*unblockables your path*

*unblockables your path*

Just dodge or parry.

This game dead yet?

Nope. Not when they released two new characters and maps.

Why would it be? Shits fun as hell

It's Ubisoft.
Ubisoft will find a way to fuck it up.
They always do.

>Final boss is a woman

What? Siege is stronger than ever

At the moment, it's playable.
Not the best, but definitely not the worst. Weekly dev streams also help.

>play PK

>You get to kill a woman
fuck yeah

>you get to play as a women
fuck no
>they are as strong as men

What are the odds of him getting nerfed Sup Forums?

Makes me wish, they showed this kind of love to Heroes of Might and Magic.

But it says a lot, when a game adored by Ubisoft only manages to do OK.

He already got nerfed.

>women get their heads cut off
equality, bitches.


Are Centurions male only?


I absolutely love how this game shits all over manlets.
Expendable goons, even towered by female heroes, absolutely BTFO.
When will they learn?


you just proved his point
>operation health



>Brought to you by modern western developers



Fuck off shills, this fucking garbage game still has p2p connections

What the fuck are you even talking about?

The game is fun, fuck off then

>mfw the keep updating For Honor for the better
>mfw the two new classes are fun as fuck and competely adjust the meta for the better

How does the ninja play? Is the female ninja cute?

Fuck this guy and his bullshit no detail face plate.

Did they buff my Lawboy yet?

Will they just drop this shit to $30 already

I really want to play but fuck paying $80 for a ubishit game

>nerfs centurion kick
>doesn't touch shinobi kick
Amazing thanks ubisoft
I literally never had a problem versing cents

I had to quit temporarily till the rebalances rolled out after the 2 new characters got released.
Centurion isn't that bad. He can do a few kind of cheesy things under the right circumstances but most of those are easy enough to avoid if you know about them.
The fucking Shinobi however
A lot of the shit he does is counterable by a good player, sure. But the problem is he has WAY too many options.
You can only counter shit if you already know it's coming because some of it is too fast for most people to react to

The problem lies that in any one situation they have 3 and upwards towards 6 different options of how to do shit. So playing that guessing game will usually result in a loss unless you're up against a hilariously bad player.

Any character that relies on a bad player controlling them to be beatable is fucking poor balance.

This shit is somehow worse than the problems with Turtlebringers, orochi's that actually know how to make use of their deflect and is right on par with Wardens being able to cancel their shoulder charge into a guard break.

Is that Sargon of Akkad?

Are you seriously complaining about LB? He was like the weakest hero back when I played it last time.

>Long ass list of Raider buffs
>Still the worst character in the game
Didn't do fucking anything about how slow the character is. It's impossible to beat a competent player playing a fast character as Raider unless you parry all of their attacks.

Raider might be weak, but not the worst. He has ez mode feints, where he autocancels heavies into a fast stun attack.

Is the Conqueror still good?

Yeah, and that's the entire character. Block high or just dodge.
It doesn't do much damage either. His attacks are so slow that even with the blurred vision they are easy enough to block. So the only thing to worry about is his grab, and if you are getting grabbed you are awful.
His grab getting buffed is good, but good players don't get grabbed easy.
Centurion is basically a better Raider. I don't know why anyone would play Raider at this point.


Yep, now is one of the bests

>Still the worst character in the game
That's not Conqueror. They're the worst by a mile.
>Punishes are shit
>Can't do almost anything outside of said bash
>Damage is awful, (did I mention their punishes are awful?), general versatility is awful
>Only good use is group tanking/ganking

You must be rusing me. What did they change?

g2a my friend

He is the new warlord cancer

Im playing it right now, its broken as hell. But yeah its kind of fun

Raider has shit punishes
His character is built around one dodgeable poke
Can't do almost anything outside of said poke
Damage is awful outside of some of the slowest moves around, (did I mention their punishes are awful?), general versatility is awful
Only good use is group ganking

Which ones? Do you mean after the shove?

He's not one of the "best" but his shove got an omega buff where it guarantees 50/50 mixups and/or free damage. His little chuck-you-over move also lets him use a side heavy guaranteed. His parries are also very worthwhile now as the follow up unblockable is guaranteed in most cases.

Nah, he still can't drag people off to ledges 20 feet near him no matter the direction

>Raider has shit punishes
have you tried parrying
his out-of-stamina punishes are INSANE

Raider has some of the worst stamina issues in the game, the only way someone is getting fucked by getting knocked down by Raider with enough stamina to do that shit is if they are awful.

Raider has some of the best punishing in the game, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you trying to be offensive with Raider? That's not how he works in 1v1.

Shinobi is balanced

Man, oh man. I might get back into this game after all. LB went form literally zero to hero. The arm of the law might not have been the fastest, but it was inescapable, the day of reckoning has come, lawbros.
>it guarantees 50/50 mixups and/or free damage
Elaborate on that please. When I played last time you could just shove after every block, and it was guaranteed to connect. The problem was there was absolutely no follow-up after that.
How does it work now?

I had a team of 4 raiders recently, it was the most fun I've had on the game in recent times.

>has no argument
>t-the label of a publisher affects the overall quality of the game!

Imagine being this retarded, stop buying into le evil corporate game devs

>He is the new warlord cancer
Tell me more

I haven't played in months, is defense still op and super boring?

So, I've read the notes and watched the videos, but I didn't actually noticed anything about the shove being buffed. It still doesn't guarantee you either a light or GB, unlike Warden's vortex, or WL's headbutt.

The long arm into side heavy is really nice, considering how pretty much all of LB's attacks got a really good buff to damage. Also, it seems you can follow up a wallstun with a top heavy from any stance which is also great. And any parry guarantees an impale, which potentially leads into the aforementioned top heavy stun.

But the shove seems unchanged. Still, all the buffs combined now make LB a way more intimidating figure on the battlefield. As he should be.

Is Shugoki good for anything but grab memes and multi-player knockdowns yet?

Way to much damage for the speed of attacks
, also unblockables kicks into a combo that takes off 3/4 health is bullshit