Are you hyped for Kyle's new show?
Are you hyped for Kyle's new show?
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It's hard to be excited without having seen any of it.
But I am still optimistic. Kyle's little animations and skits were always entertaining. And the proof of concept footage looked surprisingly decent for what it was.
I'm just glad he's feeling creative again.
Yeah. They made it to the goal pretty quickly.
The proof of concept thing looked alright. Hope it somewhat vidya related though
no but I'm curious
his bits always worked better in tandem with his editorials. I have some doubts about how well they will stand on their own.
I'm glad he's doing something though.
It'll probably be really weird.
I'm also glad he'll be leading this year's E3. Sad Jones wont be there, though.
was curious during the pitch video, still sad final bosman is rip forever, however I couldn't help but lose my shit when the little paper puppet thing was peeking out of the box
it'll be pretty comfy
>Sad Jones wont be there, though
He won't be in the E3 coverage at all?
He's an E3 judge.
not really no
I hate what EZA has become, some garbage "nurd central xd" shit with idiots who don't know how to actually discus the topic.
it's a shame that only Brandon, and Bloodworth are the only good people when you have
-some autist who makes retarded excuses to not play a game (Bosman)
-liberal shitter who can't stop being a faggot in everything he's in (Ian)
-a grown man child autist who can't stop sucking every devs dick and has the worst taste (Huber)
-a grown man autist who can't stop sucking nintendo's cock for more Zelda, even tho he's trash at that game and everything else (Damiani)
-literally has no opinions what so ever and can't describe anything to save his life, also dick starved for fan girls (Brad)
-a chubby kid who think's he knows everything about fighting games and anime, but doesn't and just looks like a fool when he talks about them (Ben)
-literally not even part of the group, he doesn't appear in anything and just faded from existence (Dom)
Which means what?
doesn't that only mean that he gets to go to judges week?
>worshipping numales
Sup Forums has sunk to a new low
which means he's going to be at E3, seeing the conferences, and playing games.
Yes. One went on this week and I think there's another one next week from what he said.
Literally the truth
>which means he's going to be at E3, seeing the conferences, and playing games.
what the fuck are you talking about
e3 judges get to see the new stuff before everyone else so that they can decide on the "best of e3" awards. this is happening before the actual e3.
everyone then goes on the show floor to play the new games and, with some luck, to the conferences
if this was my first e3, I would not be trying to drop knowledge
I'm aware, that's why I said one went on this week. But there are also games for judges to play once E3 starts.
Jones literally came on stream yesterday, a little about judges week and then said he won't be there with EZA for the press conference streams. He starts talking about it 2:46:00
>shoes on the sofa
Fucking Americans.
I guess. Kyle has been getting worse and worse lately. Looking forward to seeing it, don't fully understand the concept though.
I'm looking forward to Huber and Kyle streaming Injustice 2. Comfy, hopefully Brad doesn't join.
Maybe this is just me being petty, but is anyone else still really fucking pissed off at Ian from this week's Frame Trap?
Like, this isn't a one and done for me. Frame Trap's my favourite thing the allies do, and he shit it up so badly and EZA seem to have no interest in engaging the criticism they've gotten, as evidenced by them deleting negative comment threads on Youtube.
These guys were actully fucken great during GT, I loved it when the whole thing was falling apart and Mandatory update was just four guys talking. Now the whole channel is just a mess with the same shit again and again. Also their reviews kinda suck, they rarely ever mention negatives.
Their over-positivity is THE problem.
Just skip the sections where you don't have to hear him.
>Kyle finally broke 500k tonight
Will he finally take down Woz?
He talks in all the sections.
find some other numales then.
Yeah, positivity was their selling point and it still can be. They just need to acknowledge flaws of games and themselves.
I think they've been a high right now with a bunch of releases with games that have come out. But interestingly, the most recent criticism from them I've heard in a while was on the most recent Zelda talk and about BotW's story. It was six of them and each (accept for Brad) brought up some fairly good points.
But I think if the audience wants to see change then the group needs to be reminded that there are patreon supports who are producing their content.
>Paper puppets
Not really no
You cant give these creative types too much freedom or they only make weird bad shit
>but Im le artist I need to do what I want!
Do it in your spare time, people want a proper videogame show
how about instead of adding a bunch of shitty shows they focus on production value.
they make 44k a month on patreon alone
Yeah, that patreon money got so high because people are building towards the specific goals outlined. Not for random shit that comes out of nowhere like reaction shots and friend code.
>reaction shots and friend code
Those were a replacement of some other goal though. Some short stories about their gaming memories thing.
The first few Friend Codes were pretty much that anyway
>-liberal shitter who can't stop being a faggot in everything he's in (Ian)
While I generally can't stand Ian. He was on point in the Zelda spoiler talk. He tends to be fine when he doesn't go off topic, which is admittedly fairly rare.
>only cares about Soul games
What the fuck is wrong with him?