About to start this, what should I expect?

About to start this, what should I expect?

I really enjoyed Dead Space by the way

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A sequel to Dead Space.

Expect fear

Welp, that was fast.

More Dead Space

one of the GOAT

your mother to hate it

Not as good as the first and EA fucked the game with DLC.

A far better gameplay experience

A good game but somewhat different from the first. It's like the difference between Alien and Alien 2 if you've seen those movies.

Not *as* spooky but a lot more fun.

That fucking son though

If you play dead space 2 on the same platform you played the first one, you get the original plasma cutter. I honestly don't think there's a difference between that one and the bootleg one you make in game but I just like the way it looks

>EA fucked the game with DLC.
How so? Is it too bad?

>fantastic easter egg gun

Is Dead Space the video game equivalent to the Alien movies?

>1st game is an amazing horror game
>2nd game tones back the horror aspect, but makes up for it with great action
>3rd game has potential but is completely ruined by corporate meddling

yeah it's cosmetic

DS2 is better but not by that much, I think it may very well be my favorite game of all time

a even more mediocre sequel of a shitty franchise

Alien is a horror masterpiece and DS1 is just a decent horror action game.

An absolutely fantastic sequel that improves virtually every aspect of the first. Great story, great gameplay, great atmosphere

so I guess the 4th one will be really strange but surprisingly more entertaining then the 3rd

Less spooks, more action. The story is a bit more interesting too, imo.
Still unsettling but Isaac feels stronger. I consider it the best of the 3 games overall.

Also he can talk now.

Not before you get a few cheap Dead Space vs. Alice games first.

Fuck off. DS1 isn't a masterpiece, but it's certainly more than decent.

No user, you skipped resurrection. The 4th one will be a campy mess that is not only subpar action but no horror.

Better gameplay, worse atmoshphere
Like bioshock 2 and bioshock

>I forgot about that

god dammit I was just about to play it again to try and win it without save scumming



Also I really liked 2, probably more than 1. I thought 3 was pretty decent too.. the setting was interesting.

>the way isaac says it

it's just so fucking funny

A game that improves on all aspects except for horror. If you truly like dead space not solely because it's a spooky game but because you liked the lore, characters, and the general concept you'll like it.

For me it's the best in the series. improved in everything. Design, gameplay, lore, characters, the areas being more diverse instead of being a uniformed design like the Ishimura without truly compromising the core aspects of the game like the 3rd did.

Still one of my favorite games because it hits everything that i personally enjoy right on the head.


Post which weapons you first beat the game with
Plasma Cutter
Pulse Rifle

Plasma cutter, ripper and force gun all day err day.

I-is that a flesh sear-er, a plasma cutter?

Nah theres a great story DLC thats not on PC only on 360 and PS3. Then there were a bnunch of suits and stuff I got the special edition with the shitty plasma cutter that was tiny so I don't remember how many you had to buy.

I beat all of 1 and 2 exclusively with the Plasma Cutter. I've never tried any of the other weapons. Didn't play the third game.

It's a great game, play on survivalist with the sound up. If you got the PC version you can buy a bunch of weapons from the store for like 1 credit each, you can even resell the ammo on the mine launcher thingy and get unlimited money. It's retarded, and completely ruins the game so just ignore them.

The audio in this game is pretty amazing. I still remember the screams of civilians you hear off in the distance about 30 minutes in. It's so good at being difficult to listen to that you might want to lower it, but don't.

>I beat all of 1 and 2 exclusively with the Plasma Cutter. I've never tried any of the other weapons.

I did this too for my first playthroughs, and kind of glad I did. Most of the other guns feel very limp.

Force Gun.

Plasma Cutter for anything I could not reach with Force Gun.

im going through dead space 3 right now im mad because i have to build shit and cant buy things im on chapter 4 does it gets worse? is that kind of game you wish you never came out?should i stay with the first 2 or end the trilogy?

Only keep playing if you want to experience planet size cosmic horror and an ending where literally everyone dies, as in all of mankind.

Pulse and Seeker is the only way

all the other weapons are gimmicky novelty guns

>a game so shit that it they won't even bother to reboot the series, just pretend DS3 never happened if they're making a sequel


First run was Plasma Cutter, Javelin Gun and Force Gun. I beat hardcore with the Plasma Cutter, Force Gun and Contact Beam.


Is he gonna be ok?

The gore was designed and done by people who studied human corpses from traffic accidents and murders and so on for reference. Literally developed by sociopaths.

Man fuck this part

Isaac can literally stomp anyone and anything to pieces. How can anyone compete?


I wish dead space 3 wasn't so mediocre. The ice world could have been a really cool homage to the Thing, but it was so poorly done.

>DS1 - isaac is a mute engineer who refuses to die and is a born survivor
>DS2 - isaac is a snarky mental patient turned super soldier for no reason
>DS3 - isaac is literally solid snake tier combatant and marty stu that kills planet sized necromorphs
The sequels shouldn't have continued using Isaac. The ending in Dead Space 1 is perfect. He somehow makes it, and has PTSD and nightmares/hallucinations for the rest of his life back on Earth.

