>video games will NEVER look this good in your lifetime
>your children will be lucky to see this amount of detail in their video games
What happened to the industry? Why did it just... stop?
>video games will NEVER look this good in your lifetime
>your children will be lucky to see this amount of detail in their video games
What happened to the industry? Why did it just... stop?
Yes, we will.
Just wait about 10 years
Indie devs
Greedy companies
Endless rehashing
Endless shit eating
Casual normies
Did I miss any?
Pretty sure it takes many hours to render a second of footage at that quality.
Once you compress that down to a timeframe that you can play a game at, we'll have this level of graphics.
Idiots who doesn't understand how graphic rendering works
>Video games don't look as good as pre-rendered CGI which was worked on by the top people in the computer animation industry on a 250 million budget, video games must be dead
How stupid are you? Evidently very.
I don't really care. I don't play games for the graphics.
>will still have shit animation
Because no one can afford a million dollar render farm that plays videogames at 1 frame per 50 hours.
Video games still can't surpass Toy Story, a film made in 1995 by people who literally had no clue what they were doing.
hours? try days.
We probably will, but I'm not sure that's a good thing.
Graphics like that will take a lot artist time for little reward.
We already have a shitload of super-expensive games that suck balls, and it's only going to get worse with that level of detail.
Better focus on gameplay and AI, graphics are already at the stage of diminishing returns.
>Having no clue what they are doing
I've been saying this since last gen.
Fucking idiots. If you wanted video games to look that good, it'd need to sell at least 2 million copies at $150 each to make even the tiniest profit. It's retards like you that are making the industry stagnate. Graphics whores need to be rounded up and shot by the busload.
Then play at the level of Toy Story graphics, but you'll be at a frame rate of 1 frame per day, or worse.
Ray tracing is expensive. Rasterisation is not.
This is not hard to understand unless you're a consolebab
I want to lick Rocket's paws.
>average movie ticket in the year 2017 is around $10
>average price of a video game in the year 2017 is $60
>video games STILL can't make profit
Play the unigine superimpostion benchmark on the highest settings. That is what next gen looks like.
>Given logical reasons as to why graphics aren't better than they can be
Gosh golly, is everyone on this website so hostile or just consolefags?
>graphics are already at the stage of diminishing returns
Pretty much. There's a pic related that shows the amount of "graphics" one can have before diminishing returns, and once we get to a certain point, multiplying the amount of pixels by 10 does pretty much nothing to image quality. We're pretty much at that point with games.
>>video games will NEVER look this good in your lifetime
The fuck? Nigga, Pong came out in 1972 and here we are now. Are you insinuating we're gonna die in the next 15 years?
>Movies have a global market
>Games do not
And I don't know about your country but where you I live ticket prices have seen a rise.
Where the fuck are you living? I've seen them go for way higher
We've already surpassed Toy Story
Nigger there's a drive in where I live, charges 5 bucks a person for a double feature of the newest movies
I paid $17 for the last movie I went to see. Per person.
I remember people saying this about Toy Story 1, I'm not sure if even todays videogame graphics are better than even that.
that pic is a troll pic. stop posting it. the only difference between 6k and 60k in that pic is hitting the "add subdivisions" button in maya. artists could easily add more detail with 60k triangles. if you really want to argue about dimenishing returns, argue about baked light maps vs models
>A person can watch a movie multiple times while it's on cinema, adding to the box office each time.
>buy a game once and that's it
Nigger that is as far from the average as possible. You're literally citing a dying exception.
You're lucky to get a 10 buck matinee for children now.
If you want shit like that, you should have supported FFXIII. Looked beautiful, but it was a giant hallway with prerendered backgrounds.
That is a specious argument. There's more to graphics than polygon count. Lighting and shadows being two major elements of a picture that are being improved notably over time. Ambient occulusion going from simple ssao to nvidia vxao for example. I would post comparisons but im on a phone.
Don't be retarded and go to the movies during prime time hours on the weekend. And skip 3D because that shit adds $3 to the price.
Matinee is where it's at. Better yet, don't go to chain owned theaters. There's a family owned theater around my area that literally charges $5 on certain days.
Conker's Bad Fur Day Reloaded looked like that.
They'll never look that good, not because of graphical limitations, but because of a lack of skill
Why not bring back prerendered graphics? Remember how good Donkey Kong Country looked? If you did that with modern day technology the results would be incredible
I live in New York so I'm fucked regardless
Those aren't logical reasons. The real reason is because it costs too fucking much to make a game look that good, because you're paying for more than just modelers and animators. Video games have been getting shorter, more simple, and less risky because of the huge hike in costs due to HD development. Graphicswhores like you are pushing the industry to be as stale as possible, because no company wants to drop $60 million on a game that could potentially flop.
Faggots like you are why games are dying, and I wish you'd all be summarily executed in the most brutal and gruesome way possible. No other force is as cancerous to the development of video games as graphicswhores. Fuck off and go watch a movie if you want a short 2 hour experience with as little gameplay as possible.
Didn't they do that with tropical dong?
>Don't be retarded and go to the movies during prime time hours on the weekend
But that's the best moment
I've literally never known anyone who watches the same movie more than once in theaters. That sounds fucking retarded.
>movies that cheap
>double feature
Do you go to the sock hop after you watch the Creature Double Feature?
I live in NY too, most theaters around here charge $10 before 12pm. Super late showings (usually after 11) are like $12. It ain't bad.
>I wish you'd all be summarily executed in the most brutal and gruesome way possible
>because video games
jack thompson was right after all, i guess
Maybe if you live in some bumblefuck big city where nigs run rampant. The city I used to live in charged 8 for a matinee
Not sure, haven't played it yet. But from what I've seen of it that game does look pretty good.
