Why didn't you save her Sup Forums?

Why didn't you save her Sup Forums?



She was pure and naive
Inkopolis chewed her up and she was moulded into its image


I'll save Callie. For Marie's sake.





Inkopolis isn't the problem.











>squids in splatoon are most associated with green including the first amiibo
>octarians are associated with purple and shoot purple ink
>Callie and Marie aren't sisters they are cousins
>Cuttlefish and Octavio were best friends before the war
>Callies tentacles are torn off in the official art and Marie is wearing the remains of purple tentacles in her hair

Callie isn't brainwashed. She just learned the truth


Not a single regret. But if Marie wants her back that badly, I'll do it.







Marie's constant insults got to her.





Losers aren't worth saving.

Losing pushed her over the edge





Funny how everyone leaves out the end of this splatfest where Marie completely gets her back by being a nice person.





This would be good.

She is such a sweetheart.

Octavio mind controlled her.

Just wait until we get the doujins.

but what if he didn't.

>Octavio pozzed her neg hole

But squids change color all the time for turf war.

Even Callie and Marie change their colors for Splatfest.

>color of the octos as well

Holy shit, she really was a traitor all along

I tried my best, goddammit. And I won most of my matches.

So will they continue the Splatfests in Spla2n?

>What? You don't recognize me? For eel?
What did Nintendo mean by this?

Nintendo Of America trying to be cute with the puns again.

What new weapon types do you think they'll introduce besides dualies?

I'm not expecting any new weapon types at all. I don't know what else they could potentially add to the game.

Boxing glove sponges?

Sounds awful in a game dictated by how much paint you can put on the ground.

they already showed a p90 in the single player trailer, yes, a p90, a real world gun in a nintendo game

sex with marie


You could charge your punch and shoot it in a crescent moon shape like a sonic blast.

Something like this would be neat

I need it.

So a brush?

Do Inklings even have bushes?

Sure. But you could give it different arcs and mass and stuff.

Seems redundant.

What is it about this controller that you like exactly? I mean, if it weren't official, there would be nothing that sets it apart from the look of shitty third party controllers. I can understand the neon joy-cons because they're each one color, but this looks like it was designed by a five year old.

>Puffy vulva and a clitoris long enough that could be mistaken for a bush.


>Implying Octolings aren't right

I like the print on the body and the handles remind me of my two favourite squids in the whole world