Pharah is best girl prove me wrong
>Great body
>Great skin
>Eye of Horus which represents her third eye meaning she potentially psychic.
>Protects the innocent
>Can fly
Debate me, you will lose.
Pharah is best girl prove me wrong
Other urls found in this thread:
>Great body
>Great skin
>Amazing hair
>Trophy scars
>Protects the innocent
Give me one good reason Reinhardt isn't best girl.
Cute smile.
uh oh
She's pretty.
She's a sand niglet
Here's some movie that features this Pharah.
where is this from?
Overwatch is unskilled trash
Yes good goy, divide and rule. White vs black i'll fund both sides!!
Her mom is hotter.
I'm neither whit black or Jew
In just saying it how it is
But arabs aren't black, and she's 5'11.
I love muscle women as much as the next guy, but this picture is bullshit. She absolutely could not use an 80lb dumbbell in any sort of effective manner for work outs.
My arms are as big as her in this photo, and I can barely use 45's or 50's for maximum work outs. An 80 would be unusable. This unrealistic picture of a woman has me triggered.
Also, wouldn't 80lbs dumbells be gigantic?
>there will never be a skin that shows pharah's armpits and underarms in game
>there will never be a skin that shows mei's armpits and underarms in game
>Eye of Horus
It is the eye of ra, you pleb. the eye of horus is the mirrored version of that, thus it is one the left side.
Be a shame if you fell into my crosshairs
Pretend it's "8.0" and time and use has worn out the decimal mark.
But you have no issue with her flying around with a magically recharging jet pack, unlimited ammo and wrist rockets that reload from thin air?
I'd rather get Mei's first.
>tfw gelbooru and the sweat tag
Are you honestly expecting tumblr artists to have weightlifting experience?
>TFW no Coptic waifu to make you a nice cup of mint tea in the morning.
Why live.....
Yeah, seems fine. It's a power armor suit, it can do whatever it wants. Because it's fictional.
In that photo she's just a regular babe doing some work outs. In which case, it would not be possible to use an 80lb bell. Even some of the strongest men/women in the world don't/can't use 80lb bells. And if they can't they don't look anywhere near like Pharah because they have to be swole as fuck, which she isn't in that photo.
Honestly, literally no one would use 80lb dumbells, no matter how swole.
my brothers...
you're right that's the only thing she's good for
She's very cute and I would marry her.
>actual personality
>not masculine
>not borderline autistic
>don't need a suit of armor
But she's not masculine or autistic.
>not borderline autistic
Well I wouldn't go that far honestly. She announces herself when breaking stealth like Coldsteel the Hedgeheg would do so.
Basically heh nothin personell kiiiiidddddddd whenever she comes out of stealth.
She's really close to autism just because of that.
I want to make lots of babies.
>sfm pharah will never look like the actual pharah from overwatch ever
She's getting fucked doggystyle. Its really old, one of the first quality webms.
>Cyber panties
hhhhnnng my fetish
>sombra with big breasts
Only thing i'll miss is her lip gloss.
Why is this? Can they not get the model from the game?
I want to get fit with her.
Well, she's clearly not muslim.
People are willing to suspend their disbelief for the impossible but not the improbable.
>10 whole fucking GBs
Nigga this better not be dolphin porn or I swear to fuck
>Justice rains from ab- AAAAARRRRGH
stay mad OP
Is a sand nigger.... Guess you uhhh forgot about that bit...
Is that what that mark means? Ana has a similar one.
>the new pharah skin literally has a towel on her head
can't make this shit up
Actually the Eye of Horus is a symbol of strength and protection.
Ana's is a different one.
Like kissing sandpaper.
Was hotter, now she's a hag.
No, you can't, people in those areas have worn it to cover themselves from the sun.
What does Ana's mean?
>egyptians are black
Don't know which one Ana's is.
What about it.
Rendering technique. SFM can't into next-gen lighting. That's why some animators have moved to Blender. Looks great. Skin looks more like actual skin instead of oiled up plastic. Looks like it came straight out of the game.
>egyptians are black
>haha she has a towel
Hyped for pewdiepie's next epic FNAF video?
>hot as fuck
>put on more clothes
Her helmet covers much more, though.
I cant.
You wouldn't survive a desert level, your pasty ass probably burns in march.
Old Ana is kawaii as hell, get out
Are niggers pissed that she's Egyptian but not a we wuz?
No because the people who think so are a minority inside another minority.
Mommy's here sweetie!
She's a nigger because of her WE WUZ ancestry.
Egyptians are blacks
Why are obese redditors trying so hard to force politics in here?
Because they have no other purpose in their lives.
Egyptians CAN be black*
It's a fictional dumbbell. Dumbbell.
>tfw since Mercy got her buff to her ultimate Pharah has been in play more and people apparently forgot how to deal with her or something
>people have been complaining about Pharah again
>do well with her, but always feel I could be more effective just using Soldier 76 or Tracer unless it's an extremely Pharah-friendly map like Eichenwalde or Hanamura
>tfw gonna nerfed for no real reason
Her classic rocket gun design is very plain. It's strange, really.
Yes, that is indeed how it works, and it's not just sandniggers that do that.
Eye of Ra
She's not Nubian, it's a possibility but she isn't.
Egyptians were their own ethnicity that resulted from north african, east african and middle eastern people settling in the Nile area and becoming isolated as the surrounding land dried up.
So you agree the ancient Egyptiana were black
Egyptian here, Egyptians aren't black.
Some are shit skins, some bronze some are white, some are niggers that immigrated from further down Africa and settled in lower Egypt.
Generally northern Africans aren't really "African", pretty much since 4000 BC they have invaded and been invaded, conquered and been conquered fucked and been fucked.
It's not rare to see creamy white girls with blonde hair in some places, but most people are ugly af cuz lol shit genes, constant sun and stress.
>Sup Forums can't even participate in a dumb waifu thread without devolving into racial inanity
>t's not rare to see creamy white girls with blonde hair in some places
Didn't see any that weren't tourists when I was there, and every single native guy lusted after my sister, she even had to turn down a marriage proposal. And yeah, she is pretty, but I'd mostly chalk it down to her very pale skin being fairly exotic down there.
>waifu thread
>people start talking about real life
What makes you do this?
Who the fuck cares?
>wanting to fuck a mudslime
A hijab is supposed to cover all your hair.
That has as much to do with hijabs as whatever nuns wear.
I'd launch a jihad on her holy land if you know what I"m saying
Kos omak, speak for yourself
-t. Copt