To be fair if you survived what happens in DS1 you are essentially a bad ass super soldier anyway

huh, where have I seen this character arc before...I wonder?


A great rogue-like game with only two shoehorned tranny main characters

Now that the dust has settled can we finally discuss the best weapon in the Dead Space series?

>Forced myself through that terrible Dead Space puzzle game to get the exclusive hacker suit for DS2

>They bring it back in DS3, but without any of the metal parts on it >Isaac's default clothing

Fucking EA.

>Not the bread and butter, man's best friend, cream of the crop, Plasma Cutter

I think you posted in the wrong thread user

so much this

dead space 2 = best dead space imo

pulse rifle becomes a scalpel when you get good with it. used an upgraded contact beam for the end

>corporate meddling

ellies slutty cleavage outfit and roberts entire character in dead space 3 reek of this

I tried to watch ressurection again a while back since it came bundled with my set of blu rays for the series, as soon as the one guy with a cool voice dies, I shut it off instantly, the whole thing was insuferable and he was the only half-decent thing, even Ron Perlman sucked, you know how hard it is to make Ron Perlman and Moot suck? Even the restoration people knew no one gave a fuck about this movie and barely touched it up for the box set

Don't mind me, just posting the best RIG.

A fantastic horror / action game. Not as scary at 1, but it makes up for it in almost every other way.

To be honest, Dead Space 1 is the only game that has actually scared me. The sounds, the music, the monsters, it's the only great horror game in my opinion that doesn't have to rely on jump scares to get you. Although the jump scares add to the fear factor

Wish this one had made it into DS2.


It's good. A little worse than 1 in my book, but great game.

Oh. I remember this. DLC for Dead Space 1, right? Such an odd suit.

I'm also sad they cut out the Advanced Suit from Dead Space 3.

>Y-you need (need) to play the CLASSICS, Insect. I logged an app...ointment(appointment...appointment...) for you on the Von Braun.


Is this objectively the best scene in dead space ever?

>dat plot twist
>dat sound design
>dat in your face horror
>dat nonstop action

Ripper is very fucking good and very satisfying to use

Great sequel. More action packed but is actually great.
DS1 - Alien
DS2 - Aliens

Force Gun destroys every non boss or plasma cutter only enemy in one shot. Just back up ina corner and you are invincible.

>"the world is a vampiiiire..."

You'll like the 2nd one. It has the right amount of improvements.

It adds action but not without taking away the horror, as it should be.

>despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage

Force Gun saved my ass again and again when playing DS1 on the hardest difficulty.

Force Gun the best.

>not plasma cutters big daddy fully upgraded line gun

Fuck you.

And fuck your marker.

Hardcore mode is the single best idea for any horror game ever

>Get to the train segment with literally not one piece of ammo
>Forced to throw buckets and shit to wear the enemies down
>Leapers flying across the screen and fucking my shit
>Somehow survive
>Save my first save
>Get instagibbed by the shitkids in the next room

loses some atmosphere, but improves on pretty much everything else.

The first game you could do very well with a Plasma Cutter on the hardest diffculty but the 3 saves run in the second was laughably easy actually it wasn't with the force gun if you bought the DLC where you could pick it up from the first equipment box for free.

you might like this


Better control, better graphics, worse horror elements, imo, also Isaac talks.

can't you cheese the fuck out of that difficulty on PC? xbox also gets an extra free save when you have to swap discs


>tfw shooting an enemy so hard that it flies back, electrocuting enemies along the way to stun them and then gets pinned to the wall before exploding

The train sequence in hardcore mode has got to be the most anal clenching thing ever. Being upside down shooting and throwing shit was awesome

Expect markers

When did you realize that these grunts from the first game are basically the bosses of DS2?

I've beaten the first and second game on the hardest difficulty, but I've yet to try it on the third game.

Because I know I'm gonna get killed in one of the bullshit ways. Probably from all those stupid Halo Jumps they forced in.

Oh right. I forgot in DS2 you got some of the DLC for free on PC because of their problem with the saving stations.

*blocks your path*

The third game wasn't that hard, just take regular breaks so your wrist doesn't die.

>Easy as hell in DS1, not even a threat on the hardest difficulty
>They charge you and whip you to death in DS2

Fucking loved hardcore, it's great because it has so much real tension to it. Often horror games lose their scariness and tension because dying doesn't matter, but hardcore was such an intense experience. There's a lot on the line and you can't afford to just run in and try again. Wasting even a few extra shots can legitimately lead to hours of lost time. I still remember how terrifying some of the areas were because of how much death would have meant.

Post top 5 boyz

1. Ripper
2. Force Gun
3. Plasma Cutter
4. Javelin Gun
5. Pulse Rifle

I played it on Xbox and the disc swap save was great but it didn't really save so you had to save somewhere eventually or you lost your progress when you turned off the box.

If you buy the "bloody force gun" dlc (+5% damage, available from the first box) and have a cutter you will have no problem with the regular fights. You will have more than enough ammo and upgrades.

The hard part from then on was the on rail or instakill action sections especially when you fly through derbis / lasers / various engines.