So bad at project management that their short expansion pack to their most popular game gets delayed for ten years now

>So bad at project management that their short expansion pack to their most popular game gets delayed for ten years now
>Everything but Half Life has been made by external modders who Valve hired
>Monopolise PC gaming with a shitty DLC licence platform
>Paid Mods

Is there any company worse than Valve?

Other urls found in this thread:

Nope, I hate companies that have great IPs, but don't do anything with them

No, there truly isn't. I love my PS4 with no modding at all! And it's not like my PS4 will ever quit working or my games will go away. I much prefer a closed system that offers no room at all for competition.

You can go back to r/pcmasterrace now, Gabe.

I don't expect HL3 at this point but is it too much to ask for Portal 3? Or any new single-player game? Valve does nothing about multiplayer hat simulators now.

nothing but multiplayer*

If you honestly think that Valve is working on Half Life 3, you are a silly person.

Valve only care about money now.

This is why their only creations are multilayer coin sitting machines that they can fill to the brim with hats and skins.

Every game they've published since TF2 has had some form of paid customisation.

They don't need single player games because they make all their money off Steam and MP. This is the reason why HL3 hasn't been made.

Yes, sony.

Source 2 leaks? Wasn't there going to be a possible Left 4 Dead 3 or remastered versions of the older games?

... you haven't noticed? All they did was hit the ball out of the park with a couple of home runs but can't replicate success.

All they had to do was capitalize on the digital distribution platform and then create menial shit. This has been going on for ages now.

Look at Steam streaming. It's taken off what? Like 2 years now? And it's still fucking shit. Just a testament to the half assed stuff they do surrounding projects.

Read some of the former employee feedback on Glassdoor. Shit's hilarious.

Holy fuck you're right. Literally none of their projects actually get past the initial hype.

You think you can trust Glassdoor? Tell me, do you listen to the bullshit you read on Yelp and the BBB? Amy's Baking Company may be awful, but I don't believe every review left there anymore.

Of course not. But a flat structure like Valve can only lead to menial shit as people gravitate towards "successful" projects and have no metrics to grade the quality of their work.

It's not delayed. It was never announced. Valve just stopped making video games, and went full-bore with steam and steambox.

I think its because they have no hierarchy structure at Valve anyone can come and go and work on different projects as they please and nobody really is enforcing them to stay working. People get bored of this and leave Valve which means no work gets done.

They can't replicate success any more since there aren't really any successful mod projects out there for them to buy. They're probably sitting on dozens of dead projects that aren't fun.

I don't think steam streaming is bad. I use it when someone wants to watch me play something for a few minutes and it does it's job fine. It's just theres no audience when twitch was popular then and equally as popular now.

>Digital Homicide

Remember when Steam Sales actually got you AAA games from just a few months ago at 75% off?
Now they're just 10% off things you actually want and 75% of things you already have

That's you falling for their marketing scams cuck

What's the biggest reasons you hear people bitch about other digital platforms?

"Why don't they just put it on Steam, I don't want another application, ALL my games are already there."

They grew their base, got a shit ton of people with cheap games early on, and as soon as the monopoly is pretty much complete and the mindset is there of "all my games are here", they stopped giving real sales.

Imagine if Sup Forums had a quarterly "Wal-Mart sale thread" every time that store had a sale, and requesting "fun" posts on what you bought? People have a created a culture of buying a bunch of shit from a particular store, likes it's something to be proud of.

this is why i pirate exclusively and only buy when i really like a game

fuck these people

Do you want Blizzard's monopoly instead?

The reason they stopped sales is because they don't need to discount games more than 10% to have people buy them.

>but Blizzard!
About 6-8 years late, pcbro. Blizzard's self contained, not forcing shit on other PC developers.

EA, Ubisoft, GOG, Blizzard.
Valve might be flawed but they still saved PC gaming.

Sup Forums got so bad that the mods make it so v-alvedrone gets automatically changed to pcbro now?

Did it for all the popular Sup Forums slurs.

>saved PC gaming.
...about a decade ago.

They're cancer these days. GOG is infinitely better than Valve will ever be these days. I hope Amazon is successful with their PC game storefront they're working on setting up.

PC gaming never did need saving. Please stop spreading that narrative.

PC gaming was a lot better before Steam. Valve completely destroyed the PC market by turning it into an app-store like business model

>GOG is infinitely better than Valve will ever be these days
They refuse Japanese games, so they're a pile of shit.
PC gaming was nothing than western shovelware before Valve helped spread the Japan love on Steam.

GOG and Blizzard don't belong on that list. They're both better than Valve (though Blizz for not a necessarily good reason).

