People bitch non-stop about about Final Fantasy turning emo after the "glorious" SNES days

>people bitch non-stop about about Final Fantasy turning emo after the "glorious" SNES days
>finally get a character who is for the most part upbeat and cheery
>people still bitch and moan

Remind me again why I'm supposed to hate Tidus? Yes he whines a bit but it's far less aggravating than the emo teens who do nothing but wallow in self-pity 24/7, and yes that includes the SNES era Final Fantasies everyone loves to pretend are underrated masterpieces and not at all sharing the same flaws as their successors. Tidus is the first time a Final Fantasy character ever had a broad range of emotions and character flaws which made him more believable than every other FF protag combined.

Because he's literally fucking Naruto

Every fucking time something happens he's like "OH GEE WHAT THIS NEW THING I DON'T UNDERSTAND NOW I'M GOING TO MAKE ASSUMPTIONS AND TITTY BELT IS GONNA CORRECT ME" ad infuckingnitum for the whole fucking game.

The naive nice guy who just wants to save everyone is a shit fucking archetype and I can't believe they did it two games in a fucking row.

>Emo is a loosely categorized music genre characterized by expressive, often confessional, lyrics. It emerged as a style of post-hardcore from the mid-1980s hardcore punk movement of Washington, D.C., where it was known as "emotional hardcore" or "emocore" and pioneered by bands such as Rites of Spring and Embrace.
>While emo originated in hardcore punk and has been considered a subgenre of post-hardcore, it has also been associated with indie rock and pop punk. The fusion of emo with pop punk is also known as emo pop. According to AllMusic, "some emo leans toward the progressive side, full of complex guitar work, unorthodox song structures, arty noise, and extreme dynamic shifts; some emo is much closer to punk-pop, though it's a bit more intricate".

People made stupid memes out of the laughing scene. Tidus is a good character. I don't have a problem with Cloud or even Squall, though.

Bercause he wears short shorts, plays football, always has a retar look on his face and doesn't know how to laugh
Zidane is just as upbeat and not as cringy (although still is)

This design was Nomura's first mistake.

If you're referring to Zidane he's a different character entirely. Zidane was more like a cross between Goku and Locke except rewritten younger, sans the "comatose girlfriend" angst and with a monkey tail pinned to his butt. Tidus is more of a fish out of water who serves as an audience proxy learning about the world while still being a fleshed out character of his own. Something most MCs fail to do.

And it wasn't for the whole game, quit exaggerating.

Yeah didn't you get the memo? Anyone who isn't sunshine and rainbows 24/7 is an emo gay. Of course this doesn't apply to the SNES games since they are perfect in every way and can do no wrong because reasons.

I was referring to vaan.

The whole game up to Yunalesca is abhorrent and Tidus' characterization isn't impressive. Nobody wants to play as a character who acts dumb in every fucking scene.

I think he's a decent protag, people say he whines a lot but that was near the end of the game and the laughing scene is just memed to the point of ruining his character and people who haven't actually played it make assumptions.

No. Those fucking faggots and MTV destroyed an entire music genre. Stop using that fucking buzzword.

I dunno. Snake whines in every MGS but people love him.

>People made stupid memes out of the laughing scene.
I was seriously baffled by this.I was supposed to be forced and kinda cringy, how did people misinterpret that?

Nigger he was dropped into a world where he literally no knowledge of. He spends a good fucking portion of the game walking around with people he doesn't really know and who won't really tell him anything. Tidus actually has decent character progression, he isn't the naive save everyone protag during the later stages of the game

To be fair that was a pretty dumb scene, but everyone always takes it out of context like it's something that ruins the character.

Vaan wasn't even supposed to be in the game originally, he was shoved in last minute just to get teenage girls and faggots to buy a game with cute twink asian boys.

As soon everyone else stops I will.

Raiden didn't whine even half as much as Snake did, and if you actually pay attention to the dialogue you'll see his complaints are pretty valuid, yet everyone hates him. I just don't get it.

It was supposed*

Either they are genuinely stupid and didn't understand the scene or they just enjoy being shitposting faggots.

Meant to reply to And lots of people don't want to play as a character who does nothing but wallow in self-pity yet has girls fawning over him left and right. Your point being?

