Multiplayer Anxiety

how do other people on Sup Forums handle their anxiety about playing multiplayer games?

no one else has this problem?

Anxiety over what? It's a video game.

fuck me good luck in real life then

Get over your social anxiety

For me I got a job in retail and it forced me to interact with people. So I have no problem with online stuff. Its easy when you stop caring about people

I have trouble joining team based games because I'm afraid that I will be a detriment to the team

I don't really exist in real life, I'm a NEET

If your team is full of stuck up cunts who have a problem with you being a newb then they can go fuck themselves. Find a better team.

Who fucking cares. Delete this thread and go have fun.

First, picture a really angry guy throwing a tantrum at his TV screen. You've probably seem this happen before, maybe in a video. Now, every time you lose, imagine that someone in your team is doing this and do your best 80's sitcom shrug + innocent smile combo. And there you go. Suddenly, losing is just as fun as winning.

>playing multiplayer games.