Mount & Blade is

FREE on gog.

Oh shit thanks
I remember playing it on some old laptop with 128MB VRAM, and everybody looked green. Was fun though

Just got the e-mail about this. Sup Forums is always jizzing all over Warband. How does this compare?

better than warband

horses don't slow down when you go up hills
headshots are pretty much always instakills
people are easier to hit because the models are fatter

shit compared to warband

get warband



warband is objectively better in every way

you said yourself that Sup Forums jizzes over warband and not the original - there's a reason

i bet you don't even solo mobs you pleb
the map is shit and all the other things i said

Don't listen to this dumb faggotWarband is just the superior version and 95% of mods only work with warband