>people bitch non-stop about about Final Fantasy turning emo after the "glorious" SNES days

Literally nobody who has played the games does this. People bitch and moan because of the decline in the overall quality of the games. FFX is alright but is not a must play like many FF's before it. And then FFXIII happened and the series now has to live on nostalgia.

If SE doesn't bring new blood for FFXVI, I hope that at least they get Hitoyuki Ito involved in the series again.

I'm actually really curious as to why X gets a lot of praise. It's definitely not a bad game, I like it a lot, but it shares a lot of the same design philosophy as XIII.

Sure it hides the hallway better, but it's still a hallway right? Hallway -> Cutscene -> Boss -> Repeat.

If anything I was expecting FFIX to be the last Final Fantasy people enjoyed.

And what decline was that? Do people honestly believe angsty MCs and a focus on cutscenes and graphics over gameplay were something that started with FF7? People really need to take off those rose-tinted glasses when playing the older games (if they bothered to play them in the first place) if they're that deluded.

>If SE doesn't bring new blood for FFXVI, I hope that at least they get Hitoyuki Ito involved in the series again.

The only way they will ever make Final Fantasy great again is if they bring back Sakaguchi, which will never happen.

I didn't like any of XIII's characters except Sazh and Hope, the latter I expected to hate but was actually surprised by his growth and development. On the other hand, Lightning was a cunt, Snow was a moron, Vanille was a generic as fuck MPDG, Fang was bland and Serah was literally just a plot device.

I didn't like the lack of party control in the gameplay either, and crafting made all your other weapons superfluous.

They may share a similar design philosophy, but X's execution of it is far and away better

Mah nigga.
Dude, he's honestly the reason why I think Light's actually not that bad. She stops being a cunt because of the kid.

Anyhow, if story changes were made, I think XIII would have been fine. Autobattle to win is kinda only relevant for the first 1/3 of the game anyways.

That's true. Although I do find it weird people pin XIII for things X does as well. iunno.

>FFX is alright but is not a must play

top kek. FF10 is one of the must played games you need to play. It was during the climax of every FF team member that contributed to all the FFs before. It was sakaguchis, nomura's, nobuo's, and a lot of other's greatest masterpiece. FFX was the collaboration of all they learned over the years into something brand new, refreshing, and captivating. And they finally got rid of that shitty ATB system.

Is that legit? Because it looks like it was made in Kingdom Hearts.

>That's true. Although I do find it weird people pin XIII for things X does as well. iunno.
It was literally explained to you in the post you were replying to.
It's because the former did them poorly, while the latter did not.

>Uematsu's masterpiece
>All good songs were done by Hamauzu
Uematsu's best was VIII, X has some of his worst like that fucking Mi'ihen Highroad theme.

uematsu was the one that fucking crafted the very theme most of the music in the game follows off of, faggot

Uematsu's best, according to him, was in V.
Dunno if that counts for anything.

>Mi'ihen Highroad theme.
>hating on highroad

Someone must have missed the memo on fitting music to the respective part of the game.

I must be in the minority that prefer IX soundtrack the most.

Titus us a breath of fresh air in Dissidia 2 where everyone is super serious and mopey. Plus it was good to hear the original VA again.

>Uematsu has claimed several times that Final Fantasy IX is his favorite work, as well as the one he is most proud of.[3][4] He also stated in the liner notes for the Final Fantasy IX: Original Soundtrack album that he was "glad that [he] was able to join this project."[5]
I've always read that IX is his favorite.

>it hides the hallway better

This is the reason right here. The beginning of damn near every beloved FF game is linear. They all fucking hide the hallway, XIII is straight up shameless about that shit.

FFX has the beaten path and there are small alternate paths that run parallel to it that lead you to the same spot but if you want to take a break to smell the fucking roses, play blitz, learn more about the lore or get some items from actual fucking NPCs, go back and solve the puzzles you couldn't before, and get rewards/story/fill out that bestiary by backtracking you can.

In metroidvania games you get a ton by backtracking and nearly every FF game except XIII follows this design philosophy.

