>gear defaults to on in player matches
>"zoning" spam is somehow even worse than I1, see: deadshot, darkseid
>MB roll is meant to help get through zoning but really just helps zoners escape
>Black Adam, Aquaman, and Superman are still OP and boring as fuck
>characters that saw no fucking play at all like Flash are gimped
>no real grapplers, just weird shitty hybrids
>netcode shits itself above 100 ping
Could they have possibly fucked this game up any harder?
Injustice 2
I dont know what any of this means but I have the game and im I'm having fun
It really works best as a single-player game
As a competitive fighter it fails miserably
I like the idea of the game I just the system NRS uses. Strings, and dial-a-combos are cancer.
>string are dialed in
>but specials have to be timed
>but there's quite a bit of inherent input delay
What masochist made this engine
And why do they keep using this scheme to make games catered to people who don't like playing fighting games competitively? How the fuck are they supposed to get into the game enough to keep playing it and buy your DLC if the only way to play ANYONE is to take them into practice mode?
What the fuck is that face. Holy shit
Fucking this. People always say nether realm games are easier to get into compared to streetfighter but it's total bullshit. In sf all the character specific info you need to function at rookie/bronze is your special moves, a poke, and one normal to cancel moves out of. In NRS you usually have at least 5 special moves to wrap your head around, and an entire page of strings.
Significantly better than their previous offerings.
This meme is old and stale.
SFV actually feels pretty good after 10, or so hours of a NRS game. Injustice and MK are so fucking bad that people argue whether, or not the concept of footsies is even an element of the games.
NRS games are easier to get into because every character's special moves are more or less the same inputs.
>that face
>PG is a DLC premium skin for SuperGirl
I'm a sad panda.
you can unlock it for free.
anyone on now playing through multiverse make sure you play Around the World on the Harmony stage, it's a fucking trip man.
the screen starts swaying back and forth and spinning around while your inputs keep switching.
Even more reason to just wait for the goty edition. I just want to customize superheroes.
It's a prerelease build. She looks very different now.
Anyone else think BC's eyebrows a slightly higher than they should be?
She looks constantly surprised/incredulous.
What did Ivy mean by this?
All of my friends that don't play fighting games have little difficulty picking up MK or Injustice when compared to Street Fighter.
yea and its ugly too
Everyone's moves are the same inputs in SF too. It's either quarter circle or dragon punch miton. Double quarter circle for super.
Cyborg is a super advanced future dude.
I refuse to believe he can't create a holo-dong with full tactile feedback.
Yeah, but dp montions are hard to do consistently as a beginner. Also, there are charge characters and piano inputs.
Even the pve is fucking annoying. The multiverse affixes are stupid and add no depth to the combat. Also as far as I am aware there is combo break to stop combos that can easily take away 3/4ths a bar of HP and let me tell you nothing is more fun then sitting there watching your character get bounce comboed to death while you k ow there is nothing you can do to stop the onslaught.
>nothing is more fun then sitting there watching your character get bounce comboed to death while you k ow there is nothing you can do to stop the onslaught.
Maybe you should git gud?
>Bottom of leotard
Literally who cares?
Injustice and MK is way more about strings than specials, and string behavior is totally arbitrary
There's no way to just intuit a basic combo, they all require checking the move list. Watching people who dont lab play is watching a ton of single hits followed by long pauses