I watched a full playthrough of Persona 5 and loved it. However, I skipped through all combat...

I watched a full playthrough of Persona 5 and loved it. However, I skipped through all combat, most dungeon exploration and about 40% of the confidants.

Now I've come into posession of a PS3 and am thinking about buying it. Worth it?

It's $90 on the NZ store so I can't decide if it's a good idea or not.

Combat is fun and a show piece. Normies wont be able to ask you questioms if they see you playing it.

Also date Haru, rack up proffiency for this cutie pie.

Since you skipped most of the game, yes it is definitely worth it.


what the fuck

Canadafag here. Games cost $90 without tax, probably is about 120 after you add tax thats required to pay for Gurpreets grandma's surgery.

With Amazon Prime I was able to save 25%, wow what a steal!

>wow what a steal!
That's the spirit, Phantom Thief.

>paying full price after watching a full playthrough of it
>already spoiled

you are retarded if you buy it

So that's how you afford your shitty healthcare (literally the worst-run industry in Canada),

the story is dogshit, who cares