Blizzard is only better because they don't do anything outside of their own brand or Activision. They don't shit up everyone else.

GOG is keep PC gaming honest, and actually not forcing DRM on everyone.

Valve's success has peaked, it's only going to go downhill from here.

Oh fuck off.

GOG allows Japanese games. It's just that GOG doesn't allow DRM for games sold through them, and some Japanese devs refuse to not have DRM.

No they're not. GOG is like Valve pre-Greenlight, refusing any Japanese games because they are "problematic". Blizz is the same as EA and Ubisoft, they force you to use their shitty launcher.
Yes and? Where are the Cave games? Where are the Senran Kagura games? Where are all the NIS games? GOG has nothing, they are worthless.

The bizaare cult of personality (especially now that they attached a MOBA and that cancer of a community to them) will keep Valve apologists going for a long time, so it's not exactly going to be a fast trip downhill.

>No they're not. GOG is like Valve pre-Greenlight, refusing any Japanese games because they are "problematic".
You can be a valve fanboy all you want, but why be a liar as well?

Idiots like you keep this cancer in PC gaming going.

>visual novels saved PC gaming
Japs being forced to sell their games on Steam where they often get censored is indicative of how Steam destroyed the PC market.
Can't sell anything anymore unless you sell it on Steam.

You're right it won't be a fast trip but Destiny 2 going Battle Net is the first sign Steam isn't in complete control of the PC market

Recently I've taken a liking to gog's platform. The store clean a long with their DRM free approach.

There's not a single game that was "forced to be censored by Valve". It's always the pub who decided to do retarded crap. Sekai Project is the cancer killing VNs in the west.

>they force you to use their shitty launcher.
Blizz's launcher isn't shitty, though. Them having shitty games doesn't play into this discussion.

The "oh, I don't like having multiple applications on my PC" was never even in the mindset of PC users until Valve started console-izing PC gaming. You're just being a bitch.

Fuck off Blizzdrone.

Destiny 2 is under Activision, who also are over Blizzard, though. I don't think it's as big a sign as people hope.

I think Amazon might have the best bet of pulling from Valve. They'll likely tie to the storefront into Twitch in some way.

Why should i need to use an extra application to play games? I dont care about buying games online but just let me download an exe and run it straight

>"Blizzard's game are shitty"
>fuck off Blizzdrone
valve drone logic
well done

>There's not a single game that was "forced to be censored by Valve".
The exact same games are being sold in other stores uncensored.
They are only censored on Steam.

I was sincerely asking, but I know you're calling people names for fun; everyone does it.

I remember back in the day where pc gamers just made a folder of shortcuts readily available with a single right-click. Now pc gamers need extra applications for that.

And you're an example of how Valve console-ized PC gaming, for the worst. You get young kids these days who have your exact mindset, making monopolies and lack of competition easy (and easier for Valve to exploit people).

It's why Valve has gotten lazy, and their client hasn't gotten any serious work in maybe 8 years, outside of more ways to make themselves more money and "social media"-like shit.

blizzard, valve, ubisoft they are all shit now.


I think you misread what i meant, id like things to go back to
Just install a folder where i tell it instead of having an extra client i need to run.

Everyone who was watching the reveal expected D2 on Steam although it does look obvious they can use Blizzard it's a bit unorthodox in their behavior to add a non blizzard game.

If anything it made ripples,

Amazon is actually a good opponent against Valve(I kind of felt they just snuck in and didn't notice much activity despite them working deals and promos with twitch); it just goes to show PC is growing as a gaming platform.

Mid generation console refreshes are also a reaction to this trend.

valve is actually pretty bad and jewish.... they don't even use their infinite money to make games anymore - besides graphical makeover for older videogames mods (and not even that)

their "flat structure" bullshit is the most ridicolous shit I ever heard by the way. That's why they accomplish nothing- nothing besides jewing a market where they got a monopoly, or exploiting kids with autism for microtransactions

you fucking retard, they offered such deals because they wanted to consolidate their monopoly.... shame on you and all the idiots like you for falling for it.... you probably buy too many videogames

They are working on some VR games, which might actually make it worth getting a vive.

this... great post... always hated the "steam sale culture"... in addition to what you said, I found the compulsion to buy a shitload of game- just because they were on sale- to be unhealthy and disgusting... bragging about it even more so.... fuck valve, fuck steam sale buyers who can't control themselves, fuck microtransactions.....fuck steam, fuck the decision to kill single player games

>And it's not like my PS4 will ever quit working or my games will go away. I much prefer a closed system that offers no room at all for competition.

This shit applies to how Steam too you retard.

