Nier:A SJW friendly?

Is it okay when Japan does it? Seems a little bit hypocritical to me, Sup Forums.


shut up butthole

Who gives a shit

Sup Forums is not one person but I will say that the average Sup Forumsirgin is fucking retarded when it comes to anything related to politics in video games so you should just ignore them.

Execution >>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

the only important male android is by far and away more powerful and intelligent than the females

literally and figuratively shut the fuck up OP

you need to be opinionated and include more extremist viewpoints for your bait to be successful
just a tip for next time

it's about the intent, the intent with jap developers is pure and untainted

1) Strong, independent females, who need no man;
2) weak (at least emotionally) white male;
3) lesbians in the bunker and in resistance;
4) all the cool male characters killed in first walkthrough.

What did Taro mean by this?

>a bunch of scanner fuckboys almost fucked every Android in the Pacific and forced the hand of 10000 Androids to attack their flying Machine Lifeform City-Fortress Atlantis
>replaced every YoRHa with females in response because they are submissive and have no desire of grandeur
The only time change is brought forth is when a male is involved, whenever they are not everything keeps stagnating

the problem has always been the writing quality, not any political motivations.
Write a story about diversity and shit all you want, as long as it's interesting on account of its writing quality and other story elements, not because it simply disagrees with half the country.
Politics don't carry a story. Simple as that.
Please stop talking about it now.

Hey uh, could you delete this?

Most of the time, when Japan does it, it's not on purpose necessarily. They make the characters they want and if they happen to be SJW friendly, then that just happens. That's why you'll often get games that are SJW friendly that also have tons of stuff that would make them get pissy. A good example would be something like the Persona series where there has been a gay romance, tons of independent/strong female characters, and messages related to accepting sexuality and going against set roles. But in the same games you find jokes directed towards homosexuals, waifu pandering, and some pretty messed up gender focused stuff (specifically P5).

Japan just writes what they want to write. For Yoko Taro, considering your image, he has stated in the past that he likes to break normal conventions with his characters. A skimpy clothing wearing heroine with big tits that curses like a sailor and has a dick. Main characters that are absolute villains. He writes characters to be different on purpose, whether it fits into an SJW mindset is irrelevant.

TL;DR Japan doesn't give a shit about liberal or conservative western ideas, they just write what they want. In doing so, they can get away with it because it's not based on pandering to specific social groups and instead focuses on what the writer wants.


not really. women don't belong in fighting or leadership roles, fictional or real.

i'd only care if they were pig ugly


It's ok because they put tits and ass on it.

You can sell me all your feminist bullshit you want if you make my dick hard in the process.

Men aren't hard to understand user

>white male
aren't they all Japanese?


what did you mean by this


he does have some politics in his games. He's been quoted as saying that he hates games where people just seek out to kill and kill people. It's why he writes Caim into his games.
He just can support those characters with the rest of his story, is the defining difference.
They can and in some cases it produces better results. It's just extremely rare that it's either written to really matter or otherwise have gender differences capitalized on. Games and comics just don't have the talent for it most of the time.

Do they look japanese to you? Caucasian faces, blue eyes, blond hair.. Looks Nordid to me..

Preach it

so is this a shitposting war now?

>in some cases it produces better results


I prettier than all of those and I'm a male.

Eve literally did nothing wrong. All he wanted was to be with his brother..

matrons can run houses and shit. That's the only example off the top of my head.
now seriously though

you explained this to me thanks bud

so japan doesn't have their own agendas and act like chimpanzees
i understand

Commander is so fucking hot. Imagine her suffocating you with her ass. Bestest girl.

How about keep you politics OUT of videogames OP? How about that? Holy shit.

Is there a post-Release version?

I just wish the Japanese could write an actual gay person for once.
All of them are, "LOL I'M A HOMO CUTIE ;)"
I say Japanese but never saw any country do it so

>complaint from a actual lesbian

>inb4 someone posts gravity rush

Never saw a more hetero girl in my life

looks so japanese lmao

It's why many anons on Sup Forums play Life Is Strange even though at heart they think it's SJW (it fucking isn't). Shit wont work if the next games protag is a guy.

Eh? Sup Forums is always bitching about SJW elements in the games.. All those Andromeda threads for example..

The game doesn't pander to the regressive left so most accept the game for what it is. Either a masterpiece or an overrated mediocre game.



>How about keep you politics OUT of videogames OP?

Are you a moron? Do you even realize how many games have political themes in them? Do you not play many video games or are you just too stupid to pay attention?

japanese people design all their characters after caucasians and pass them off as japanese characters
I was asking if it was confirmed if he was white or Asian

>that autopsy report

>Execution >>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

This. as long as its not preachy they can do whatever they want

They are robots retard

Taro probably said the same thing he says of every SINoALICE design.

>very cute I am sure it will sell well.

That is the main difference west does it to meet some kind of qouta they think SJW have to approve while Japan does it because the dick demands it.

>born without a dick

Yep, he's a white boy alright.

And Sup Forums is fucking worse if for it. If you all truley want "politics out" then stop discussing your politics when discussing video games, fuck. I bet this is going right over your head, your thinking right now "w-whu?? Why would i need to keep MY politics out of video games?? My politics are the default and correct position!"


