Jesus christ. This is to DMC what Resident Evil 6 is to Resident Evil 4. The main mecnahics are outright brilliant, but the game simply won't let me use them and insists on showing me cutscenes and force-feeding me minigames or platforming literally about as broken than Sonic 2006. I can't take this anymore.
Jesus christ. This is to DMC what Resident Evil 6 is to Resident Evil 4. The main mecnahics are outright brilliant...
Remember that gaming was in a very different place back then, with cinematic experiences and QTE's being the standard.
I feel like Platinum just wasn't sure people would be okay with Bayonetta being an action-only game, so they tried to infantilize it as much as possible.
Bayonetta came out in 2010. QTEs were as frowned upon then as they're now. If anything, that was the fucking height of anti-qte raging.
then skip them?
Hold the dodge button and press the menu button to skip cutscenes instantly. You'll like it more on your second playthrough.
Yes, but can I also skip platforming, qtes and shit like the bike sequence? Learning the game and playing on hard is enticing, but I will have to replay full stages, not just the action bits. And full stages are terrible and occasionally borderline unplayable.
Are you retarded or something? There's a fuckload of platforming in the game, and occasionally missing a platform even kills you.
>watching Kamiya's developer commentary playthrough of Bayo
>they're talking about playable Jeanne
>she used the same facial animation data as Bayo
>when it worked properly, her animation didn't look natural and face was all messed up
>BUT it looks good in the final game due to a bug which somehow worked out for them
Absolutely crazy.
>then skip them?
Good luck skipping those with QTEs in it.
Fuck, on my first run I paused every cutscene at the start just to see if there's going to be any QTE-shit in it or not.
>implying DMC doesn't have godawful platforming and dragged out cinematic cutscenes
QTEs aren't that big of an issue. The director wanted to keep the player on their toes during the cutscenes, in line with the game's non-stop action paradigm. And torture attacks are just button mashing, so you don't even have to worry about failing them.
I feel like QTEs actually add something to the game sometimes. Like during the fight with Father Balder, when he throws a whole building at you, the QTE prompt says "Evade", but Bayo ignores it and just headbutts the fucking building back. And after the final boss fight, you can actually mash the button beyond the normal limits after the prompt has already disappeared, resulting into the big bang bonus.
In short, QTEs in Bayo add to the game's atmosphere, if not mechanics, and they definitely don't make it a lesser experience overall.
Bayonetta's combat and movelists are too bloated to be compared to DMC.
>options are bad
git good
This is my problem with a lot of platinum games
Sometimes you just want to beat the shit out of enemies but then you find yourself doing other boring tasks instead. It's like they were afraid of the player getting bored of the combat so they threw in as many distractions as possible.
>complaining about stupid shit
>not the combo system that punishes you for making long combos
Forcing the player to use wicked weaves to reset the points counter is stupid and you know it.
their every game is like this. If you dont like it then maybe these kind of games are not for you
Use dodge offset, dummy.
You're missing the point. I want to use different moves from different combos to make my own. Having to use wicked weaves so my score won't suffer is stupid.
>literally too stupid to dodge offset
Halfway through hard, should I swap to Jeanne and continue on or just keep going with Bayonetta?
You don't get to rewrite the rules of the game. It was designed with the use of wicked weaves. And it's not like they're hard to incorporate in your combos, they appear like every few attacks. There are even moves that have wicked weave attacks on demand. So no excuse there.
I had to speedrun Hard before I got Jeanne, because I didn't know there was an accessory that only unlocked if you finish the game under 3 hours. And by that time I was already halfway to platinum on Normal, and I didn't want to redo all those chapters.
I'm gonna use Jeanne on non-stop infinite climax.
Games with more/longer cutscenes are a rare jewel these days
Is hard faster to speedrun or something? I've heard a few anons now say they've done that on hard.
Also what do you mean, you can just swap the characters around between chapters
It most definitely not faster. I was actually short by like 20 minutes by the time I did it. But I managed to shave them off by replaying a couple of chapters.
Dunno about swapping characters between chapters, since I'm just one chapter short of unlocking Jeanne myself. But I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do so.
Oh shit I forgot, sorry, unless you change 1 value in the game's memory, you have to start a new game if you want to play as Jeanne, nothing unlocked etc, completely forgot about that
>One chapter short
Good luck!
Is this game better than DMC3?
Right but games are in development long enough that a ton of them are working on this shit before the rage hits.
I have it on Wii U, should I start it?
The long cutscenes would be fine if the writing wasn't so fucking bad.
Devil May Cry 3's story isn't high art, but at least it's functional; the writing is solid and it provides nice context as to why you're fighting your brother and beating the shit out of demons.
Bayonetta's story on the otherhand is so fucking convoluted it turns into pure nonsense. Which would be fine, but the game actually acts as if you're supposed to be invested in what's happening. The snappy one-liners are great but as soon as the game tries to tell a story it just laughable; which is kind of weird because the story in Metal Gear Rising is pretty decent.
Most definitely, though PC port came out a month ago or so, so if you want silky smooth 60fps that's the way