Filename Thread?
Filename Thread?
Why did he change colors?
Hey, someone saved my filename!
Kuuga changes color based on what power he's using (green being ranged attack and heightened senses). He reverts back to white, his weakest state, when he gets his shit kicked in, and once that happens, he can't use any of his powers for a while.
this one's pretty good, user
fucking kek
and the tribute filename by based 2ch anons
New to filename threads, are we?
Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it eventually
I am sorry but I don't know what you mean
>not getting basic references
It is you who are the newfag
I miss this kinda rider tone, now we have fucking colors and cringy CGI everywhere.
webm should've been 4 seconds long.
oh what the fuck man
fucking idiot
>Act as if you're about to draw a gun
>police officer is aiming at you with his real gun
>act as if you're drawing a gun
>get shot
>people complain
what the fuck do they expect
i mean i'm not even an amerifat and i know that police brutality is a thing over there but come on
This animation is so unsettling. His motions disgust me
Please fuck off back to >>>/krg/
Don't post shit in a filename thread if you don't have an at least Sup Forums related, and at best clever filename to share.
It's puppetry.
I posted in hopes of a better filename
>Reaches back of the waist like pulling a gun
>Had an actual fucking gun pointed at him the whole time
>There wasn't even any gambling decisions like "does he have a weapon or not" when it very clearly looks like he's reaching for one
>Niggers and Nu-Males blaming the cop either way
This is a big reason why I find Black Lives Matter to be completely retarded. Literally every stink brought up by them involve young niggers doing illegal shit and getting shot by white cops.
Doesn't help that actual police brutality and corruption cases gets buried under stockpiles of "DINDU NUFFIN" shit.
>actual police brutality and corruption cases gets buried under stockpiles of "DINDU NUFFIN" shit.
fucking this
someone post that "we at aperture fire the whole bullet" one
>kyle gets a negroplasty
>heightened senses
>still get hit
It's not because you can hear a spear coming that you can dodge it. His heightened hearing and vision are mostly for hitting far away targets with his gun. IIRC blue was the color to go for heightened jumps and agility, which came with a staff instead of a gun. Red was the jack of all trades with stronger punches and nuclear kicks but no weapons, and purple was better defense and a badass claymore.
He is a great magician
tossing the joint in the wheelchair guys lap gets me everytime
>Imagine a survival game where when one player dies his gear explodes off his body and is sent to all parts of the map, giving anyone in the area a lucky break or a land mine to walk on.
Is that his fucking bone? Holy shit.
>not Dragon's Dogma Final Boss
This is legitimately disturbing. Just looking at it makes me itch.
just a dislocation, nothing to worry bout
>he takes a puff
I would do the same 2bh
Look again at his elbow--he probably did some serious damage to it.
I'm all for weight training, but I'm also fully aware of the limitations of the human-fucking-body. Weight lifting as a sport is right up there with crossfit-fags.
thats what dislocations look like, when the bone slips out of the joint
needs a name
Uh... I need a source for studies about this subject ASAP.
Buyers remorse
Division hype
>final episode where milcream fucking rapes the shit out of loli sucubus fucking no where in site
holy shit mimia cute what the fuk are you doing?
>Kamen rider car version
Yes please
who thought this was a good name?
You know the rules.
i know you're long gone, but that guys a dick. wheelchair guy probably cant feel it, but its not like getting burned, especially through his clothes isnt a bad thing
>A fucking leaf posts on Sup Forums
Thats why you don't skip leg day
that movie was shit
what? those legs and ass look fucking great
No shit, stupid idiot, that was the entire point. I know you're new here but try to keep up with the program, otherwise fuck off back to Sup Forums.
Anyone have that tsuki ga kirei webm from a couple threads back? That one was pretty good