Do cute girls make video games better?

Do cute girls make video games better?

Yes, don't ask stupid questions.

cute girls make video games worthwhile

No, don't ask stupid questions.

cute girls make video games a waste of time

Essential for a 10/10 game

Depends on the game

Makes them better but doesn't make them good.

I literally will not play a videogame if it does not have at least one cute girl, preferably multiple.

Not necessarily, but they do keep me playing several games I really wouldn't otherwise

only if they are flat lolis, anything else is disgusting and unacceptable

kys degenerate

If the game itself is good, it only makes it better. If the game is trash, no amount of "cute girls doing cute things" will make it better, in fact it retroactively makes it shitter because of the godawful people who buy and play it.

While cute girls are not guaranteed to make your game better, they won't make it worse so there's no harm in adding them.


Not for me. I hate them.

flatfags need to be burned at the stake

It depends.

Lurk moar newfag.

I hate games with sex fanservice and "moe" crap in it, because all I see is one thing: a crutch to hide bad gameplay. Any game that relies on these elements is trash.

Better, but you should at least be able to fuck them.

not sure, but probably better than hideous ones.

Proven fact, OP.

Neptunia games are a prime example of how they don't. They are low-budget rehashes with awful gameplay and no amount of moeshit can change that. Sadly, the lonely otaku that the series panders towards keep it alive because they have no standards

How much could a NEP NEP, NEP if a NEP NEP could NEP?blanc is the best waifu

honestly, having a cute girl makes for great eye candy.

Unless you like looking at manface or disgusting butt ugly shit like sera from dragon age....

So yes, cute girls do make video games better. Also it's proven to help sales. Just look at Overwatch and then look at Battleborn launch characters. Overwatch was even top ranking search on pornhub for a period of time.

Only dumb cucks and sjw would argue against having cute girls in their games.

As long they're cute and not sexualized slut trash.

They need to be outstandingly cute and have enough screen time to shine in order to improve the game. Nepshit is pure trash though just like the girls in the series.

in Japan yes

Cute girls serve the exact same purpose as good graphics but they're way cheaper.