Yeah, Blizzard and Ubisoft. valve at least had the sense to stop making videogames when it turned out they were shit at it.

VR is a stupid gimmick... you can't make a full on game with that shit.... you are limited to light gun shooting, or standing still in a room interacting with shit.... it's fucking crap, valve is wasting time on it because they are fucking retards

And this is why Capcom is the worst company of all. They could at least give the Clover IPs to Platinum if they're never going to do anything with any of them.

Dude there are litteral Denuvo shills here. Do you honestly think people have a spine anymore.

You know if you wanna end a sentence, you only need one period

>>And you're an example of how Valve console-ized PC gaming, for the worst.

by the way, I have been playing through the half-life 2's in these days and while I still like them, the game has in some sections full blown health renegaration....

it's fucking subtle but for example while you are fighting the striders, the medkits regenerate (so if you already picked them up and backtracks, they are there again)... this plus the "medic" npcs randomly spawning and keeping your health full

this was more evident in epsode 2 though, I remember noticing it even back then... fucking medkits spawning on the floor while you were not looking during the most "difficult" battles

always hated htem for their laziness in balancingthe game.... also the strider battles in hl2 were fucking atrocious, you just take a peak every now and then popping a rocket and recovering. At least in the latter episode they made the strider able to use more of the enviornment against you, and the final strider battle in ep2 was actually challenging

autism levels off the charts....

>Everything but Half Life has been made by external modders who Valve hired

Half-life was made by modders who Valve hired.

What are you from gaia? Stop using so many elipsis faggot.

>Is there any company worse than Valve?
Like a million, retard. For example: every company owned by Chinas like Tencent, for example Riot and Blizzard.

People are clinging onto a pathetic hope that half life 3 will ever come out. No one is working on it, it will never get a release. At this point, it's too expensive to even release it. What's half life? It's not TF2, it's not L4D, it sure as shit aint portal. It's a forgotten game that, upon release, no one will buy even if Valve markets the shit out of it, and they won't, because once again, not cost effective.

HL3 has no ROI (return on investment for you plebians) so they're not even going to touch it

come on, they would never do such a stupid thing

v alvedrone

(meant to quote )

what the actual fuck, they really applied a word filter for valve drone, I can't believe it

did that trigger your autism? Autistic retard...

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... the defender of culture and style on a fucking videogame board... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

testing: pcbro valve drone v-alvedrone

pcbro here
this is the year hl3 gets announced at e3
i want to believe

Wow....realy...made me........ think.......

I agree that VR is the motion controls of this generation but I think the Serious Sam VR game managed to actually make a good fast paced shooter, although I think it's the only one that managed it. The others I've seen are literal rail shooters.
And a new Portal in VR would be too nauseating.

oh yeah? Serious Sam Vr is actually good? I'm actually a huge fan of Serious Sam (I actualy loved the third one and it's my favourite in the series) but I skipped the vr one because of vr

I also didn't play VR because it's VR but from what I've seen, it's Serious Sam like you would expect. It's not "stand in place, enemies slowly make their way towards you, warp yourself to some different place, repeat". It's actually fast paced strafing, double shotguns and everything. Not sure how they've managed but still, look up some footage.

>They can't replicate success any more since there aren't really any successful mod projects out there for them to buy

It's a cycle. Modders used to use the mod friendly games Valve put out to make test beds for their own games. Now that Valve has ceased developing any games whatsoever and Source is essentially dead aside from stuff like Day Of Infamy there are no modders about to buy out.

>People are STILL blaming Valve for paid mods despite it being shit from Bethesda
>Nobody blames Bethesda for it

Boggles the mind

Valve has a "Flat" management hierarchy.

This means that people choose what to work on.

You get bonuses for being "productive".

This basically means you get bonuses for making the company more money.

Seeing as Steam is the major cash cow at Valve, most employees try to attach themselves to it in one way or another.

The whole "Hat" thing is essentially a symptom of this.

Making a new game is way too much effort and way too risky for your career as a Valve employee. Much easier to find something easy to monetize, like hats or dota2 skins.

>This basically means you get bonuses for making the company more money.

God fucking forbid

but that means they are not going to develop full games anymore if they can just make money selling other people's games or stupid virtual hats

This is actually very bad unless you are a sales person or something.

How exactly do you measure the performance of an engineer if you are measuring their performance directly by the amount of income they've generated?

When you have a system like this in place, you will inevitably become a sales company, as those are the people who are most closely attached to making more money. And that is exactly what happened at Valve. They don't make games anymore because there is literally no reason to be a game programmer at Valve, because you won't get any bonuses.