Predict their e3

predict their e3

Finna cringe

the theme will be "you can see it from the front"

nothing that hasn't been shown at directs already
gimmicky presentations

old game gets release date
amiibo for game
old game gets release date
amiibo for game
port of an old game revealed
amiibo for game

thanks for the free money suckers, oops i mean check out the tree house

not as bad as sony and ms live cringfest

Disappointment but then acceptability because it's all we're getting
So like every year
Fuck being a Nintendo fan

They won't announce a new Animal Crossing and I'll be pissed


Possibly Metroid
Virtual Console so you can pay for $10 for 30-year-old games or get them free for 1 month with the next paid subscription service

Same old shit over and over again

They won't announce anything new, just show off more things for games they announced earlier in the year.



Mario and Sonic go shuffelboarding at the special Olympics followed by a reveal for a game called Switch Music

>Super Mario Odyssey
>Splatoon 2
>Switch updates (Virtual Console, More online features, etc.)
>New Kirby game shown off
>Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga DX
>Ever Oasis shown off some more
>Hey! Pikmin shown off some more
>Possibly Retro to reveal the game they've been working on
>Random Indie & 3rd Party stuff little care about
>Hopefully Pikmin 4
>Hopefully Metroid (doubtful)

I hope for the best but anything is up in the air. Regardless I'll be happy enough with Super Mario Odyssey being shown off, Nintendo has made me their bitch with that game.

They better announce one for the Switch eventually, it'd be so fucking great to have a new entry on the thing.

Same thing that happens every year

>same footage of the same 3 games they've been hyping up for the past 6 months but this time with an actual release date which is still a ways away
>more focus on the 3ds than their actual console
>3rd party support turns out to be ports, and no exclusives unless it's on 3ds
>New Reggie Meme
>Bill gets "fired" for the 3rd time

And the biggest one

>presentation is only 45 minutes long or less

>reggie will cock block us mother 3 fans again
>a smash brothers deluxe teaser
>pokemon stars
>still no new metroid game

Dark Souls trilogy

Not as bad as Ubisoft

Nintendo's last three E3's have been completely disastrous. My expectations are pretty high regardless, since Nintendo seems to be getting their heads out their asses.

They just need to promise Pokemon Switch late 2018

If from soft was on that list, maybe the switch will get an exclusive instead, but that's asking too much from people who "like innovation" but keep releasing the same shit.


fuck off nigger, animal crossing is the comfiest game ever

>They actually have 3rd party support
>One long ignored franchise makes a surprise return
>They make payed online optional, for people who want benefits. say they rather not have any barriers to people playing together online.

>Sup Forums is fulled with sony on suicide watch threads.

It'll be disappointing in the eyes of retards compared to Sony and Microsoft, but anyone with half a brain will realize that all of Nintendo's games will release in either 2017 or the first half of 2018 while the other 'THIS FOOTAGE IS IN-ENGINE WE SWEAR' games won't release until 2019.

2014 was great, 2016 was thin but Breath of the Wild somehow carried it to a simple 'good'.

2015 was definitely disastrous.

Nigger spotted

Would it be too much to say that i would gladly sacrifice an animal for the reveal of a monster hunter game thats not on a handheld system?

Both of these.
Really hoping for a hint of a new animal crossing though, especially since the mobile game is long overdue (might release as a cross over/promotion for a switch game?)

>Nintenbrotenyearolderino: pawn to e3
>Sony: big mistake, queen takes pawn at e3 check and mate

really hoping they change it up if they do release it. not just the same shit but more furniture and villagers.

not just the same shit and*

Lots of 3DS games.

Switchfag tears.

>finna seething nintenbro drones

I'd like this but there is no way. If they actually removed the pay wall I'd get a switch. It's been the only reason why I haven't got one, I mean I already have a pay station 4, why get a switch?

>queen takes pawn at e3 check and mate
What about the 2 pawns diagonal to the pawn that was just captured?
What about the queen next to the king moving to block it? Even the bishop on the other side would do.
If they aren't there then the king can just move to the side.
If they're knights they can just capture the queen.
There's basically no situation where you'll get checkmate after capturing the e3 pawn, especially considering the e-pawn is the earliest piece to be moved in most viable openings. There's no time to set up a mate like that.

Same old shit, Nintendo confirming themselves as a secondary choice to literally everything else, and a dead release schedule.

Alright, here are mine, some safe some are a bit out there:

>Direct opens with some little countdown and intro graphics.
>Straight into Mario Odyssey game-play and trailer, no intro, just straight into Mario.
>Talk about Mario for a bit. Mario Odyssey will be released on November 17th, there will be a Mario Odyssey Switch bundle for $350 that includes the game and season pass.
>VC launches later that day with 100 games, games you bought on WiiU and are tied to your Nintendo account are transferred at no cost. VC has netplay. Gamecube and Wii games will be emulated in HD. No Mother 3 as its gay.
>Switch online features.
>Splatoon 2 trailer focusing on online play.
>"Don't forget to buy ARMS, goy!"
>Pikmin 4 - due out in early 2018 but will be pushed back to spring.
>Fire Emblem Warriors game-play trailer with a release date in September or October.
>FE for Switch teaser trailer - tries to distance itself from the 3DS games visually and stylistically, less anime and they'll make it more violent and "mature" to appeal to a western audience.
>Zelda DLC - due out in October/early November, before Mario but after FE Warriors.
>Pokemon Stars or Prism, its essentially a Sun and Moon Remastered with some bells and whistles, maybe voice acting, due out in November.
>Pokken 2/Pokken "Deluxe" - includes all the original fighters, the ones exclusive to the arcades and some new ones form Gen 7, release date is simply "2018"
>Xenoblade 2 trailer, has English voice acting but has been delayed until "early 2018" though it will come out in Japan in December.
>Third Party reel featuring stuff like: SMT 5, No More Heroes 3, Dragon Quest, Sonic, FF7Remake, CoD WW2, Sports, ports of games like FF15, and Persona 5 and remaster compilations like Mass Effect Trilogy Remastered.
>Stream closer with Retro's Metroid Prime: Subtitle (not Prime 4: Subtitle) reveal trailer with game-play December 2017 release date.
>No Smash.

>skit about the "new" 2ds
>breath of the wild DLC
>more amiibos
>some 3ds games get announced
>maybe some switch commercial or advertising

user san at least shitpost with informed posts. The main event is Switch only, nothing about the 3DS brother

Haven't bought a switch yet because of E3, so hopefully games. I just want games.


I just want skits desu senpai

I always enjoy Nintendo skits. Also I wonder if there will be a gimmick like the puppet this time?


During the Treehouse portions, they'll show off the following games that weren't in the spotlight presentation:

>Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga DX - Fall 2017
>Kirby eshop games for 3DS.
>Ever Oasis
>Games nobody really cares about

>Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Remastered (early 2018, likely an e-shop or discount title)
>Indie shit
>the Mario and Rabbids thing, if it is real, will revealed at Ubisoft's event.

>Kirby amiibo Plush
>FE Warriors amiibos of Marth, Xander, Ryoma and Chrom and how the other amiibos will work.
>Mario Odyssey amiibos, Mario, Hatman, Bowser in his suit and hat, Peach in a wedding dress.
>Rabbids amiibo
>a Metroid line of amiibos for Prime: Subtitle.

If there is a gimmick to their skits, I want claymation or 2D animation.

>tfw they only used puppets because iwata was too ill to attend/record anything

>games you bought on WiiU are tied to your Nintendo account
they're tied to your console, not your account

>2D animation
YES PLEASE! So much better than cringe 3D presentations



>open with Mario Odyssey
>have a skit or some humorous performance
>3DS game announcement
>have a skit or some humorous performance
>Fire Emblem Warriors Trailer
>new Fire Emblem Amiibo announcement
>have a skit or some humorous performance
>Indies segment
>new Switch game announcement (Mario & Rabbids RPG)
>Virtual Console and Online Infrastructure details segment
>Wii U port announced for Switch (Mario Maker, Smash Bros 4 or Xenoblade X)
>Xenoblade 2 trailer
>maybe a Fire Emblem 2018 trailer
>surprise Switch/3DS game announcement
>Credits roll for their presentation
>Treehouse live with some small announcements here and there

>Splatoon Tournament
>Arms Tournament

Audrey amiibo.

Plenty of games announced, but a lot of em being ports, and a substantial amount of the trailers being ((render targets))

Nintendo wins E3 again, Sony fanboys pretend Sony won, and Microsoft shits the bed.

>MH5 for Switch
>2D Metroid
>Kirby for Switch
>Fuck ton of 3rd party support
>Animal Crossing
>Pikmin 4
>Ends with SCHWING WOOSH Smash

Then I wake up.

they show one game and they win, just like last year

>MH5 for Switch
It happens, but it have 3DS graphics
>2D Metroid
It's just a remake of the first game (again)
>Kirby for Switch
It happens but its one of those gimmicry draw things
>Fuck ton of 3rd party support
All dated to mid 2018 because everyone only started to work on the switch in april
>Animal Crossing
Amiibo hell
>Pikmin 4
Do you mean Pikmin 3?
You get EXACTLY what you wished for in this one

Damn, homie, you came in here trying to post some pretentious, pseudo-intelligent zinger and just slapped your shit.

They've already said that the E3 will be focused entirely on Switch games and no 3DS games.

They will have a decent enough lineup that fanboys will call godly and haters will call shit

Gimmicky draw kirby>Normal Kirby

>Peach in a wedding dress.
If they do this I'll have to save my sperm until it comes out so I can do a big load of hotglue

>one good thing that'll get a good amount of people hyped
>3 ok things that'll get certain groups of people hype
>3 meh things that people will notice but not really care for
> the rest will just be VC,amiibos,DLC,internet subscription stuff,3rd party stuff,indies,and some kind of developer interview to waste time

The real shit storm starters will be MH and SMT and wether they'll be exclusive or not.

new pokemon on 3DS

This is my first E3 where I'm not really expecting anyone to give me something good. The industry is dead as far as Im concerned. After seeing nintendo gut the zelda series for the sake of open world meme, and the fact none of their games are hitting that sweet spot anymore, my hobby has went to shit thanks to corporate greed and "accessibility."

I might try some crpgs I wanted to play.

They won the last E3 with 1 game

This time they will win E3 with 0 games