Rainbow Six: Siege - Discussion

Why aren't you playing the only good Ubisoft game right now, Sup Forums?

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Too shy to use a mic

That's not steep

Your thread is bad and wrong

Gave up after them not fixing the netcode and every patch introduces more bugs.

I mean how can you have a character that's a sniper sometimes not having the shots registering.

Man grinding for the other operators is just too much for me. It takes unreasonably long, but at least there's the option for it.

Bought a good goy pass and got shafted for 'improvements'.
I already know they aren't going to fix shit and will just add in loot boxes.

>Too shy to use a mic
Worried all the alpha boys will emasculate you and that might turn you on?

I do, but I don't have any friends to play with. /r6g/ is full of yankeemericans and I'm in europe.

Also playing on the weekend is hell, it's like the MM just gets thrown out the window Friday 5pm and only returns on monday

How do you find a team of friends to play with?

>How do you find a team of friends to play with?
The same way you get any friends. Be social and find someone you connect with (in the pants)

Servers still shit? if so then no thank you.

I just beat Rayman legends a week ago though

While the combat is the best ever in terms of feel and flow, the fact that I have to spend 20 minutes going back and forth from attacking and defending for a maximum of 9 rounds, minimum of 4, is tedious.

Add to this the fact that I get bored doing the same exact preparations every time a new defensive round starts and that I have to wait in a corner for the attackers to get somewhere I can shoot at.

Because of this, I can only enjoy R6 while I smoke weed. Because during those off-times when choosing operators, loading in or making preparations, I can puff some of that dank shit and enjoy my time.

I am playing it right now, just wish it wasnt this broken
>inb4 git gud
Enjoy sucking ubisofts shithole

I went on loosing streak and dropped my kd on 0.01

You only need pulse, jager, valkyrie, buck, hibana and ash.

Wat? The game works extremely well. Git gud

not him but, the game works ye, but the server is just pure dogshit. get around 10-20ping and still get killed before seeing anything.
>inb4 git gud

>[glaz him]

>no fuze or glaz
Do you hate having fun while also ruining everyone else's fun?

>sound of smoke grenade popping

Because only Ubisoft can manage to ruin the best fps i've ever played in terms of concept by being the worst fps i've ever played in terms of execution.

wrong webm

>sound of smoke grenade
>"last operator standing"

because it took almost two years for them to even make a half-baked attempt to fix the game, which will take the entire summer to fix and kill the playerbase

Quit because it just not fun watching a bunch of faggots camp at the objective for 3 minutes till they get slaughtered

Did they remove the always online DRM and gave back features that every other R6 had?
I thought so, it's still trash.The only good thing about this game is that it's not open world.

>playing against some random team on casual
>I attack on first round
>they are trolling and they start to reinforce some other floor to confuse us
>find the objective while the enemy team is reinforcing another room
>my team just rushes the objective and I kill two of the trying to rotate back to the objective.
>second round the enemy team is still trolling and I hear some footsteps and go prone
>I kill the guy trying to come in my teammates don't let the others get in
>kill the last one with smg-11 from a pretty far distance
>get hatemail "ay we just having fun an trolling no need to swear your man tits off"

We beat them again and I send the guy GG EZ. The guy loses his shit and invites me a shit ton of times to his party chat and keeps writing "join pussy". Seriously though what are we supposed to do? Let them troll? Not kill them I don't get it.

It's fucking annoying to play. Take a few days of not playing and you're back to being shit, dying constantly.

The netcode is infuriating, and the game is increasingly broken. The fact that I have a low ping seems to be a disadvantage, as laggers have an overall bonus to their ability.

waiting for operation health server patch.if nothing changes I drop this game.

Just wait for this season to get all the updates out. they are focusing on fixing servers this season rather than giving content

The netcode and tickrate is definitely the worst part about the game

You die way too many times where you are behind cover, but actually aren't on the other end

This is my favourite webm that I ever got in proving how fucked the game is.

Thats what they also said on launch.

what's even going on here

The problem with killcams is that they aren't accurate. He probably saw you before you saw him.


Improved tickrate confirmed. This will fix it

>Why aren't you playing the only good Ubisoft game right now?
this game is considered to be good?

They litterally did the same thing few months after launch..

Find a game with better multiplayer game with the same tickrate that it has now

I am, the game can be frustrating however most issues happen due to a lack of communication/basic tactics, almost evry time I die I know how easily it could have been avoided. Since most people don't talk how can you expect not to get fucked over? if you have a group communicating via a mic its a blast.
The one hit headshot is a double edged sword, it can lead to extremely quick deaths however without it it would make executing attacks/flanks on the enemy a pain given you wouldn't be able to consistently know how to take down each enemy quickly, Siege is about quick intense engagements not drawn out firefights.

BF4, BF1..

They have 144 tick rate. When it was previously 60 it was the same issues

80% of the time I die is getting shot in the back, because no one on my team actually covered that angle

But what has this to do with their ''fixing''?
>but muh fixing season
>but muh tickrate
The hitdetection/netcode is still and will be a ubisoft piece of shit.

