Fire Emblem Fates dlc backlash

This is the 3rd time i've seen backlash this strong on a intendo video. Will they block ratings this time around like they did for paper mario?

Injustice 2 has 10 DLC characters
Is it good?

Echoes obviously. So much for nintendo does dlc right.

Fire Emblem has been DLC hell since Awakening.
To me it feels like buying levels under the pretence of new content.

At least Awakening had all of it's DLC come out. NA Fates never had it's last round of DLC come out as far as I know.

It never came out. Yet another point driving me to piracy of a series I love.

What's the speculation why it didn't? Because that's fucking ridiculous.

>Boot9 just released
>Not having your 3DS hacked and just pirating Nintendo

Fire Emblem has awful DLC.

>Wow I wish Nintendo did DLC, I'd love more content in my games!
>Nintendo starts doing DLC.

Did you learn your lesson?

Can pirates get that DLC or no?

Yes, you can install the season pass right from their servers

I was asking about Fates which doesn't have a season pass, learn to read. Fates had 3 DLC series in JPN, but we only got Series 1 and Series 2 in the West. I'm asking if pirates can somehow get Series 3 DLCs In US/EU version.

Jokes on You! I haven't been disappointed by any of the dlc I've purchased from Nintendo yet. Though, I don't play FE, so I'm unaware of this specific situation.

>Treehouse went out of their way to censor heterosexual romance
>Entire DLC based on supports and interacting

Very good goy.

>wow i wish nintendo locked on-disk content behind poorly made, overpriced figurines
>nintendo starts doing amiibo
>WTF NINTENDO Y U DO AMIIBO I AM SILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fucking stupid Nintendorks.

No one wished for Nintendo to do DLC. More especially since that one time they said that they don't do that sort of shit since they want to release a full product.

>all those dislikes
Won't do anything, but it feels good the general public isn't as retarded as I feared

The backlash is because it costs more than buying the base game.

You're not even getting a 2nd story like if you bought the other half of Fates.

5 different packs with 1 being grinding pack, 1 being new classes, 1 being new characters and I believe the other 2 are extra missions to flesh out characters.

The pricing is ludicrous when compared to the previous FE's content per price point.

If it was more like 20 bucks, there wouldn't be half the backlash.
The pricing for fire emblem DLC has been crazy. A few extra maps isn't much content.

Actually this is kinda the opposite issue of ripping out half the game to sell as DLC.
These are shitty map packs that aren't substantial content at all, yet they're charging out the ass for them.
If we go for the obligatory shitty food analogy, they're selling a pizza for 10 bucks and then selling a few cups of ranch for 12.

>Treehouse makes sure there's nothing in a game that can trigger people who had no plans whatsoever to buy the game or any Nintendo product for that matter

I'll never fucking understand why. If I got a job at Treehouse, I'd be fired the first day because I'd probably ask too many questions.

I never wished for nintendo to do DLC, but I am still happy for these results since it's so easy to pirate DLC on the 3DS

damn are you one dumb and naive faggot.

Since first of all lets be fair. Alot of those dislikes mean jack shit since many of them will be from people who just want to shit on the platform.

Then rember the moder warefare server shit a while back from which the steam group screenshot is still posted on here from time to time where nerds supposedly boycotting the thing were shown playing the damn thing on release day.

so naw your just being one dumb ass naive faggot believing that people will not just cave and buy the shit anyway.

Is this game dead on arrival? Seems like no one gives a shit, even here where you would expect the most buzz. I guess Sup Forums only cares about waifus, at this point.

nintenbros are fucking pathetic

>hey guys here is extra content if you want it

>Nintendo releases Smash Bros. characters I didn't want and have no interest in
>Don't buy them and instead use that money on something else

Nintendo's DLC isn't as complicated as people make it out to be.

It's fucking shit. When is a proper sequel to awakening coming out? Fates doesn't count because lmao treehouse localization

It already leaked a while ago, there's no buzz because people didn't wait to get a legit copy.


