
Convince me not to buy a switch right now

I could spend this money starting to build a proper gaming PC (I'll need more than double the switch funds tho).

I already know I'm going to fall for the E3 hype no matter what they show and buy one anyway

Wait for more games and the inevitable revision that will come.

I want a revision that puts the charge port on the top and not the bottom but I know I wont be able to wait likely over a year for that. . .

wait for e3 i guess

Honestly if FFVII Remake came to it, I would buy it

Why do you want that

you can pirate game on pc hence save more money in the long run. Plus you can also emulate breath of wild on pc

>Convince me not to buy a switch right now
Nintendo panders to men now

I regularly sit in a college lounge, or desk at my house. Putting the switch on a flat surface seems like it would be comfy, but due to it's shit battery life I'd want to be charging it all the time.

I dont have one yet, but I hear it's an annoyance.

Makes sense. The battery life isn't as bad as I thought it would be in handheld mode. I get like 3-4 hours on it depending on the game, which is far more time than I'd like to be playing vidya in a public college lounge.
Also I find the screen slightly too small to set down on a table for detail-intensive games like BoTW. I end up leaning in to see things more often than not, and it's only about 2 feet away.

Are you getting the neon or grey one?

I'll look around for colored ones but if I can only find the gray switch in stock I'll pick that up. Then drop $50 on the Splatoon 2 neon green and pink joycons when they come out.

There just aren't enough games for it right now really. I'd wait until the Holiday season or later. I got mine on launch day and it spends a lot of time docked and off. Probably won't be used regularly until a new Monster Hunter comes to it. Unless you've got friends with Switches for shit like Mario Kart or Splatoon 2 I don't think you'll be seeing appropriate playtime from it.

lol have fun with 5fps

The Switch should be able to run most current gen games just fine thanks to optimization.

>I already know I'm going to fall for the E3 hype no matter what they show and buy one anyway
Then get one now. Because if it's hard to get one now before E3, it will most likely be nigh impossible after E3.

>Wait for more games and the inevitable revision that will come.

that's what they said with the Wii U though

yeah on very low settings lol

That's literally impossible because of the docking function, you dunce.


where's the joke

>Then drop $50 on the Splatoon 2 neon green and pink joycons when they come out.
>He doesn't know

In theory it shouldn't be too hard to have a charging port on the top and a docking port on the bottom. The 3DS had the special contacts specifically for its dock, just nobody bothered using it.
It seems like the inside of the Switch is a lot more densely packed than the 3DS though, so they might struggle to fit an extra port on it.

arms is a joke

>In theory it shouldn't be too hard to have a charging port on the top and a docking port on the bottom.
That could interfere with the fans and you're acting as if a docking port and charging port are different when they are the exact same. By having two charging ports, one on the bottom and one on the top, you are adding more unnecessary strain and like you said the Switch is much more compact so you are really just wasting space

I don't want to look it up, don't tell me they're selling the splatoon joycons for more than $50 (in Japan bucks)

A single (one) Joycon is $50 dollaroos. A pair is about $80. Joycons are filled with so much shit so I can see why but holy fuck.

it should be on the top from the beginning, nintendo is just shit at designing

fuck that, OP, build the PC. i would get a switch, but it's literally NOGAEMS right now. i visit this video games deal site and the switch deals are always the same few games + accessories because there are NOGAMES. besides, you can play zelda with that PC you build

Being able to play on a T.V. is more important than on a table

you realize you could still play on tv right? or are you just stupid nintendo drone?

If the docking port was on the top of the console how could you be able to put the Switch in without causing problems? I'm genuinely curious to see what kind of thing you can muster.

Do it OP
I would buy one right now if any were in fucking stock

upside down you retard. people like you work at nintendo, whole company is just pitiful

So now you can't turn off the system, put in cartridges, and the Switch will catch on fire since the fans are blocked. Although you are definitely baiting so here's your (You)

yeah, just like you cant charge controllers when docked, but you dont have any problem with that, right?

You could just use a stand which allows you to use the USB-C port while playing in tabletop mode. It'd also give you more viewing angles than the one the kickstand provides.