>implying he and his bro didn't learn how to grow dicks while they were "playing" with each other

Well, they can grow it when they want it..

>OP's will never again be publicly executed by mods

Take it to mean what you want, at the end of the day if some random japanese writer wants to make a waifu dating sim one day and then a serious reflection of societal norms and their flaws the next, they do it.

Better to have no agenda than to have one built by hypocrites.

Which is why I put "born without a dick" and not "doesn't have a dick".

Again user, keep YOUR politics out of video game discussion. Come on, i thought ou all hated how "politics" are creeping needlesly into video games. So keep your politics out user.

she's actually an android, not a robot
maybe it get it right next time before calling others retarded

this is fine as long as it stays on topic imo.

Video games will never evolve as a medium as long as naysayers like you continue to cling to the past.

I think Taro explained in an interview that he made the characters female because he "likes girls" and not for any political reason.

shit like this makes me think we need Sup Forums shitting it up here if you cant tell when somebody is giving you the business then you shouldn't come here

>All of them are, "LOL I'M A HOMO CUTIE ;)"

When did Venom from Guilty Gear ever pull a "LOL I'M A HOMO CUTIE ;)"?

It's always okay when japan does it you should've learned this by now

Pink best NPC girl

Why did these two gorgeous girls suicided for 9s? It's not like they will atone their sins like that..

No it's not fine, bait threads are never fine and OP's should get fucking banned for a thinly veiled shitposting thread. If anyone actually wanted to seriously discuss this shit they would respond to actual counterarguments like

I think we can all agree that this fight (and entire chapter in general) was the peak of the entire game.

This retard has been doing this all day.

>Rock is covering his boner
How did I never notice this before?

>who need no man
Cause they can't reproduce cause they're machines
All arguments relying on gender kinda fall apart if you remember that they aren't people and don't really have one

It's a good way to start Nier thread though :^)

Sounds like personal irks rather than SJW shit.

ill never understand why you people don't fuck off to neogaf then

I will never understand how anyone can say the peak of the game is not the entire fucking tower-

lol you joking right? 9S is a silly little robot doomed to be the bitch's bitch constantly.

He's a white male so of course he's the source of the destruction of the world.

They want love though.. All those romances, friendships etc in bunker, resistance camp for example..

>giving you the business

I will give you the business in a minute user.

One, basically all discussion threads start with some controversy.
Two, this thread wasn't really about Nier's story specifically. Not everyone ITT has actually played the game is my bet, I certainly haven't yet.

As long as Taro keeps designing cute little boys in shorts I don't give a damn what he does.

SJWs are literally daleks.
You can't befriend daleks, you can be one of em and not get shot, but there's no such thing as friendship, only MYSOGINY!MYSOGINY!MYSOGINY!

They're basically the same.

The section where you're switching between A2 and 9S is a strong contender for sure.

Not really.

it's why nobody takes jap games seriously
grow up kids

Start of route C is the peak
Too bad it made me believe that I only started the game, but it was almost over

Sorry user, did you get called out or something? Did you realise that after the last couple of years of most of Sup Forums saying "keep non-story related politics out of video games" that OP is a complete fucking faggot for starting a whole thread about his political views??

So what will it be? You want your cake and eat it lads. If you just mean "i want muh Sup Forums echo chamber" then say that, but don't pretend you want politics out of video games if you cant do it.

Well that settles it, then.

>story only moves forward when 9S, one of the few "males" in YoRHa, does anything
>9S also happens to get good at combat just watching 2B, to the point he can actually overpower her
>9S also steamrolls his way through the machine network and what was left of YoRHa pretty much single handedly
>Remember 2B's death march, and how she could barely move at 80% corruption? 9S climbed the tower at 80% corruption, where he did such feats as defeat an squadron of 2Bs, took out a handful of extremely expensive flight units without one himself, fought a colossal spider, and before finally losing to A2, barely
>YoRHa is comprised mostly of women. They are canonically considered expendable, and were designed to not actually make any progress in the war whatsoever
>a character literally named after a modern feminism matriarch is a murderous, cannibalizistic, manipulative sorry excuse of an existence that tore other female machines down for the sake of looking better because some guy didn't give a shit about her
>btw she gets BTFO by a hot girl in fetishwear
>the desert is full of machines that scream and charge at you to suicide bomb you
>these same machines also appear with a cult

Is this really SJW?

they all have fat noses but they all also do nose jobs

>Ok I read Nitezche, time to be the supermanand fight angels
>Oh no it seem as if I rides above the rest and saw the last men end their lives
>Oh shit son better go all Zarabonkers and erase my memories in favour of a new society

>He's a white male so of course he's the source of the destruction of the world.

this is why Sup Forums belongs here

Even so, gender stems from the whole X and Y chromosome thing, and it factors into means of reproduction. The concept is lost on factory assembled androids

The reason they're conscious is because they're made out of machine parts.

>Takes western games seriously
Jesus, grow the fuck up already will you.

its only sjw if your almonds aren't activated

>a character literally named after a modern feminism matriarch

Wouldn't SJWs like a game with open sexuality like that???

Regular Androids are also conscious, what are you talking about.