P5 fags

>p5 fags
not even once

So... this is the power of anime

sex with a girl wearing anne's catsuit would be nice

>no Nemissa allowed
Shit taste

You can't hear it, but I'm laughing for real right now.

Whatever you're imagining, add acne and 135 lbs to it. Then spice up the personality in the room with insecurity, petulance, entitlement, inexperience, and a chip for every shoulder.

someone must've recorded one of these con orgy things and put it up online by now

>not wanting to be fucked by a dapper Raidou

What a buncha plebs

Alternatively, skip adding the weight but add femine penis instead

>why the fuck did everyone come as Nozomi?!

>6 guys show up

>maybe 1 girl who leaves 5 minutes after she arrives

Calling it

Soooo Sup Forums in a nutshell.

any one have some cool craiglist stories?

They're having sex and you're not.

as long as one of the guys in wearing a skirt, i can make it work


The fuck is unfair about SMT?

This is exactly what I was imagining.

there truly are fates worse than death.

>they're having sex

You don't actually know that, but also, yes I am.

I still would. Fetishes helps you overcome certain nasty details

I knew a guy in college who was "bi" (aka degenerate scum). He met a guy at a park and ride to get his dick sucked. The guy stuck a knife in his face and robbed him for $300 + whatever was in his car.

Then he still gave the mugger a blowjob anyway. It wasn't forced or anything, he just wanted to do it.

>not wanting to fuck yamato in drag
shit taste tbqh

you're acting like this is some sort of new thing that happens at conventions

Desu has social links though.
Fucking persona chads.

1 girl? I'd doubt that. Maybe a fat tranny, but not a real woman. You'd maybe get one at some faggy P5 themed party, but an orgy filled with weeb losers? No chance

>go to fuck some cute anime boys or girls
>walk in
>greeted by pic related all in the room
what do?

>show up as persona 3 character
>shoot self when you get there

call the cops

Do you think it is "rad" to not have standards, my man?

I'd hang out with Kanji and Yu.

Succ based Yosuke.

>Didn't bite the robber cock down
What a faggot

>they are literally organising an orgy and keeping the SMTcucks out
Now I see why they're called Personachads.

Style on the hoe's, its the obvious choice.

I've always wondered where this fucking picture came from

Fucking darkies are even more weeaboo than whites

black people love playstation

>check Craigslist to see if it's real
>0 results found
Post the link or you're trolling.

Those gatherings are 90% fat virgins and 90% crazy fat "girls"

I'd just hang out with Kanji-coon. He looks chill and clearly isn't taking it as seriously as the others.

>Fucking darkies are even more weeaboo than whites
Not sure about that, but they're for certain a lot more bro tier.

Not at all m8. It's just my fetishes ruin my standards at time.

If all blacks were like this, race relations would be solved. Why is it all so unfair? How do we teach more of the dark skins about the joys of taking waifus and honoring our Japanese brethren?

>because no one cares about that outdated, unfair, no-social link tripe.
How can someone be this mad, and this much of a shitter

shit man my friend sent me that picture hours ago. where would i even look on craigslist to find it?

>there are people probably group fucking in costume RIGHT NOW and you're not invited

dude fuck this

>but they're for certain a lot more bro tier.

Until you beat them in Street fighter/SSB/Marvel vs Capcom then they turn into bitch as nigga tier


Choose your teammates

Kanji legit looks like he could fuck a nigga up.

holy fuck

That reminds me of the story some tranny user said about them being involved in a Brony Orgy, which ended up with all the girls being ignored and it becoming a literal circlejerk

>not Kwanji-coon


I will never not laugh at kanji-coon

Gotta get them s.links up somehow.

There's also the /jp/ 2hu orgies

do you have a cap or archive link? i'd love to read that shit.


Explain further

>actually thinking this is real

you guys don't even recognize satire? Sup Forums is truly the most autistic board

Found it

Nice job posting fake shit on Craigslist, OP.

>not jamal-kun

Is it seriously this easy to have sex?

are these ever legit with actual fuck able girls?

As long as you have no standards, yes.

I don't believe this is real. I know these losers have orgies at conventions all the time, but I still refuse to believe this real.

Well I'm on Sup Forums

You are good to go then.

if the girl is at least a 5/10 she's doable

Someone should go in dressed as YHVH and smite these sons of man for engaging in pleasures of the flesh and leaving Him out of it.

>SMT/Persona fanbase

I'm at ACEN right now. It's a fucking meme after the undertale post last year

>It's a fucking meme after the undertale post last year



go and fuck

Should've bit the guys dick off

The Undertale orgy post of the same vein. I'm on mobile at the moment and don't have anything saved on it, and i certainly didn't go, but it did indeed happen.

You know I don't doubt its hard as congoers are sluts, especially the /cgl/ threads on it, but I'm just so far from caring

you here for the orgy?

>not showing up dressed as odin

kaji coon holy keks


Bring your buddy and go as old and new odin

That's gay

Well I mean if you're already blowing the guy that's kinda a given

>after looking at so many pictures of naked girls you realize you know exactly what turns you on physically
>life is too short NOT to find a girl that fits this exactly
>still can't find one
>refuse to settle for anything less
>die alone

Life isn't worth living

>6 obese guys show up

Pretty much. The internet, and media in general, both fictional and acted by IRL people have completely destroyed people's expectations of, well, people. It's specially bad when you go full force into 2D.

What? You mean I can't go as this sauve motherfucker? You don't know what you're missing, Personafags.

You actually have to be able to make coherent and normal sounding words to females, and then understand signals and responses that mean "i will have sex with you"

Its actually incredibly complicated

>no SMT people
can they really afford to be picky about people though?

>make more blacks weebs
>they stop fucking girls
>no more blacked

>they willingly turn away people dressed as Mastema
What a bunch of fools.

Right? I'm an Aussie and have never been to a con but I keep hearing about all the orgys that happen at the cons.

Is there any footage of such things?

If not can some kind user take it upon themselves to go record?

>tfw have incredibly specific and contradictory fetishes

you're describing virgins in general though, thats kind of not fair despite your post basically being spot on.

I'm trying to get rid of acne.
I'm only 135lbs lol
virgins do feel entitled sometimtes from what ive seen
inexperience because a virgin, no shit, i would love to get experience if i could get experience, catch 22 and craigs list isnt working
idk what petulance means or a chip to everyones shoulder means eitehr

No thank you I don want my waifu getting blacked

You know, there's a reason why these people can only get fucked at these conventions user.

I know that feel. Makes me envy the people who lose their mind over bare ass/breasts/naked bodies

Who wanna go first?

I've been posting on craigs list in my area for like years now, for just one time fling sex stuff, I still have never got a girl to want to meet me, they always stop replying after they see me. I make it pretty clear I don't want to do stuff with guys or bisexual men but they are the only ones who even repond most of the time. I'm basically just an ugly person and not even adding more muscle and getting rid of my stomach fat at 150lbs can fix my face and my hunchback

for actual dating however, it is only girls who want me to give them money. EVERY FUCKING TIME. THEY ALSO ALWAYS HAVE KIDS TOO