There is nothing but Wii U ports and Splatoon 2 is for children
Why would you buy it? It doesn't even have 3rd party games?
If Mario is great and not 3D Land shit then maybe it will get it's first legit game but until then just emulate zelda on CEMU because the Switch is a pos hardware that has major faults and the game crashes a lot - source: my best friend who has one

>no animal crossing
>no smash
>no kirby
>no pokemon
>no 2D mario
>no rpg mario
>no starfox
>300$+tip for a 720p tablet
Why the FUCK would you want a Switch right now

No because the controllers last over 20 hours. If you run out of battery life then it's your fault for not simply connecting it to the dock while you sleep or stop playing.

I have a wii u, the switch is worthless for me. a wii u is cheap and fully hacked. you can watch a tv and play on the wii u, conclusion buy a cheap ass wii u

>no splatoon
>no arms
>no games that aren't also on wii u

more lie you are retarded nintendo drone that will eat any shit nintendo make, button to turn off the system and cadridges are lesser evel because you still can play your games after setup, but having charging port on the bottom is many times inconvenient, its a shit design only drones or shills would defent

I have no clue where the hell you would buy one. I can't find one online anywhere except for scalpers.

In Europe it didn't sell as much, he could probably import it easily

I have no idea what you are trying to argue about anymore. At this point you are only insulting me without a proper argument and using bait images.

Here is a perfect reason not to get one.

>Switch has 393 GFLOPS GPU, PS4 is 1840 GFLOPS
Nigga the only 'optimisation' that will get modern games on running on the switch is running them at a 480p resolution

But what if I don't want those games.

>having charging port at the bottom is better than having it at the bottom
holy shit i'm laffn

having charging port at the top is better than having it at the bottom, multimillion company couldnt think about it, they are retards, just like you

Literally not a single one of those games looks remotely interesting.

It's pretty simple. If you like Nintendo games buy it. If you don't don't buy it.

Thats a pretty bad list. Plenty of good games on PC but here I can only see 3 ok games (For Honor, Prey and MVC).

If these don't interest you then you should get a Switch all you are going to get is Wii U ports, 2 year old indie games and first party releases every 3 months.

laff all you want, im not the one with defective shit

I already got a PC, thanks.

Of course it is better but the whole point of the Switch is to be able to quickly take it out of the dock and be able to switch between T.V. and portable mode. There is no feasible way they can do that by having it on the top without some complex or confusing hunk of plastic. Not to mention the clutter with everything else on the top of the Switch. I want you to explain exactly how they can still be able to switch between T.V. to handheld without complications. Also you can't hide from your mistakes, you retarded fuck.

So then hold off on the switch I'm sure if you are a true Nintendo fan then you already have a Wii U or can get one for less then half the cost of a Switch. The library was pretty shit but it has enough good games untill the Switch release more worthwhile games.

>and first party releases every 3 months.
Better than every 3 years

wait for the revision. the dock scratches the screen, the body bends and one of the controllers ('joycons') disconnects at random.

>play portable
>turn it 180 degree
>put it in dock
even grade schooler would know this, and fucking complications are you even talking about? pulling it off, changing catridge and putting it back within 30 seconds is a complication? but having to make box with a hole to put your switch on and charge it is not a problem? you are retarded

I'm not engineering tech major. But couldn't you just have a port on the top and bottom?

>real scotsman meme
No, I don't own a Wii U. It was a piece of shit. I already own a PC and a Switch. PS4 is just as shitty as the Wii U was.

>in very few cases and nintendo always sends replacment systems

>the dock issue is caused by violent retards slamming their switches down like grunting monkeys

>the body bend is constant use for two days at a time in the damn dock while on

so, stress testing.

get fucked sonybro

The Switch will overheat by blocking the fans when it's upside down and the Joycons can't be placed on the Switch and thus aren't able to be charged, you flamboyant faggot. Not to mention you are adding unnecessary hassle by having to take the Switch out just to do basic functions.


Do whatever the fuck you want with your money. A sucker is born every day anyway.

If the last two decades of Nintendo we're enough to convince you, nothing will.

I'd like to ask how this is bait, because the PS4 is a shitball and one can own a switch and a pc

oh wait i'm being baited

post yer switches

you are literally retarded. what fans? how hard is to move it, they fucking made this mobo, they could design it any way they wanted? how hard is to make a dock that will be compatible with joycons connected upside down? oh yeah, we are talking about nintendo, too much to handle

Your switch will look like shit when they come up with a better one.

if you mention bending at all, nintendo will replace your switch no questions asked. its a mass product failure they are covering up akin to the ps2 disc read error. you can bet theyre already hard at work on a version that doesn't have the issues known now, and they are trying to sweep the obvious issues under the rug at the same time.

