What's the white chocolate of videogames?

What's the white chocolate of videogames?

Does anybody actually like white chocolate?

basically everyone save a few broken persons

>eating any kind of chocolate
>not Doritos

Anything made by Telltale

It isn't a game, fuck off.

visual novels

The worst kind of people.

Love it.

How is it not real chocolate?
It's made from cocoa butter which comes from the same bean.

White chocolate isn't real chocolate.

>has mechanics
>has fail states
>not a game

Its ok not to like things user but dont be so stupid about it

I dislike all chocolate.

White chocolate chip cookies are the best because there is a 0% chance you are getting fucked by raisins.

On its own, no. With cookie pieces or strawberry filling, definitely.

Yeah, I know.

The cocoa is exchanged with gross-tasting chemicals
No idea why anyone likes it

fuck off, retard

And then there's this asshole

White Chocolate is actually derived from cocoa beans so it might as well be chocolate.

Every once in a while.

Dark chocolate > milk chocolate >>>>>>>> white """"chocolate""""

I guess you might be fond of white chocolate, because it isn't real chocolate.

i do

Its not better than actual chocolate but its good.

dark chocolate is crap, too bitter
milk chocolate is best, that's why it's used in everything


Milk chocolate is a faggot compromise that only fat burgers wolf down because they can't handle a slight bit of bitterness. You might as well just eat white chocolate if you enjoy the taste of overwhelming amounts of sugar.

>acting like americans invented milk chocolate

Dark chocolate isn't REAL chocolate

Mobile games.

It's neat but after two bites worth you might as well be eating a stick of butter

Super Mario Bros. 2
>Did you know it's not actually a Mario game? It's actually a reskin of a game called Donkey Donkey Picnic!

r u ok friend

oatmeal raisin did literally nothing wrong

no form of chocolate is good

imagine that this post is accompanied by the image of smelly skeletonmen insisting on only drinking water

The FDA officially decided it needs "cocoa solids". Butter doesn't count.

But the FDA sets size limits on swiss cheese holes.

I don't really prefer dark chocolate, or at least cheap ones. I don't know if I'm just getting some shitty brands or something but I noticed that cheap dark chocolates are merely bitter without being 'rich' at all. I hate them but fucking love dark chocos from premium brands, the kind that come in those boxes with a fucking manual for all the different kinds of chocolates in there.

Skyrim, it gets hailed as a great RPG even though it's an Action-Adventure with RPG elements.

Smash bros.

>But the FDA sets size limits on swiss cheese holes.
Well that's just sensible. Otherwise swiss cheese makers would be competing to make the biggest holes to charge more for less cheese.

Walking Sims
Visual Novels
Anything that doesn't have any gameplay other than Yes/No questions and walking forward

FE Heroes

The sensible thing to do would be letting the market decide the ideal swiss cheese hole size.

That wouldn't work, since places like walmart put a "price per ounce" on all their price tags.

Of recent, The Surge.

I may be wrong, so correct me if I am, but isn't most "chocolate" candy not made from actual cacao beans anymore? I don't actually like white chocolate but I at this point there's no reason to differentiate.

PS: this isn't Vidya related

>managing to eat something with sodium and sugar
It's just genetics though right user?

white chocolate and dark chocolate are best chocolate

Perhaps the market has decided that they are okay with the government putting this restriction in place. Society is a bit more complicated than pure economics.

Where do they serve Doritos flavored ice cream?

>Managing to eat
you disgust me

Call of duty games.

Like white chocolate it has what is legally required to be labeled as chocolate (a video game), but has so many gimmicks and added ingredients that are just for the sake of profit

It would have to be labeled as "flavored". Example would be: "Prey is System Shock flavored vidya".

Do people actually read that shit though? It's just so "official" looking, I can't imagine any pleb actually looking at it

probly Chocolate Caste

In Wisconsin.

I don't have any candy bars on me... Does most candy have the "flavored" label? (Like Snickers, milky way, crunch, and Mars bars for euros)

Only if it's by a decent company, and not often. Darrell Lea or above.

Any walking simulator, where there's basically no failstate. Inside, Little Nightmares, of recent.

>burgers eat vomit-flavored chocolate and think they have the authority to decide what is and what isn't real chocolate

Yes. Yes I do. It's yummy yummy for my tummie wummie, and the I make my cummies and go sleepy weepy.

Nope, because all of those are made with real chocolate. Usually a confection would have to be of really dubious quality to have chocolate flavored coating, instead of real chocolate. I think hostess and little debbie are examples of that.

Who is this redhaired qt?

>everyone I don't like is American

Dark chocolate is a meme, women won't shut up about it because it's "healthier". I still like it but the initial novelty of it being slightly bitter gets old pretty quickly and it's not better than milk chocolate.

How old are you?

Which chocolate *is* butter


it has cocoa butter but not cocoa powder
chocolate has 5 ingredients: milk, butter, sugar, cocoa butter, and cocoa powder
white chocolate is missing the cocoa powder, which greatly changes how it tastes and how it affects the brain (because it has little to no caffeine or theobromine)

nope, the only things you can find that say that (at least in the US) are suckers and Tootsie Rolls

Shut the fuck up

You should have invented chocolate Europe.

dark chocolate varies a lot in quality
really good dark chocolate beats out milk chocolate 4 times out of 5
bad dark chocolate (because it's too bitter or too dry or has something else wrong with it) is almost as bad as calling raisins a snack food

raisins are great what the fuck is wrong with you

what, the price per unit information? only suckers ignore that, but there are a lot of suckers

raisins suck
compared to chocolate, raisins are basically pure evil, as attested by the fact people hand them out on Halloween

white chocolate tastes like fucking shit though

Did you know Mario 2 is actually doki doki panic?

There are people who dont like white chocolate?

White chocolate covered pretzels make me wet

I like white chocolate too.
We could share some later.
If you want.

>is that a pirated game?
>mm yis I love it

>pirating is illegal
>I know


>ok but pirating is il-
>I know


>its another Sup Forums tries food analogies epsiode

piracy is theft, plain and simple

Are you okay? You accidentally typed the opposite of what you actually meant, and I'm concerned for your mental health.

Where do you live?

Don't go he's going to dress up as a girl, fool you and put white chocolate on his penis

>did you just buy a game?

>you could have got it for free had you pirated it
>i know


>ok but you could have-
>I know


Wherever you are :)

Sounds good to me

That's kinda hot.

I know


stop using video game analogies while talking about food


These desu. Any other kind of "game" which is really just a visual novel with a couple extra choice options. Some RPGs end up like that too.

>implying that oatmeal raisin isn't superior in both health and flavor

It hurts my tum tum

What is there are no failstates, but there are scores? Such as how much time it took to complete, or based on collectibles?

>thumbnail doesn't look smug

White choc + macademia cookies are one of the few times I actually like white chocolate more than others.