With friends

With friends.

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Fuck off one make more Hellbenders.

friendly reminder!

Stop making these fucking threads.

>tfw my favorite channel isn't on there
feels gud mang



How am I supposed to reverse image search on youtube?

Just tell me what the name is of that one and only youtuber that Sup Forums has approved.

It's AI Chan and the only reason a bunch of faggots love it is because >tfw no gf

Though it's funny sometimes, so I guess worth a watch now and then

I want them to play Tarzan on the ps1/n64 or Simpsons Wrestling

so you're saying OneyPlays is NOT a faggot gaming channel since it's not on the list?

(you're a retard by the way, KYS)

>It's just japanese waifu the channel
I now find that image hilarious.

Fuckin' weebs.

Is oneyplays the redlettermedia of Sup Forums?

hAVE A bohii

I've been watching DingDong streams lately, and there's way too many moments where he just stops playing the game for a good 30 minutes to rant about something.


when will he learn?

dingdong takes shitpost criticism too seriously
I think he has the autisma

He's unironically sexually attracted to Shogungekomon. There's absolutely something wrong with his brain.

He also has really weird cartoon opinions. There have been a few times where he rants about how cartoons shouldn't kill characters off.

I am so sick and tired of Ding Dong's holier-than-thou attitude apparent every time he talks.
Relax Ding Dong, I'm just pushing your buttons

Would you feed Chris O'Spiel your puhnskenti, Sup Forums?


Think most people on Sup Forums have some fetish that's close to that level of degeneracy anyways.

So let's say you had a three-inch Hitler who did nothing wrong, but was also merely a clone. Would it be morally right to step on him? Keep in mind, this Hitler did nothing wrong.

Just a reminder this is ding dongs fa

Look at this fucking nnnnnnnn....

>baby Christ
>no change
Really fucks you in the brain-ass.

>that best gamer known as cousin skeeter is a furry

wat do I even do

>Ding Dong thinks he's an authority on game design because he worked for a studio

Yeah, no. Programming is grunt work. Being a designer is entirely different.

(X) Doubt

He's a musician? Does he have any output?

Hey Zach, I'm sorry that Chris left you for Ding Dong but you really need to let it go man, you have Ethan now.

I would fuck Oney with lipstick.

I would also fuck him without it.

Show the balding pics

Extra Creditz purported to be an authority when they had one tenuous link to a maybe-mobile game, Errant Signal pulled the same shtick when he made one shitty mod nobody cared about.

hehehe funny memes xd have a meme xd

>Recently re-watch old TBG Videos
I miss them bros, why'd it end

Wow, he actually put his name out there like that. I'm surprised he didn't remove it or change his name on there.

So what the fuck is the correlation between Oney plays and The Best Gamers?


Because Karnivore was a faggot

people get busy in life

DingDong was their editing guy, Julian was one of the contributors

What did he mean by this?


DarkGamer and someone else burned bridges with everybody else

Karnivore, Skeeter, RockCock, and Chrissy are all still cool with each other

Ding Dong was CousinSkeeter, the editor for TBG's videos and there for the livestreams which he would normally host. Julian and Chris even popped into TBG streams towards the end.

Ding dong was the guy who started it, and editor. Julian would be on their streams sometimes

Brote's undercover as an unapproved channel

Any proof that this is ding dong??

Who are the girls on the right
Please be let's players with cute voices

But who came up with the Peter Parker saga?

Are Ding Dong and Julian unironically romantically entwined?
How does Julian go on knowing that his lover doesn't want to admit he's gay and in love, but rather tries to hide it?

>that Spyro LP
>kinda want to replay it now
I forgot how janky the Z-buffering on the PS1 was.

He mentioned he had an FA account. I missed parts where he might have mentioned his name though.
He has stated that he loves the theme of musical instrument animals.
His first name is Tim.

Will Ding Dong and TheBestGamers make a reunion for E3 this year?

But Kvore just streamed with them not too long ago. Also sucks they threw out the opportunity for a show on AS because DG wanted it to be Second Life videos

This channel isn't as much of a lets play channel than a "group of friends talk over a videogame" channel
I like it for that

That was Rockcock64, unrelated to DingDong or Julian.

They still talk to one another. Rockcock wasn't the one they had a falling out with. It's just rockcock has a normie job and kind of quit making videos because of it until recently.


I never really thought about it... but it is kind of odd that two men in at least their late 20's would be roommates


Fun fact: Dingdong makes these thumbnails.

No, it's Julian you dummy. Though the Crash thumbnail was done by Chris.


>Are Ding Dong and Julian unironically romantically entwined?
No it's ironic.

They suck each other's dicks and go "haha funny scream".

>people keep saying ding dong told everyone he was gay on his stream yesterday
>nobody has a link to that part to confirm it

They use the old man voice.

Crash and Resident Evil 4 were done by Chris, probably Tomb Raider too.
But yeah, Julian does most.

Dingdong said he made them, though. He said so in the Banjo LP.

Brown people

I adore that they are willing to call Mike out on being unfunny. Jon and Arin used to do it all the time, but stopped when Arin became an asskisser.

You're mixing up their voices.

I don't even understand why people like that AI youtuber. I found it really embarrassing and annoying.

Just watch the VoD.

Both of his brothers have facebooks, can't find any pictures with Ding Dong in it.


Heh, you think whenever Julian cums he defaults to a terrible N. Gin impression?


Who gives a shit, Jesus fuck.

Robbie Rotten over here, tries to stop doxxing but can't, eternally doxxed and loving it.


>DingDong is gay
I suddenly like the show a little less

was it kino?

Everyone says his name is a bunch of different shit

Why's that? Gays too icky for you?

>try to distance RL identity from online persona
>retard bro points you out with "YEAH THAT'S MY BROTHER!"
biggest fear

Is he?

Not his fault your dad is so fuckable.

Ding dong is playing up the "nobody likes me don't be negative" thing way too much. He should've just dismissed it but now its obvious how much it bothers him


I bet he has cooties too, what a fag

I need to know whos the pitcher and catcher.

Yeah especially since he mentions it in almost every episode of the banjo kazooie playthrough (or maybe its a different one). Really sucks the fun out of the episode.

it's unclear. He was claiming to be a gay furry who is specifically attracted to reptile characters and fat men from cartoons on his personal stream, but it's possible he's making things up because he knows retards will believe anything he says.

>Try out Oney because, like Julian, I am also a gay furfag
>Its like 4 people all talking over each other about random crap

Is there a good starting point?
Like if I was recommending someone TBF I'd link youtube.com/watch?v=KTuSjpWwBxc

Crash 2 playthrough, all you need or want.

That sounds like something he'd joke about just to screw with people but even I get confused sometimes. I'm still confused on what exactly Julian is. Apparently he's a gay, fat mexican furfag that has a glass eye but I can never find something to confirm that last one.

how the fuck do i know which voice is which? summarize these niggas for me

Julian is gay but I think he leans a bit towards asexual. He said that Dwayne Johnson is one of the only humans he finds attractive and most of the time when he talks about fucking things it's cartoon animals.

I also don't find it too strange they live together. They have a patron together and make video games. Having a roommate in California is borderline required it's so funny king expensive there.

Ryan and Matt on the other hand are totally gay.

I really hope Dingdong isn't a gay furfag, I wanted him to be the normal one. Chris is mentally handicapped and Julian is clearly an autismo.

Is this the OneyBros general? I wanted to post one but I didn't know how, thank you!

Hello oneybros, what do you think about dingdong being gay? I think the writing's on the wall