulling that I'M ONLY TALKING ABOUT THE BAD ONES bullshit.


This is Sup Forums. Now leave.


found the muslim

I didn't say I am not racist, faggot. But you acting like this people don't exist and are rightfully called what they are, fucking niggers that behave in ways that only hurt their communities. And retards like you that defend them only works in their benefit.

Shut up, nigger.

And the user who posted that webm must be captured and raped to death

And the proprietor of the message board that he posted that image on must be human centipeded with a bunch of land whales

And the cdn providers that delivers this website's assets must be crushed in a trash compactor

And the utilities companies that supply the cdn providers must be anally infused with hot oil

And the government officials that sanctioned the construction of said utilities companies must be curb stomped by an elephant

And the tax payers that fund that government must all be tied to cinder blocks and drowned

Then and only then will Justice be served and future atrocities be prevented

only white people like dogs

>Redditors thinking they have the right to tell someone to leave.

>I didn't say I am not racist, faggot.

Then be a man and own it.


>could have had a nice doggo thread
>trigggered Sup Forumsfags, #blmfags, catfags and edgelords have to shit it up

I love dogs but their forced inclusion in vidya is really fucking annoying

Did doggo get stung by a bee? :(


But that's wrong though, blacks go from loving and hating dogs in equal measure.

that's just what Sup Forums is now

Reminder Boney is the greatest and most loyal dog in any game ever

>no okami
How has no one mentioned it 2 hrs in

>look who finally came out of his kennel!

Okami is a wolf, not a dog.