a black day indeed for the second life ERP community
Is it possible to hoard rabbit food in second life?
I'd no joke rather see every non-white on earth die than see these poor virtual animals hibernate and never wake up.
top kek
Can't you just mod something to make the rabbits not sleep? Or you know change the food to something else?
this is probably the least offensive thing on second life and for some reason this makes me meloncollie.
The real story here is that people still play second life.
I now remember my first girlfriend, a qt as fuck pale petite chinese girl, telling me she drowned a rabbit as a child because she didn't want to take care of it.
Goddamn what a sociopath.
I guess its probably the "ultimate" ERP experience right now. I like some very light RP in MMOs but second life was so janky and weird I never got into it.
New erp game with black desert graphics when
these particular ones need to connect to a server that is no longer running to get their "food"
Second Life
First Death
>people paid for a digital rabbit
>people are regularly paying for digital rabbit food for their digital rabbit
They deserve to know loss
Rabbits are a shit tier animal. Even as food, Gators manage to have better tasting meat
Can someone translate the article? It's gibberish written by some ESL
>qt as fuck pale petite chinese girl
did you forget what you were lying about halfway through that description?
what kind of person literally hangs on second life i can only imagine its all ding dongs
furries, ding dong lovers, furry ding dong lovers
>tfw broke a glass on a wall right next to my pet rabbit, 90% sure glass got on its face
because people make money off of it
At least people who want to ERP know SL is the prime choice.
Rabbits are the fucking devil though, so I can't blame her. If I ever went to someone's house and found a dead rabbit floating in the toilet with a cork up its ass I'd just smile and flush.
Story checks out.
I legit play it to watch people fuck up in their social circles on the side while selling them shit for money that I cash out in paypal.
I'm pretty sure this game is like a simulation of what will happen to society in a few more decades, dunno how, but it will happen.
You can't, all virtual animals are pyramid schemes.
I kid you not, I watch people buy fucking virtual horses with brasil flags in the eyes for 50-70 bucks a pop because it's "rare".
There is a lot of money floating around in this thing and people pay for some inane shit.
>DRM protected virtual food to keep e-bunnies alive
It's a brave new world we live in
That isn't even the tip of the iceberg. For every good thing in sl, there are 4 more things someone is jewing the hell out of. Look up bloodlines for a kick
Say what you want about Pokémon, at least they're all free
Well, except for Celebi, but everyone hates Celebi so that's OK
I'm not even a genwunner purist, but Celebi is pretty lame.
Pokemon doesn't make you pay real money to keep your fucking poorly animated sparkledog alive.
There are literally graveyards for these things where you can see their age and how much someone got jewed.
Saw a field of these fuckers just dead and sick with like 4000 days on them apiece.
>Hating Celebi
That's fucking wrong though.
I was just baiting, nobody hates Celebi but (you)
I think everyone would love to see every non white die even if it ment they got to watch paint dry
Or you could get use GameShark. Given all the Gold/Silver batteries are dead by now there can't be more than a few legitimate ones from the Nintendo events left in the world.
extremely underrated post
what I played my silver version a couple weeks ago
The fact that you get nickel and dimed in this game so hard is what bothers me most, not the freakish conglomerate of fetishes
>pay for your virtual rabbit food goy
That's a shame, I've been saving mine out of nostalgia.
You could transfer it to a fresh battery game, but that would have taken a pretty fair amount of forethought.
This is now a rabbit thread.
Post qt bunnies.
lads what are some quality SL trolling vids
Danielfromsl is the best
The funny thing is that normally, gold/silver carts will lose their memories faster than red/blue carts because the internal clocks take some of the power that goes into the battery backed-up memory.
>not charliezzz
Was the Second Life raiding era the best Sup Forums era?
Bundo's power grows each day.
I think I've never understood what second life was. I thought it was some shitty ERP thing.
It was part of some of the best times. Some of the old kings are still around but there are a lot of homos who came out of the roach motel when the lights turned out.
