What would make you happy to see at Nintendo's E3?
What would make you happy to see at Nintendo's E3?
bayonetta 3 and port of 2
Nintendo announcing bankrupcy
Nintendo announcing Iwata was resurrected
if they dont announce new f-zero, new metroid, new donkey kong country, new bayonetta, new luigi's mansion, new chibi robo, new pikmin, new legend of zelda, new electroplankton, and new elite beat agents, new tomodachi life, new eternal darkness, and new wave race then nintendo is literally dead and sony wins
A new Starfy.
Or a new Donkey Kong. Or a GOOD new Paper Mario. Or a Metroid where Samus doesn't talk.
MHXXHD or MH5 for the Switch
>no Custom Robo
>3 has all the nintendo outfits from 2 plus new ones
>Having Bayonetta on the go
>1, 2 and 3 all on the same system
Kirby Super Star 2 for Switch with hand drawn sprites.
Metroid/F-Zero revival too, but I won't get my hopes too high again.
needs a zero suit
Nintendo 3DS successor.
>No Wonderful 101
Man, fuck her.
Isnt that called a Switch?
>2D Metroid followed by a 3D Metroid
>Revived Extreme G series
>Custom Robo
>Super Mario Odyssey turns out to be better than Galaxy 1
>Donkey Kong by Retro
>Bayonetta 3
>Dark Souls remastered Trilogy
>Kirby Superstar Ultra HD
>A proper successor to Paper Mario TTYD
None of these are happening but you asked
A good Paper Mario or Mario & Luigi, Wario Land / World, Elite Beat Agents 2 or Ouendan 3 and a non waifu shit "muh marriages" Fire Emblem.
It won't happen, but on the bright side I don't ever have to worry about buying another Nintendo console so that's a couple bucks saved in my pocket.
I hate to be that guy but why do you want ANOTHER DK game from Retro? Unless you mean a 3D platformer but that would also overlap with Mario Odyssey.
They should just port Returns (3DS version) and Tropical Freeze together as a collection.
>emulate on phone
hey user me too :^)
Retro's DKCR games were great. Most of the team that made the Prime games left to make that ReCore shitter, so let another company do something with Metroid, as long as it isn't a Japanese developer.
Monster Hunter and Metroid
The only way i can see them doing DK is if their team is actually big enough to work on multiple games like they said they would.
DK and another IP would be fine.
Dong Country Returns 1 and 2 were awesome platformers and a real nice return to the franchise
They hit a home run with the reboot.
>first and for most we have rethought our internet service, we are going back to a free to play console
>we have 8+ confirmed 3rd party games that ARE NOT ports of games from previous gen or this gen
>no more Heros 3
>games that get released on day of or right after presentation that aren't just indie shit
>a real fucking metroid and f zero game
>SEGA has agreed to team up with us to make a NEW jet set radio
>Bayonetta 3 announcement
>the cost for both controllers and consoles will be cut to be more affordable
>smash logo comes on screen
>Mario, Link, Kirby, and Pikachu are fighting like they always are
>Belmont is ready to hunt!
>Konami shows new castlevania game exclusive to switch after smash presentation
But this will never EVER happen.
>The world has become so wonky that a Paper Mario in the style of the old games is now a wild pipedream
>People will actually look at you funny if you claim there was a time where Mario travelled with a friendly Goomba
The original Paper Mario felt like an evolution of 64 era Mario too. Now it feels like that weird experimental phase that Nintendo will bury forever like the edutainment games and cd-i.
>Simon in Smash
>Not Bomberman
Pikmin 4 would be nice. Been replaying the games again and I'm still in love with them.
Sinnoh Remakes could also be nice, but otherwise, as long as what they show is good, surprise me.
Castlevania R
Gradius R
Contra R
Super Mario Maker. That's pretty realistic imo and would make me cum in my shorts.
Why do i have the feeling that theyll justify the 3DS versions existence as the reason why Switch doesnt need it.
I hope they don't do us like that. I really want Mario Maker, but I don't want to buy a Wii U.
I may end up buying the Wii U anyway, because my Wii is on it's last legs.
that parental control video made both bowser and bowser jr really hot
Switch would not only have a better screen for it than 3DS does, but we'd have the amiibo costumes back too probably.
Its fucked up that the 3DS version has brand new levels made by Nintendo.
Mario is Missing was surprisingly not that boring
why are people asking for paper mario? it's dead. he's gone. and it will never come back. i am just deathly afraid of what they will resurrect his dead papery body with this time. you people are soul less
>Paper Mario, Chibi Robo, Mario Party, Mario Sports, Star Fox and Metroid were all killed by horrible mishandled entries
>Im never getting a new mario sluggers or mario strikers
>Thousand Year Door is never coming to VC
Pokémon Coliseum 3
Animal Crossing Switch
Smash 5
Elder Scrolls 6 Valenwood
New DMC and Metroid. I feel DMC has a hope, Metroid not so much.
>new electroplankton
This please, with HD rumble
>2d or 3d metroid (preferably 2d made by nintendo ead)
>pikmin 4 revealed
>more odyssey footage + release date
>pokemon stars
>smash 4 port
As he said, that's more likely than Metroid.
This, but the brightside feels bittersweet
>What I want
Mario kart 9
8th gen pokemon game
>What's most likely
Mario kart 8 deluxe DLC
Pokemon sun moon HD
>What will happen
Nothing about mario kart
Nothing about pokemon
At least we'll be getting a lot of news about Odyssey
We know there's at least 1 behind doors announcement happening, I just wonder what that is? Nintendo also announces their games releasing before next years E3, so that's maybe 3 more new games.