And the lack of towns is a piece of shit too. You get the same joy from JRPG towns as travelers and tourists do from visiting towns in real life. Seeing the sights, picking up the history and culture, talking to the people. Lack of a world map I can come around to, but fuck them for taking that away from us.

Vaan isn't the MC, how many times do we need to repeat that? The fucking game is Ashe's story and she's the MC. Vaan is just a third party observer to give you and outside look on the situation.

First of all Cecil is the most emo FF protag. Second of all Tidus is shit.
Bartz, Noctis, Zidane and Cloud are the only good FF protagonists.

Most of the people who hate Tidus is because they cant relate to an alpha who gets the women, plays sports, and doesn't buy into your fedora fantasies.

From Googling around, it looks like it was IX, but now it's VI.
No idea where I got V from.

Ashe is shit too, though.

>First of all Cecil is the most emo FF protag
That's not saying much, considering that him getting the fuck over it and redeeming himself (both literally and figuratively) was a major plot point.

You're shit.

Ashe isn't a "naive nice guy who just wants to save everyone".
She's quite the opposite actually.
She's a narrow minded to the point of ignorance, driven character motivated by revenge and power that only cares about destroying the Empire and becoming the new Dynast King.
That is until she gets some sense slapped into her by the end.

Bartz is an alpha surrounded by qts
Noctis is an alpha with multiple girls who wants his D and the only FF protag to grow actual facial hair
Zidane is an alpha who likes feeling up girls
Cloud is an alpha who is so secure in his sexuality that dressing up as a women would probably net him more pussy

Wakka was the true gem that came from FFX. Praise be to Yevon!

>Noctis is an alpha

>bartz an alpha
>noctis an alpha
>zidane an alpha

cloud is the only one with traits of an alpha, and that's only because of the fucked up world he lives in.

>Better dead than Al Bhed
How the fuck did Square get away with this?

Tidus is a poor character, but his character is necessary for the plot

stop posting that mess of a HD remake. god thats so ugly

The game was released in like 2001 way before all the PC shit started hitting the fan

Yes he is. He takes charge as king, grows a beard, has the respect of everyone and bitches line up for his D and went through more fucked up shit than other FF protags did.
Bartz literally surrounded by qts
Zidane literally feels up girls.

Noctis literally gets killed cause he's a giant pussy. Bartz didn't get girls cause he was just autistic. Zidane also was and is the living embodiment of a furry.

He's a bitch cause he is directly responsible for the loss of his best friends vision.

Ignis deserved a better game and friend.

his relationship with his dad hits too close to home for me, so i automatically identify with him.

Probably the saddest part of the game. I tear up when he gets handicapped later in the game due to his vision and you have to slow down so he doesnt get lost :'(

Wait how was he responsible?

Noctis sacrificed himself to save the world you dumb fuck, died in the most alpha way possible by having his forefather kings all stab their weapons into him and died on his throne, king of kings savior of the entire world. He then gets to fuck Luna his waufu princess in the afterlife as much as he wants when he marries her. Bartz could get any of them and they all work with him with him as their leader despite all three of them being princesses. Zidane literally feels up a princess ass.

No, Ignis put his life on the line because he respects Noctis, even after losing his vision he still greatly respects him because he's fighting for his king.

XV was great and he had the best friends.

>When Tidus highfives Jecht at the end


He wasnt, that faggots just in denial about Noctis being alpha.

I think it's because the areas feel connected. It feels like exploring an island rather than exploring a whole world, but the change from one area to the next is sort of cohesive for the most part. You can usually see the next place you're going off in the distance, and there's still an overall map.

XIII felt like a platform, where level one is one theme, level two is another, three another etc. with no interconnection until about 30 hours in.

Because Noctis is an indecisive child who cant fight his own fights so his friends get blindsided by his stupidity


>hey everyone i loved is dead, better mope like an emo fuccboi and also get my friends in trouble and one of them permanently crippled for life

>abloobloo the big bad villain who was obviously the villain turned out to be the villain that played me like a damn fiddle abloobloo better do fucking nothing about it and wait for him to fuck me over

>abloobloo the world is stuck in darkness, better fucking kill myself for the failure i am and hope the gods accept my sudoku and clean the darkness

Mate, not only is Noctis an awful character with blatantly fucking forced "manlyness" (not really) at the end of the game but the game's story in general is a trainwreck.
Fuck FF15 and everything associated with it.
Literally the only good things about it were the leftover character designs and music from Versus.

