Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this year's winner of gaming - PC!

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you this year's winner of gaming - PC!

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But you forgot pic related

>4 games

>this year

>PC win by having vaporware and promises of games

At retardation and buyer's remorse contest yes.

(also on consoles)

PC really has no game

Unreleased games are going to win GOTY for PC? What a weak year PC had huh.

all years are weak years on PC

they are still playing game released 10 or 20 years ago, like CS or MOBAs

PC is fucking dead

bannerlord is pc only
seems mordhau is as well, but that it's also 2018

If this is sarcasm and falseflagging then you won.

good luck seeing cyberpunk before 2020

For Honor blows Mordhau out of the god damn water.

is this a meme because I don't think any of these are confirmed to be coming out this year

Can we finally accept that PC has the better exclusives? From grand strategy games like HOI4, Stellaris, dozens of fun Garrysmod modes to realism in games like Arma 3, Playerunknowns Battlegrounds, Squad, or Rising Storm 2 Vietnam, other great strategy games like Civ or the Wargame Franchise. All these games have hundreds, if not thousands of hours of replay value.

Meanwhile, on PS4 you pay 60 dollars for the next 10-20 hour third person action game with graphics over gameplay, they are so shallow that you can't replay them, do people look at Uncharted 4 and go "wow, what an amazing story, let's play it again"? No, they play the story, think "that was cool" and move on because these games lack any kind of depth. Does the PS4 have even one exclusive good multiplayer game? Any worthwhile multiplayer titles? They keep boasting about their dozens of exclusives, which are just literally who japanese games mixed with sub 60 metascore games to bloat their little shitpost charts.

Console gaming is a joke .

you realize that multiplayer games on PC are only a thing because solo games are pirated as hell ?

you want to play with "master race" 15 years kids : PC
you want an interesting story and solo experience : console

Oh and don't forget that they shitpost about PC only having "Early Access trash" or "Indieshit", while they secretely crave these games, because PC is where innovation happens.
ARK outsold any other console release for three month in a row, despite the port being absolutely terrible and costing 3 times more than on PC.

hey its the other way around

See the thing is variety. It's fucking dumb comparing a platform like pc and a single console like ps4, but nobody ever properly points that out, and even if they did, consolewar shitflingers would ignore or play it down.

>you want an interesting story and solo experience : console

Oh yea, quicktime event cover shooters like Uncharted and The Order 1866 are the pinnacle of game design.

Another ubisoft tower climbing game with a bow gimmick like HZD are the pinnacle of game design.

Again, shine over gameplay, that is all console games are.

Damn, PC shitters sure are insecure towards Sony.

>Can we finally accept that PC has the better exclusives?

No, we can't. Your games blows. There is reason why PC cucks beg for console game so much. The fact that you justify your gaming rig with multiplats vaporware also say much.

>Game announced decade ago and still not out
>also on consoles
>PC win

It's more dead than ever to be honest.






>ARK outsold any other console release for three month in a row

No, it's not.

>PC is where innovation happens.

More like where asshurt happens.

I didn't name a single multiplat you literal retard

The only reason console players don't beg for PC games to be ported over is because they are to badly informed to care, PC is a core audience through and through.
get fucked faggot

>Oh yea, quicktime event cover shooters like Uncharted

To be honest Uncharted has barely any QTE and it's still better than any PC game last years.

I know PC fanboys are mentally challenged but it's comparison against digital part of sales which are absymal on consoles. You need medical help.

>3 souls clones and a game we know nothing about yet
This is why I use my PC only for emulators or 10+ year old PC games. Multiplayer, twitch whores, early access/indie crap and microtransactions killed PC gaming.

>The only reason console players don't beg for PC games to be ported over is because they are to badly informed to care

No, this is because your games are too shitty.

>3 souls clones

put atleast some effort in your bait user

explain this then

>digital sales
>on console


> Indie Survival Trash outsold Nioh

They have to cling to something. I bet if you compare it with physical sales you won't even find it in 30 top selling games.

You can not deny that the general console userbase is literal dudebros, weebshit like you is not the target audience in the west

>outsold Nioh


Now show the list of the most profitable PC games :^)

Sure, they even like "dudebros" games more than your cuck simulators.

>unironically listing early access twitch bait garbage that'll never be finished


Not him but iabout half the top sellers are usually exclusives on PC (regardless of your opinions on them).

More than half are multiplats, other are old toaster games because PC friends have problems with running new games.

Your buzzwords don't stop a game from being fun

I bet you watch animee faggot

>game is not finished


I've played the last of us over 10 times tho...

