Really, why can't we all just get along?
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I want them to sit on my face.
I don't know who the fuck they are, or what game this is, but I want them all to sit on my face and let out a scalding hot fart.
don't be weird, user
play video games with?
No. Eat shit.
what did mean by this?
You can choose ONE ARMS girl to put into Smash alongside Springaling.
Who do you choose?
Min Min. Ribbon Girl is generic. Mechanica's gimmick overlaps too much with Bowser Jr. Twintelle honestly doesn't feel like mascot material.
you want to eat shit with her?
You do you, bro
I want to bury my face between Mechanica's thighs while she's piloting her suit in a fight, trying to concentrate in the battle as I eat her out through her suit
This minus the fart
Why do Mechanica's hips move on their own?
Screw adding a girl,lets put in these guys
gyration helps balance
Min Min or death.
Also it helps the dildo
I love how all Mechanica art is loli bait by default because of her skintight suit
>Mechanica is very cute
>Min Min is canon wife material
>Twintelle has an ass of a goddess
How does Nintendo do it? Goddamn.
w-what about RIBBON GIRL?
Yes. funny how nintendo would do that.
Getting along is for the weak.
She's boring.
>another game bringing even more autistic waifufagging to Sup Forums
You people need a containment board.
Would it just be too mentally devastating for people if Smash ended up getting like, MinMin/Helix/Twintelle/ByteBarq over Spring Man?
Theyre so much more likable and have stronger concepts, and i even like Spring Man
Spring Man is the mascot
>not an overly sexual slut
Truly best girl
is helix still /our guy/?
He's still pretty much the weirdest character.
I hope he never stops being our guy. KidCobra might bring some competition due to his daily dosage though.
>Comparing mechanica with
>When this godess exist
what about them boys
>Asura ARMS character
Still shilling the game I see
I felt bad for him. SnekBoy deserves some love.
This is just sad
i feel for snake bro
Who has it worse? Snakey Jake or Gibbon Girl?
>He hasn't seen the updated version
>Really, why can't we all just get along?
Said Ribbon Girl fans to the vast majority of people who liked one of three other option better.
Seriously, people who like Ribbon Girl are the same kind of people who think Vanilla is best ice cream flavor, and cheese is best pizza topping.
Long arms of the law are best characters
Why does this irritate me? Is it the fact that the majority of the appreciation for Twintelle is just because she appeals to base desires rather than have a creative design that works well? Yeah, that's probably why. "Coitus Peddles" reality really clogs my noggin.
>rather than have a creative design that works well?
It's sad you think other ARMS characters have these qualities. Perhaps it's irritating because you have autism.
>It's sad you think other ARMS characters have these qualities.
But they do.
>Perhaps it's irritating because you have autism.
Amazing argument you got there. Really baffled me. Perhaps you'll tell me to go back to a specific site I never go to ever?
>But they do.
Amazing argument you got there. I guess you can stay annoyed for idiotic reasons that you can't even back up. That's cool, autismo.
"no" isn't any better an argument than "yes"
THICC memes win again
Why did they change DNA Man's name to Helix?
allegedly because "helix" sounds more like an actual name than a simple title
probably because NOA thought it was too similar to Springman's name
Where my Lawbros at
prepare to get fisted by the long arm of the law
fucking trash character just like mechanica
I will end you
What the hell does their combination attack do?
>each character speaks a different language
>Springman: English
>Twintelle: French
>Ninjara: English
>Min Min: (presumably) Chinese
I can't tell what Kid Cobra is speaking
They don't know user, they don't know.
Ninjara is speaking Japanese, my bad.
Byte sounds like he's speaking english, too.
>this is an 18-year old girl according to NoA
Isn't she 15?
NoA has never called her 18
then apparently Sup Forums lied to me
why am i even surprised by this
>comeback king of spring
Which girl gets the first doujin?
Place your bets
It hurts
Ribbon girl already has one you normie.
it says 15 for age
It's literally one guy memeing
Arabic? Also why does he sound like an old ass man
>Twintelle has only been revealed for a day and already has more fanart than all the other characters combined
I'm actually impressed. I guess she just clicked with people.
Prove it
I don't mind Snake nerd, i just think he has the least flashy of gimmicks of the new dudes.
Byte has a dog and Twintelle has an ass.
How can Cobra's Dash even compete