I didn't like FF X.
Tidus was okay though. at least he's not a complete faggot like Rush Sykes.

why the fuck is FFX such a movie though?
its was 80% movie and 5 % game and the rest was menus and transitioning.

A last minute incest subplot would have saved The Last Remnant

TLR is sadly a 7/10 game with a fuckload of wasted effort.

sucks, dude. like, the whole backstory and origin about all these different races are missing.

Further to this, pretty much all JRPG's are supposed to be played in a linear fashion for the sake of the story.

Old JRPGs went for a 'level hub in the form of the world map. The geography corridors you in a certain direction in order to ensure you visit areas linearly, but you can usually travel all the way back to the start of you want and vehicles help you access new areas AND travel faster to old ones.

FFX does away with the hub, but keeps the ability to go pretty much as far back as you like at any point. FFXII takes it a step further with multiple paths, but being blocked out of some of them until story allows you access.

They both achieve the same thing in different ways: a sense of progression. I can see where I've been and I can see where I'm going. XIII lacked that until the very last parts of the game.

Also towns.

and I liked XIII when I finally got into it

>not good

best protags:

>Warrior "The Clint Eastwood of Final Fantasy" of Light
>Vaan (I like him, fuck you guys)

I think a 7 is generous. I'd give it a 5. The problem with most games where you can recruit a bunch of people (Suikoden, Fire Emblem) is usually lack of character development.

But in those games the main characters are at least developed.

Last Remnant main characters had story arcs more along the lines of Suikoden optional recruited characters.

I actually think the game would have benefited from the SRPG route and just not done dungeons at all. Cut the fat, you know? The towns were actually pretty impressive though so I would keep those.

The story was damn dry.

And the damn villain. Fucking hell "The Conqueror". Gimme a break. I swore up and down they were going to reveal him as a red herring villain. The fact that they played that shit straight was just... ugh

And of course they killed the one character that was worth a damn and said "here! here's her daughter, that's a suitable replacement right? won't even notice she's gone now."


>the towns were actually pretty impressive though so I would keep those.

true but those dungeons sucked because they felt so barren. there was no loot either or not much at least.

Except he was fighting his own fight and Ignis went blind when he was separated from Noctis you retard.

Fuck off retard. He is objectively more alpha than any other FF protag and he takes charge at every opportunity. He's upbeat and sociable the entire game and only sad when he found out his dad was dead and then later when going through his mourning for Luna. He moves past them all coming out stronger which is natural for fucking anyone going through those things.

No one ever doubted ardyn was the villain either you shitstain, the twist was with Ardyn being a Lucis Caelum which noone could have predicted, and Noctis is constantly chasing after Ardyn the moment a Ardyn physically did something to harm Noctis and the ones he cares about which was when he stabbed Luna.

He was never a failure, he's literally the savior and saved the entire world by sacrificing himself.

Not only is he the best FF protag in the entire franchise but he's objectively the most alpha and the only one to actually look like a man too. Everything good about XV is what XV is, go be retarded somewhere else you stupid fucking cunt.

>meme picture response

I could counter that with Squall_actually_a_pretty_cool_guy.jpg but I don't have it saved right now.

Hello XV-kun.

Squall just hates retarded normies. he's literally /ourguy/.

Wol isn't even an actual character
Firion is shit. Squall is shit too.
Bartz, Noctis, Zidane and Cloud are the only good ones and Noctis is the best one.


I hate how everyone mocks the laughing scene.
I feel like the only one who gets that he was fake laughing and doing a bad job. That was the joke.
It wasnt bad voice acting, Yunas next line is literally "You need to stop laughing"


Not an argument.


(...this guy really has bad taste but I don't even care about his opinion...)

X-2 and XII had THE best combat in all FF games.

You were right with X-2 and then your post became a disaster zone.

Are you basing this on Dissida?

>XII combat is bad

XII fixed the autistic buff micromanagement.

And replaced it with the more autistic gambit micro management system.

t.faggot who never played xv