>default weapon is the most OP
Default weapon is the most OP
>People ever played Dead Space with anything but the laser cutter
name an unspecified amount of games that do this
Dead Space
>default weapon becomes useless after you use literally anything else
>to make the best weapon in the game you need the starter weapon as an ingredient
>you sold the starter weapon for inventory space
>no way to get starter weapon back
>default weapon is most OP
>completely removes the fun of finding new shit to use
>weapon has hidden stats
>Best moveset in the game is unarmed.
>Game is focused around guns and knives
What the fuck, RE6, Bless you for giving Karate, but what the fuck?
>Default weapon for healer girl is worthless as a weapon but sells for a high amount.
>Turns out if you use the weapon upgrade system that isn't introduced until halfway through the game it becomes the single best weapon.
>No way to get another copy of it if you sold it at the start of the game.