*wins E3 again*

*wins E3 again*


''''''''wins'''''''' E3 again

Can't remember the last time they won E3.

>console framelets

My Penis??!? It cannot be!!! Nani??

Skyrim Remastered Special Limited Early Pledging Backer Elite DLC+ Director's Final Rare Cut Awakened Punished Venom Todd Revision Edition

>0 exclusives
keep crying for our leftovers pclucks

As always.

*announces kickstarters and "console exclusives" again*

I would say ST but they pulled their trump card too early. Should've waited for E3.


Way to forget Dawn of War 3, pleb

>thinking ps4 games will even reach 30

Another Skyrim Remaster would be just what the doctor ordered. Todd is a great man with great games r-right?

>Nintendo brings one single game to E3
>H-hahahahah th-that just meants we won with only o-one game!

E3 is always a good time

That's one of those reveals that would be easily overshadowed by every other reveal E3 has.
Best to do it beforehand when you don't have any competition for the public airwaves.

Well, they actually did.

but we actually did win with one game

>Winning anything

>muh 60 fps meme

Chester Cheetah 2 cool 2 fool was 60 fps. Gameplay matters

But Nintendo won that E3

>you can't win with one game
>disregard reality, Nintendo didn't really win

Nintendo did win that e3
Also kamehasutra drawings are too good man, I loved fapping to that shit when I was like 14

nintendo won that e3

It's not as if it is difficult to win E3 in the past few years.

*replies* :o

144fps is becoming standard, and consoles are at a FIFTH of that.
consoles lmao