>improved hit registration
I mean I'm hopeful. They are taking a good chunk of time to fix the main issues

i got all the good ones with the starter edition
youre just impatient and youre not really playing the game because you want to

I guarantee they won't fix fucking anything.

what does "less errors for players" refer to? the voice/party system or just generally "less errors for players" period?

how you gon guarantee anything?

why havent they impletemented a server browser and done away with match making?

keep that matchmaking bullshit for competitive mode

>starter edition
Ouch, sorry you got scammed into paying for a free to play level of grinding

id be madder if i paid full price for the amount of gameplay the matchmaking "allows"

How about not matching my scrub ass against 200s every game so I get annihilated before I even realize what happened? That'd be cool. I just fuckin started for christ sake...

It's called peeker's advantage. It's why all fast paced games are shit

God I love maining Twitch.

If it didn't have Uplay I'd buy it in a heartbeat, even without custom dedicated servers. The netcode is just so terrible.

>Falling for the fuze

>good ubisoft game
press X to doubt

No money, because i'm saving to more important things and also (mainly because i have a really shitty accent and get frustrated when poeople don't understand what i'm saying after repeaeating the phrase 4 times in a row)

Curb your accent then.

I'm trying, but i really have no one to talk with and pratice everyday

This site is really good, thanks for the recommendation

practice with me on my bed.

You'll laugh so much that you won't be able to have sex with me

What.. Why would I have sex with you?



Swap pulse and buck for bandit and thatcher and you'd be correct. Also add smoke for the joy of mucking about.

I'm too good at this game.

I'm always in platinum and my k/d is 1,9 and winrate 2,4. I don't see a point in playing with 0.9 k/d people that somehow end up on platinum.

I switched back to ArmA and Rising Storm 2 now.

One kill per nine deaths? That's actually a bad rate.

1,9 kills per one death. And I play exclusively on platinum, haven't been to gold since season 1 lol

I rarely see people with a k/d that high on platinum, not to mention the win-rate.

Dude, it's part of the fun.

>One, nine kills per one death.
Which one is it? One kill per one death or nine kills per one death?

big fucking door coming right up


good Ubisoft game? LOLWAT
>phantom headshots around the corner
>bullshit hitboxes, especially ash's
>unbelievably bad matchmaking
>servers are down every other day pretty much
>option to turn certain maps off but you still have to play on them, shitty ones like that brazilian one
>lul buy another season pass so we can work on the connection :^)

i wasted 300 hours on this shitty ass game. Just play memewatch or csgo and you'll have a game with good connection thats actually playable because the servers arent down 24 fucking 7.

Despite many flaws, I do enjoy this game.

>Just play memewatch or csgo
No thank you. I'd rather deal with the matchmaking than play those games.

Because it's shit.


I love siege but the last patch about 1-2 week ago completely fucked the game. If no bug fixes come soon I'll give up entirely. The rest of my team already had :(

Quake champions is laffy for meno matter what and ilove Rising storm but don't wanna burnout so waiting for release

I bought IW on sale and fuck, hit regarding is just as bad as siege

Guess what, hitreg will always be shit until we get dedicated servers. Siege had so much potential and it's wasted.

but I'm playing Rayman 3 right this second

They need to fix the region hoping problem or stop using servers that reward people with higher ping. Fucking 400 ping soccer monkeys all pick ash so they can kill you before the game even shows they came onto the same floor of the building as you.

>mfw the devs literally lie to the entire community on why they cancelled the 2nd part of the y2 season pass just because they didnt feel like working on the game and wanted to continue working on skins

Its so pathetic that they decide to go for operation bullshit then announce oh lol we didnt even have a level ready so this shit wasnt gonna be released anyways. Meanwhile heres 100 new skins and animations for elite skins while we could have been using those arists to create some new assets to place in our new maps.

Fucking garbage company I feel bad for anyone who things Operation health is anything but the devs giving themselves a break

>tfw you'll never be raped by Cav and Valk in the showers


>When you pick your boy



this is gold

I picked shotgun for Smoke one of these days and people bullied me hard, then I killed 4 fucking fags with it and won the game as the last standing operator. Felt so good afterwards.


smg 11 is pretty much a primary, its good to have the utility of his shotgun best shotgun in the game for breaking hatches and walls

I just want to introduce Cav to h*nd h*lding

>best shotgun in the game

nigga, Frost's shotgun definitely takes that spot


Because it's fucking broken. I've only done three matches today and twice have my teammates been disconnected, also I've been noticing lately tha the audio is really fucked. like sometimes I won't even hear the sound of a barricade opening that's like one room away from me. Christ and people had the audacity to complain about Operation Health, this game needs it urgently.

>Castle why did you lock yourself in there?
>The bomb is out here man
That was the last time I played Castle.

Castle sucks anyway