Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding

>Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding.

is this the greatest villain in vidya history?

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If the series never progressed past the first game, no. As it is we live in this awful timeline so the answer is fuck no.

But Sovereign was killed in ME1, so it's not like they ruined him later.

>I ask you, what is your purpose here, Arisen?

Might not be the best but certainly the GOAT voice

At least he and Saren went out on a high note.

I enjoyed the whole trilogy, but the other villains never really competed with the first game's.

More like the greatest case of writers failing to live up to their own writing

The main writer was only a co-writer on ME2, and not present at all in ME3.

I thought it was pretty shit.

>I am so fucking powerful
>You will never understand just how powerful I am
>You're all gonna die from this much power

Not to mention it wasn't the actual thing, just a hologram. Could of been fake for all they knew.

Since they fucked them so bad, no.

>Just kidding, we're dumb squid robots that can easily be defeated
>Instead of each one of them resembling the weird, at the time dominant, species of that cycle, all of them just look like dumb squid things
>Even though the human reaper was a dumb Terminator

>Even though the human reaper was a dumb Terminator
As hilarious as it would have been to see that thing flying around like the Iron Giant, I think they imply that it would have been sealed up in a shelled casing similar to the others.

Which makes a bit more sense with the original concept art, because it looked a lot more organic.

ME surely loves its hexagonal pillars... you even find them in the andromeda galaxy... everywhere.. its like they never left the milky way in the first place

hexagons are the future, they're strong as fuck, you can stack them, they're space efficient

bees had it all figured out

>these have to be protheans
Says who?
They conquered many aliums, wouldn't hiding out on a planet that already has an extinct population make more sense? Especially if it was a planet the Reapers already cleansed.

He uses a lot of words to say absolutely nothing of any value

>We're super powerful
>You're nothing to us

>actually we're just robots built to kill organics so organics won't build robots
>and we do this by turning the organics we kill into robots
>also we're easily soloed by modern fleet tactics
>and our boss is a little boy

Nah Soveriegn is absolute shit.

Halo Gravemind.

Debate me.

>I am a monument to all your sins
What did he mean by this?

Fuck if I know, but if a giant goddamn conglomerate of corpses, reanimated into a giant tentacle, skulls for teeth, and with the sum knowledge of all that it consumed told me that? I'd probably lose, like, at least a drop of piss.

There's not really any reason to think efficient geometry would somehow be different in another galaxy that's still made up of the same elements with the same laws of physics.

They really should have left the Reapers to dark space after the first game.
Having the games be episodic space adventure games would have worked so much better

best villain, best voice

all other opinions are false

The thread could have been similar to the one in ME1, just Reaper-cultists affected by their influence somehow. Actually meeting and fighting them was the dumbest decision they've made.
The goal should have stayed to prevent them from coming back to the galaxy, maybe somehow permanent, never directly fighting and beating them.

JK, looked it up. Killing is a sin, and since the flood can use the corpses of enemies already dead to add to its mass, the body count of enemies killed by the humans/covenant is the "monument" of the gravemind.


Holy fuck.

>The rantings of an upjumped zealot make for tedious listening

>As it is we live in this awful timeline so the answer is fuck no.

>ignore ME3 and of course Andromeda
>ignore the Leviathan bullshit
>reveal that reapers are a creation of a human-like species from an old harvest cycle, that they are an attempt to "ascend"
>don't just write off dark matter and its role
>in the end tie the whole thing to human nature and flaws of humanity like greed and gluttony like every story told worth shit

The possibilities were endless, ME1 and 2 set the bar high for a brilliant finale, but of course they had to half ass ME3 because of muh Tortanic.

It's just the common "We are so superior you can't even understand us" speech.

The twist that the "ship" suddenly talks to you and the delivery are really fucking great though.

They might not have ruined Soverign per-se, but they did ruin the Reapers as a concept.

In ME1 and 2 they were downright Lovecraftian in their presentation, and it was great. Then 3 spoiled the whole thing with the full, hypocritical, backwards explanation of their origins. The Leviathans as a point-of-origin just felt like a poor substitute to boot.

Hot glue...h-hot glue.

>ooh Tali I love you ooh ooh

I bet there are still people who didnt comprehend reapers and fell for the "synthetics to kill organics to prevent organics making synthetics who kill organics" meme.

>I'm so powerful I couldn't give a shit about you but I feel an irresistable urge to talk to you just to tell you how superior I am

Sovereign was an antagonist but not a villain.

Reminder that the doctors quit bioware because of le diversity hire meeymeey

I was okay with this concept because you could sort of see how it'd end up looking like Sovereign, and imagine all the Reapers as having fetal cores that look the same because all life in the galaxy had a common origin

But the terminator in a shell thing is just too retarded to suffer
Derelict Reaper was the only good thing to come out of ME2

>You have attacked us before, and we survived! You cannot defeat us. Submit!

We did. You did. Yes we can. No.