Is this a comeback for cod, or another blunder?

Is this a comeback for cod, or another blunder?

Whatever it is, I'm going to be playing Rising Storm

I think the blunder was calling it CoD:WWII instead of saving face and making it finally CoD: 5

it'll be a comeback if you can play as an ss officer in the holocaust mission

I'm playing Call of Duty. What went so wrong? The first games were awesome.

>tfw when you will never throw potatos through windows for the first time again
>tfw when you will never experience the D-Day mission for the first time again
My friends always wonder why I have an actual hatred towards Call of Duty

Because of how they shit on my good memories with a massive grin, pushing fucking purple exosuits and Color Me Mine weapon camos
Walking in to my 8 year old cousins living room and seeing him running on walls with robot team mates makes me feel dead inside

It's like if you had a kid who was a fucking amazing artist, painting landscapes and shit, beautiful paintings. Then one day he hears about being abstract and just starts painting purple and blue squares. It doesn't matter if he paints another masterpiece again one day, you're still gonna look at it and see purple and blue squares.

You're clearly autistic

I'm sorry for your feel, bro.

However it turns out, I'm just happy there's no more of that gimmicky vertical movement bullshit that barely worked.

>hey you gonna play call of duty world war two?
>I already played that years ago
>no no no call of duty world war two not call of duty 2
>yeah the one with the japs and that sniper mission I already played that
>no no no call of duty world war 2 not world at war
>Oh you mean the first world war 2 game they had yeah pretty much everyone has played the first call of duty
>no no no the world war 2 one