so I bought this game last night. Played for 3 hours and enjoying it, runs ok on my machine but there's some seriously bad texture pop in. Textures like paintings, statues and doors don't load and look all blurry until you go right up to them. Is this a known bug, is anyone else having this problem?

I have a 970 and everything looks great, the pop in happens very rarely and only in the distance.
Game runs at 60 at all times.

What card you have?
Pop-in occurs if the settings exceed your cards VRAM amount and they have to load them every time you get within distance. Try the low setting and see if pop in still persists.

I've got a 960, so that's probably the issue, I'll lower the settings. Thanks.

I have a 960 too. Turn down to low and it runs great. It doesn't look half bad either.
It ran OK for me on a mix of high and low but pop in was unbearable.

I once had an issue where no texture would load in its full quality. It was fixed by restarting, but still strange, considering I have 1070.

Can we agree that Prey is better overall than any of the Bioshocks?

Bioshock 2 beats it by having significantly better gameplay

so what are some of the essential skills to max out early? I'm thinking hacking, lifting and neuromod crafting.

>Bioshock 2 beats it by having significantly better gameplay

Oh great another prey thread with two guys arguing over Bioshock 2.

So bethesda fucked up big time now. No advertising, no review copies and denuvo Way to shoot yourself in the foot.
Leverage, hacking, necropsy, gunsmith

For the most part yes.

I'm a sucker for the first game's Rapture, Prey matches the world building, but I liked the heightened over-the-top insanity of the characters like Steinman and Sander Cohen.

As far as gameplay and level design, Prey wins and it's not even close.

>Morgan gets up in the morning
>First thing he does is drink a bottle of wine

also I came into this game completely blind I was really surprised when your apartment wasn't real

Is there any benefit to clearing the room full of gas in Deep Storage? I just jumped out the airlock as soon as I stopped the shutdown

its already been cracked fag
t. pirate 7 hours in

Yeah, but >muh denuvo, damage is already done.

Reminder that leverage is wasted neuromods, and that you should use recycler grenades instead.

Reminder that backlash is for COD fags that want to run and gun through entire maps.

Also if you're not using psychoshock, you're gimping yourself. A max rank psychoshock with the 2 psychoscope upgrades for it can 1 hit mimics, 2 hit regular phantoms, leave upgraded phantoms relatively defenseless for a long period of time, and does great instant damage along with silencing weavers, telepaths, and nightmares for the length of time it takes to kill them. All of this costs 25 PSI points, which you're swimming in once you do the PSI water side quest. It's a go-to ability for anything that's not a robot

Your a mimic right?

What are these effects of denuvo?
>wasted neuro
but i enjoy throwing large shit around

Holy shit me too, that's why I try to not watch all the gameplay footage and trailers and shit so I can go into games completely blind and be surprised by everything. Breaking through the window in the apartment and realizing I was on a space station was one of my favorite moments in the game

>Not taking rank one leverage to chuck exploding cans for free damage
>Maxing psycoshock to do shotgun tier damage

>not getting max leverage and spending the whole game as the hulk just fucking flinging sofas and assorted furniture at aliens so hard they disintegrate

Nah fuck off

People do not support games that use denuvo? ex
>lol denuvo not buying

I smashed the fish tank in the hallway, thought it was weird that it was only a video and then crawled out the hole to realise I was on a set. Didn't even occur to me to break the glass door.

>dump points into psychoshock and superthermal
>going full Scanner and making aliens catch fire and explode with your mind

Holy shit I didn't even think about breaking that

I got 1070 and there are still some pop ins

Butter smooth 60 except for the core, which is even smoother 5 fps when looking down to the "ground level"

Your game sounds hella smooth and silky my man.

I feel like they should have extended it a little bit. Waking up only twice before THE THING happened was too fast

i didnt get psychoshock specifically because it seems overpowered

>for 10 seconds minimum enemies cant use powers

thats ridiculous, games already pretty easy

The Psi abilities are pretty much just dogshit. Get combat focus and upgrade the shotgun. Don't need to disable anybodys shit, you just maim nightmares.

leverage is not a waste if you plan to actually throw things at enemies

I got rank 1 lev because I needed it to cheese the medical room in the lobby early on. Otherwise you don't use it enough to justify it. Along with that, throwing stuff doesn't slow down time like a neuromod ability does to let you aim it.
>shotcuck logic
The more ability damage you do, the less resources you're spending on ammo, which means you'll have more neuromods overall
Those abilities are so fun, and normally I'm the one who goes full wrench builds in Bioshock whenever possible
>running around endgame with max combat focus, psychoshock, electrostatic burst, and kinetic blast
>Dahl's endless robots melt to electro and kinetic burst
>everything else dies from any combo of Q beam, gold pistol, and psychoshock

i branched out a lot just to experience everything. i mean you dont really need to minmax at all.

>Psi abilities are pretty much just dogshit
I maxed out superthermal and kinetic blast. This shit is cool. And that's it but these two are really usefull.

>fighting technopath in zero-g

>have the black textures glitch caused by reflections
>solved by using the Very High preset instead of Custom settings

they were literally the same settings too, whatever

Kinetic blast is amazing for completely shitting on cystoids

Stun Gun.

