What went right
What went right
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The music. Everything else is complete garbage.
I wanna fuck the big titty cat girl tho.
Aesthetic mostly. The visuals and music are on point. Certainly didn't hurt that, despite some dodgy writing, the characters came across well enough to be likable enough. Novelty also probably plays a factor, not a whole lot of cyberpunk-themed bartending games out there even if VA-11 HALL-A uses the concept largely as window dressing to make a glorified VN of it.
The soundtrack is excellent and it actually does manage to give you that nice bar atmosphere, but the main character is terribly written and boring as hell compared to most of the rest of the case. Also the bartending aspect of the game doesn't really serve any purpose. Might as well have taken it out entirely since it's not really a game.
Sup Forums was the target audience.
But Sup Forums dislikes it. Only VN loving manchildren compliment this (((game)))
Actually, it's had a consistent, enduring fanbase on Sup Forums. Case in point, the game is almost a year old yet it still gets threads despite very much being a one-and-done experience.