It's dead

Sold like shit in japan, so people outside just assume that the game is shit
The game is an insanely faithful remake of the worst fire emblem game
DLC fiasco
No shitty mechanics for awakeningfags

The game has gorgeous presentation thanks to the art and the new soundtrack
but that's all it has going for

>Sold like shit in japan
People say that a lot about (game they don't like) but a quick Google shows that they're usually full of shit.

Not saying it's always the case.

It sold worse than Awakening and Fates despite being on the same platform as them and fates having higher sales than awakening. That's enough for people to assume that it bombed hard

Same for me. Nintendo is actively killing Fire Emblem. I pirated Echoes as well, not gonna deal with this DLC garbage.

Not to mention I can play with the Japanese Dub instead of the load of shit NoA produces.

I think it's weird I've seen ads for this on TV.

Nintendo is actually marketing the series for once, but why this weaker entry? Do they think it's appealing to newcomers?

The better question is, did the translation get raped like Fates? This question is mostly aimed at fellow Piratefags.

It's good enough

>remake of the worst game in the series
>nobody cares
really makes me think

>nintendo is shit, it's not fire emblem's fault, lol
>nintendo is in charge of making fire emblem

Do I need to know the story of previous games to understand this one?


No, not really. FE's were generally unrelated unless they were explicitly said to be prequels/sequels. The only reason you may miss something in the newer games is because of fan service via shit like DLC/amiibos.

Thanks my nigs

>Near the end of the 3DS era
>Not advertised as much
>Reused assets out the ass
>Remake of a game that wasn't exactly considered good

Gee, I wonder why it didn't sell as well as Fates.
It sold just as predicted, so stop spouting shit.

So, it's raped? Dropped.

There are no major changes. You should easily be able to think of a better excuse to drop the game

But your picture implied that the translation got butchered, so which is it?

No it doesn't? I think it's fan translated text anyway.

You might want to read the actual text. It's about cucking.

Every possible parent/non-respective child have a conversation, so I think NoA decided it wasn't worth the effort which was probably fueled by the sales.

You do realize that Map Pack 1 for US was both Series 1 and 2 in Japan, right? The children's arc was the last dlc series for both

Let nintendo shove dlc on the 3ds. I'll jist sit here and pirate both games and dlc.

>DLC in Awakening
>locking content behind Amiibos
>Season Pass"

It's all your fault, and now you're going to face the consequences.

They are retarded. They never bitched about Awakening and Fates equally expensive DLC because they are to stupid to math how much all the DLC cost together. This time they only realized the full price because Nintendo told them.

Videogames becoming terrible is the collective result of your deplorable behavior. You people disgust me.

when was this shit okay ?

>buying 3ds season pass after Mario Golf WT

might as well neck urself

whenever nintendo decided it's ok

It's not just that. One of the earlier released DLC packs is invalidated by a later released one that's the same thing but better.

The worst part when it doesn't sell, there most likely won't be any more FE games in the future.

Are you retarded. After fates you think they would care if a remake doesn't sell as well? Please

>just buy the story & worldbuilding DLC pack from Gamestop
>get a sickass wall print to go with my game
>it's not made of cheap paper
>get it matted & framed
>brightens my room like nobody's business
>can just ignore the rest of the garbage DLC

Dude, it's Nintendo.
And a japanese company.
And they almost killed off FE, but Awakening sold so well they changed their mind.

Downvote means nothing unless people actually stop buying it. If Nintendo makes money off it they will keep doing it. That's the issue with DLC. Just a few have to buy it to make a profit.

No that's a character who got equally fucked in the Japanese version, and that's image made before the english version came out

Echoes sold 80% of its initial stock in Japan and FE Switch is already confirmed. Heroes probably makes Nintendo a boatload of money too. Its not dying.

Wow, YouTube dislikes! Nintendo is so fucking doomed!!

We won sonybros, it took us 20 years, but we finally won!