You can play Zelda on Wii U or PC.

No reason to get a Switch.

You're not OP, OP said he could build a PC.

Also, most of those are Sony exclusive, all of them are console exclusive.

Is that the silicone grip that has the bumps on the back? Idk what to call it buttcheeks?


Buy a PC if you want late ports and broken-on-release games

If you can look at all the issues the switch has had, and still be torn on whether now is a good time to purchase one, go ahead and buy one.

There are a lot of people on Sup Forums that remind me of that old saying regarding a fool and his money.

>shit battery life I'd want to be charging it all the time.
What are you doing at college that you need more than 3.5 hours of gameplay

Seems like you could just go home


Fuck off drone.

How are they I've been thinking about picking them up because I really don't like the way the switch feels in handheld mode.

>you are literally retarded. what fans?
These fans
>how hard is to make a dock that will be compatible with joycons connected upside down?
I don't follow. Are you saying they should make it so you can connect the joycons from any side? If that is able to happen then you will be able to hold the entire console upside down and be unable to play and the joycons won't be secure which could lead to the screen loosening and slipping out leading to cracked screens. Face it kid, everything you say has major design flaws bigger than not being to charge while in tabletop mode.

Not him, and I'm no fan of the switch (I think everyone who buys one right now is fucking retard), but I hate those kinds of arguments.

Reminds me of:
>"What do you need free speech for? What is it that you want to say?"
>"What do you need guns for? Who is it that you want to shoot?"
>"What do you need privacy for? What are you trying to hide?"

The bottom line is that he doesn't need to justify the reasoning for anything. He explained what he wants out of the switch, and the switch doesn't meet his desires.

Wait for fixed and cheaper version next summer bundled with MK8D and MO.

It's a lot more comfortable, my hands usually feel like they're about to cramp when I'm not using the grip.

There isn't a lot of grip on the analog stick cover things so they do feel a lot more slippery

How does it feel when holding a single joycon on the side? That's how I play Mario Kart with my friend

holy shit, you are just embarrassing yourself, you said it would be a problem to put tablet upside down because you would not be able to charge joycons, right? are you fallowing here? then i said they could design dock the way that it would be possible to put switch with a joycons connected upside down, like whole tablet with pads connected, turn it upside down and put it in a dock, you still here or do i have to draw this in paint? taking switch out the dock to change catridge is not a problem because you dont have as many games to change them every day lol

I have one. After playing Zelda, it's been sitting in it's charger for the last month. I occasionally pick it up too see if anything interesting is on the eShop, then put it back in disgust.

just put these fans on the other side

it makes it a lot more ergonomic since the buttcheek adds symmetry to the joycon when playing sideways

Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should. It's still retarded and takes away from the simplicity of just snapping together and go. All this unnecessary bullshit just so you can charge while you're in tabletop mode. Holy hell we spent an hour of our lives on this stupid fucking argument.

>speaks like a retard
>makes retarded points
>thinks he's smart
Not even the guy you're arguing with but I'm laffin

>implying you will find one at retail price
That should be enough of a deterrent, dont play Nintendos game and buy one.

yeah lets just throw user convenience out the window so nintendo can save money building it, retards will buy anyway. enjoy your holes in the table faggot

Making you flip the dock upside-down would be much less convenient. And it would cover up the headphone port.

retard, we are talking about docked, not portable, how retarded are you nigga, how hard is it for you to turn it around before putting it in a dock? headphone port could be located in the bottom, it wont make a difference in portable mode

All your "genius ideas" through user convenience out the window, you spear chucker.
Here's a list of all the issues each of your ideas cause
>Can't charge joycons
>Blocks fans
>Clutter on the top
>Can't change the game without taking the whole thing out
>Can't turn it off without taking the whole thing out
>User must do unnecessary movements when taking it out because of a function they may not use
Using laughing and bait images isn't going to change the fact that you have no idea what you are saying and are relying on insults because you lost the argument ages ago.

You can use the headphone port while docked.

I'm the dude he's arguing with but why would you want to do that?