Second life isn't really an erp engine perse. It's a sandbox which means you can do fucking anything. It's just virtual penis sells well.
She's not a sociopath, she's a normal chinese. To be a sociopath you need to be a human.
Please tell me this is second life money and that people don't spend eight thousand dollars on vampire erp accessories
capitalism, ho.
That's like 30$
7999 Lindens is worth 32 usd right now and yes people spend money on that shit.
All non-whites are not human.
That's not actually 8000 dollari doos right?
There's got to be some kind of conversion to fake bux otherwise that's utterly retarded.
Ok so it's significantly less stupid than I thought, but still incredibly stupid.
wife material right there
There's no such thing as "white", it's an invented term by savages that migrated to america such as potato or spaghetti niggers so that they could pretend they were human beings.
Can somebody give me the quick rundown, who is he being sued by?
>it's significantly less stupid than I thought
It's not tho. It's terrible and SL as a whole is a cancerous blight on the internet.
Spending $30 on vampire erp accessories is significantly less stupid than spending $8000 on vampire erp accessories
Neck yourselves. Nor even joking. Fucking do it.
It blows my mind that there's a dedicated community still around for stuff like Second Life and Entropia Universe.
I never even see people talk about these games but there are appearently folks who do it full time.
Most of the time the best place to talk about sl is in sl since it even has a working web browser that can sync up youtube videos and junk
they used to look human
Second Life has a very outdated, but very interesting system though, from a computer scientist perspective.
This shit ain't scalable for shit, but somewhere down the line the metaverse will be built upon such foundation and the lessons of Second Life failures.
I just want to make sure I understand the fucking absurdity of this shit. You have people who play Second Life, which is a sandbox MMO where you can roleplay as yourself. In said game, you had people selling virtual pets you could buy, but cost real human dollars. To keep you digital pixels alive, you are then required to shell out more real human dollars, otherwise your virtual pet deletes itself. That'd be like a Pokemon game where you fucking have to pay real money anytime you want to visit and Pokecenter and if you don't visit one every few days, all your Pokemon die.
What has to happen to you as a kid to fall prey to a scam this retarded? Or to even play Second Life? People whose uncles diddle them aren't even this fucked up.
>digital pixels
as opposed to physical pixels you fucking dumbshit
Not when they've probably spent that much over time on vampire and furry rp and erp accessories and DRM'd god only knows what.
They're is a whole group of people who log in and buy/sell breast milk made in game.
Exactly. Physical pixels are things in your monitor.
>and DRM'd god only knows what.
There's an ancap joke here somewhere.
You can actually shitpost here from second life.
You can make your very own pyramid scheme and sell it to people and they will fucking spread it like a virus if you do it right. It's crazy yeah.
>The seller of DRM protected fake rabbit food in a videogame is closing down
>People with fake DRM protected rabbits can't get food anywhere else
Current year is most fucked timeline
>so they´ve shut down
for the rabbit they apparently just hibernate, but since no more food is ever going to be sold they're effectively dead
Thing about this is they are just gonna open this shit back up with another name and or animals. They make so much bank off this shit it's impossible to not want to do that as a businessman.
I'll tell you right now though, a fun activity in sl is exploiting and destroying these little things.
>a fun activity in sl is exploiting and destroying these little things.
what the fuck does that mean
[can't wake up]
It's like fucking up someone's stuff in minecraft except they can't roll this back usually
Who cares? Animals, whenever real or fake are dumb useless things only existing to show the superiority of the European race. I snap the necks of stray cats whenever they come up to me, begging for food like niggers. And that's real community service.
This game is garbage for mentally ill furfags
whats the legal threat?
You have no idea how bad things are in sl, furries are vanilla because people have managed to become even worse.
>responding at all
You're only encouraging it.
>pshhh... nothin personnel... kitty
The bad guys are fuckin amazin
Also britbong is pretty chill
>depending on DRM
They got what they deserved
Fake story
She would've eaten it instead