Just throw something at them and they all blow up

dumb phoneposter

>that cargo bay b door fight
>some guy walks straight into my Q beam
>turrets now also shoot survivors
What a fucking bloodbath that was

So Sup Forums, should I put points into energy weapons so I can use the Laser Rapier or skip it?

>managed to save everyone
>leave and come back
>nightmare spawns and kills everyone

only for the laser rapier

What laser rapier?

get out

Solid game, 7.5.

It's no Bio/System Shock but it's enough to scratch the itch. I'm on board for whatever Arkane wants to try next, which is apparently another FPS but with more focus on branching narrative. For the most part it felt shoehorned into this one.

What game

But I like leverage, and I did a no AYYLMAO powers playthrough.

Didn't you have super combat powers by then?
I got back into cargo bay, saw the nightmare, one of the guards was like "We're screwed", I jsut used combat focus and put some shells into the nightmare and it was dead in second without nay casualty.

What was up with that ring? There's also one that drops from Mikhaila.

If you talk to a guy in cargo bay he asks you to find out what happened to his wife. The phantasm splattered by the couch in that webm is the wife.

Up to Deep Storage

When does this game get good? According to the map I only have 3 places left to see

Guy who posted the webm: I never got the quest, had the ring but couldn't get the fucking husband to give me his damn quest.

When you stop being a pleb.

How do you fight Technopaths properly? I feel like EMP grenades don't last enough to counter their explosion spam and stun gun just doesn't deal damage quick enough.

Is your stun gun upgraded? That might help against the Technofucks.

Probably a bugged trigger if you have the ring before accepting the quest or if you talk to him after finishing the defense event.

yeah, some people didnt realize it was supposed to be some sort of ground hog day thing.

Stun Gun upgrades. You hit them once and they become stunned. Then you just keep charging your gun and shoot at them while theyre completely helpless.

how do you fight weavers?
im not using any psi abilities. tell me how can i beat these fucks just with the regular weapons, up to the shotgun


stun them with disruptor gun, if upgraded it also deals decent amount damage. then q-beam that fucker while it's stunned

If it's up high then use the gloo gun. If it's high enough it'll plummet to the ground and shatter

Maxing Leverage and splattering AYYs with the environment was one of the better choices I've made this year.

Combat focus and shotgun makes them very easy. If you don't have it, get it. Can also try a nullwave on them but that won't stop their frantic movement.

So the real Morgan Yu.

Dead? On Earth?

Likely died at some point and they extracted his memories as a mod

Max out inventory space early. You'll be able to collect a lot of things quickly and craft more mods as a result.


No, Yu are m8mic.

if you go for the purple neuromods (those that i presume start turning you into an alien) will the outcome of the story ending change?
im going for a full human run on my first playthrough
not using any of the purple neuromod powers

No seriously, when does this game get good?

There's been no part where I've said "Wow I'm having fun playing this"

Where the fuck is Josh Dalton? When I arrived in GUTS I had to switch my Crew Search Target to get the Keycard for Shuttle Bay and I haven't been able to find him on the Security Stations since.

I found an Audio Log about him doin some shady shit and his tracker bracelet bein in the GUTS which updated my journal but now I don't have any fucking marker and searching for shit in Zero Grav is a bitch.

No, just a bit different line of dialogue.

You'll only get the bad ending if you kill everyone on the station.

Stop playing then faggot

This fucker's body behind huge pipe in GUTS zg area

The left side of the crew station computer doesn't mean the target's location, but their place of occupation. He's in a different category than GUTS, but you can put a marker on him.

But even then he's a bitch to find.

I want alex to read me bedtime stories.

Think if he takes damage in the defense he is permanently in combat mode, couldn't talk to anyone who took damage after that

I'm doing a no noodle run, never realised how massively gimped id be.

No carb diets suck ass.

Explain why you think it's good and I'll blow the argument the fuck away

I'm getting the slight suspicion that Telepathy is useless.
I tried to access some PC's with it but I'm not sure if it even works because every single time I tried the game decided I wanted to read the Book on the same desk instead no matter how hard I centered the screen so I just went back to my Nerf Gun.

It's alright for Buttons I guess but again: Bowgun. I guess I can safe some precious GLOO Ammo by fixing electric junctions without stopping them first?


now I understand why ganon is always so pissed


2 years from now people are going to be talking about this game in a "Why did nobody play/talk about this?" sense when reflecting on 2017 games as a whole. And it's going to be fucking annoying

>disabling the bomb just leads him to laugh until he dies of his injuries

Still fucking waiting cucks

What did he mean by this?

Thanks for that no-kills AND revenge achievement, but seriously, why?

Probably leverage just for opening blocked doors. Anything else you can move, I threw a recycler at it.

No, you won't.

Maybe you will but I doubt it


>Literally no arguments

Prey is trash. The gunplay is stiff, the enemy design is bland, the music is non-existant, the atmosphere pathetic and the fanbase, retards

Agreed, needs iron sights and regen health

I agree. Human shithead prey was mediocre at best. Spot on with retarded fanbase whining about cancelled game with zero gameplay shown. This one is pretty good tho. Based Arkane.

Possibly still alive, since it was their idea to put humanity into a Typhon.

Could be they're on Earth fighting the Typhon directly.