All these presumptions on what I like as opposed to even asking me what I like in the first place. Such an angsty little teen you are.
Never go during prime time for anything, you idiot. Avoid going shopping on weekends. Don't go to a car wash on weekends. Don't go to get gas during rush hour.
Idiots like you are the reason why I refuse to work weekends at my store anymore. Too many people coming in all at once because they can't be bothered to go any other time of the week. Never mind that the stores are practically empty on Tuesdays and Thursdays, yet they all come in on Saturday and Sunday and get mad when we can't keep the shelves completely stocked. You do this to yourselves.
>What happened to the industry? Why did it just... stop?
The market size makes it financially infeasible and the current technology level makes it flat out impossible.
Computers aren't just magic, you know?
If you liked actual video games, you wouldn't be pushing for even more HD graphics. This is why AAA titles are fucking shit nowadays. People like you pushing for the highest quality of graphics possible, funneling money away from actually making a fun and interesting game first and foremost.
You're driving the stagnation of the industry.
Prime time is best time when it comes to cinema
Obviously the graphics weren't any sort of marvel, whether that's due to the hardware it ran on, skimping on budget, or your claim just being wrong.
That said, FFXIII is pretty much a long hallways of prerendered shit in the background. It looked good, but was an ass game.
Leave my fucking video games alone and I wouldn't give a singular shit.
Once AGAIN you presume I only like graphics for video games instead of asking what it is I actually like about them.
This... is the raw power of modern video games...
Woah... Truly worthy of being an art form...
Some people have to actually work on workdays
A bet you book flights during the busiest days of the week and act shocked, absolutely shocked, when someone gets kicked off of your flight because it was overbooked.
Stop torturing yourself by going when everyone else is going. It's absolutely the worst time to do anything, unless you enjoy waiting in line.
you're unhinged
Days? Try weeks.
I work on "workdays", and still have time to go do shit afterwork, even when I get out at 8 at night. Life is too short to spend waiting in line for a half hour because I couldn't be arsed to go any other day of the week.
FFXIII is probably a better example. DKC is a Nintendo game, it prioritizes the art style more than making the most stunning realistic graphics.
Not really, the only distant long distance I travel is to my parents. When I do that I take the train and book a month in advance
You say that as if artstyle isn't more important than raw graphical power.
Weeks? Try months.
This is hard to do in real time. Even Toy Stoy required like hundreds of render farms to render every frame and takes 7 hours just to make one frame. Computers aren't THAT much faster.
Never said that, I'm just saying it's not a good indicator of the potential of prerendered graphics
>attend matinee showing on my day off at 10am
>very quiet, usually just me and a few other loners in the theater enjoying the movie. if it's a family movie it's usually packed but the kids are well-behaved. comfy.
>attend movie any other time, especially on weekend
>packed theater full of annoying teenagers, kids who won't stop screaming, parents who don't give a shit, and couples who feel the need to text and talk to each other after every scene
Months? Try hours.
>you fucked with videogames
They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of dps.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed infrustration?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. You're not the first; this is just another boss fight.
Wait a second...
Hours? Try minutes.
Shut the fuck up faggot no one cares and you're not deep.
All I know is it took like, a month to compile Toy Story 3.
Feel free to type that out with proper formatting this time. Otherwise, tl;dr.
When the newest of fags falls for copypasta.
>To create the chaotic and complex junkyard scene near the film's end, more than a year and a half was invested on research and development to create the simulation systems required for the sequence
>watching a movie multiple times in cinema
Do people actually do this?
Minutes? Try seconds.
Pic unrelated.
>Render time: 120 million hours (13,670 years)
They don't render them all on the same computer you know. They have multiple computers setup in a 'render farm'.
>muh grafix
>What happened to the industry?
Yeah, I know people that see the latest marvel shit multiple times. Fuck knows what value seeing that basic ass shit twice a week holds.
>/ztg/ is still a fucking thing
>I use to participate in it last year
And I thought I was autistic for watching it three times
Seconds? Try niggers.
I saw the first Guardians 5 times in theaters (used to work there and got the tickets free), and so far I've seen the second one twice.
Are you dumb? This is entirely normal
Niggers? Try niggers.
There's a lot that goes unaccounted for like procedural generation and optimizations as well as things that combine the two fundamentals like machine learning. Will those technologies be optimized enough in the real world for use in game becomes the real question, and I'd posit yes. Especially with more cores becoming accessible and there's still a lot of room for transistor shrinks from where we stand now as well, there's a lot to be scratched out as far as hardware.
I think we'll hit a pretty solid wall at 7nm once tunnelling becomes a substantial issue and I think once that occurs the console generation immediately succeeding it will force developers to get increasingly creative since newer hardware iterations will come to some semblance of parity with PCs and vis a vis with the exception being HEDTs, which aren't even targeted towards gaming.
Furthermore everything is apparently homogenizing so with Xbox using the DX12 API and Vulkan and with PS4 capable of such it's well within the realm of possibility that PC developed games and console developed games will become more and more optimized across platforms furthering the aforementioned parity. As such there will be a boom in the market for enhancing technology rather than blatantly tossing money at it and expecting it to improve itself.
>tfw wanted to see Guardians but tickets were all sold out
>got suckered into seeing the new Fast and the Furious movie instead
it was good
Niggers? Niggers niggers.
is this bait? that raccoon looks like fucking shit.
Our tools and hardware have improved to the point where it's now possible.
However, we've long since passed the point where such work would be worthwhile or realistically achieved by human individuals.
In the past, our tools and hardware were the limitations.
Now? It's the humans. We won't be getting around this without a true revolution in terms of tools.