> twitch bait
>not a buzzword

a game being popular on twitch doesn't stop it from being fun

Lol it looks a lot more than half to me

compared to

>demo is fun

If you are limited to PC maybe.

>Lol it looks a lot more than half to me

8 out of 12 platinum best sellers are console games. You are really bad at math.

How? Half way through the game I just wanted it to end because the gameplay was tedious, the only reason I finished it was because the story was enjoyable.

How can you play a linear shooter like TLOU more than once?

not having something else to play i guess

Yeah scroll down

>best selling games are consoleports like Dark Souls, NMS and GTA 5 or f2p shit like dota

>scroll down

Why? I looked at best sellers, not games selling less.

>implying these games are coming out in 2017
>implying this isn't a bait thread

user, you need to put in some effort in your bait, show me something worth playing on console instead of repeating "pc is shit" twenty times.

At least talk about games that are actually out.

Don't then, 3/12 is still a lot better than 1/12

I don't need much effort when you shilling your system by fucking paid demo. I don't even need single argument here, it all says everything.


those games are multiplats and best played on PC, lmao you are desperate.

>mfw playing Dark Souls 3 at 60fps and 1440p

>"It's early access so it's a demo"

Content wise it already is a full game and it still has more replay value than anything on console, lmao

stay cucked

>3/12 is still a lot better than 1/12

TLOU, U4, Destiny are PC multiplats? Also nice shifting goalposts.

q4 of 2017 is going to be busy with rdr2, cyberpunk and ff7r

tlou was 13, destiny is on the xbox. Although I didn't mention it uncharted was bundled with ps4s everyhwere

>Content wise it already is a full game

No it's not, it's unfinished demo you defending because you have no games to play.

>PC cucks call enyone cuck

Souls series began on consoles and the two best entries in the franchise are still unavailable on PC, it's a console series.PC got the scraps.

Why the fuck do consolewar people argue about their stereotypes of userbases and amounts of games sold instead of discussing the actual games, options, and merits on different platforms.

>exclusives are best selling games on PC
>dude they are mostly multiplats
>b-but they run better on my PC I swear...

Hahahaha wow

So what? They are console exclusives. Stop moving goalposts.

They're consoleports petitioncuck.

>defending early access
>calls others cucked

What do consoles even have?

yes, that is why they all released on PC the same day as on consoles besides GTA V

why don't you just neck yourself you spastic tryhard?

>muh deus vult
Fuck off

>neck yourself
Make a petition and maybe I'll think about it ;^)

The fuck does it matter if it says Early Access? It's a good game and I already put 270 hours into it, show me one console game with as much replay value.

Games that are not shitty MOBA with microtransactions cancer?


It's unfinished garbage with lot of bugs,
>but I eat shit for 1000hrs so it taste good actually

Zelda, Bloodborne, Nioh, MK8 etc

Cyberpunk isnt coming out this year

>not even a reskinned of chivalry
Enjoy your balerinas

and exclusives like Bloodborne, Nioh, Yakuza, RDR2. You know actually good games.

Love this meme desu makes me wanna post every time

I used to beg for console games and Everytime one comes out on PC it turns out it sucks dick, the last one being Bayonetta.
What other games are there, the Tim Burton version of Dark Souls? What else?

>Dark Souls PC port

>mordhau - somehow worse than for honor
>kingdom come - open world mordhau
>cyberpunk - development hell
>bannerlord - development hell
we are fucked to be quite honest

Is it finished? No. Is it buggy? No.
It runs fine and I haven't encountered any bugs yet, how would you know that it's buggy?

boring open world game
good but couldn't be bothered to do a second playthrough
worse darksouls
maybe with friends

or Nier and Bayo.

how are the PC versions of Dark Souls not objectively better?

>look mom I'm a contrarian

You just have shit taste user.

>moving the goalpost

I think he was saying that it's port. What are you talking about now?


Sonygroes literally pretending that others can't play with their toys just to feel like their own existence is justified lmao

>Dark Souls PC port
>so abysmally shitty you need to run 3rd party software like DSFix just to make it playable
If you have to mod the game with external programs because it's so bad, it's bad. PS3 version of Dark Souls will always be the definitive experience.

>implying the Xbone is real

Nah, I just don't overhype shit since I own all platforms

>not even a fucking single trailer from CDPR about Cyberpunk
Guess I'm just gonna put it in the bag of games labelled "stuff that came out after Duke Nukem Forever" to keep HL3 a company.

You only need DSfix if you want to run it at any resolution and 60 fps

If you run it without DSfix it is LITERALLY the fucking same as the ps3 version lmao