how does Sup Forums achieve absolute comfiness?
what do you do? what do you play?
coffee and a handheld is best duo
How does Sup Forums achieve absolute comfiness?
I go unconscious.
Garrysmod Zombie Survival, a cappucino and something to snack
>oil diffuser
>fresh blanket out of the laundry
>rain and thunderstorm sounds YouTube video
>play mobile games until I fall asleep
im always comfy
a comfy mind is a comfy life
I lay down in bed and listen to any Dale Carnegie audiobook. I don't even give a fuck about the content itself, the narrators are soo comfy.
you can't be always comfy if you're a wagecuck
i smoke weed you fucking idiot
In my living room,on the couch,late night,after a hot shower,wrapped in blankets,eating Oreos with milk,Adult swim as background noise,browsing Sup Forums, playing my 3ds,switch,streaming ps4 to vita.
>>rain and thunderstorm sounds YouTube video
tfw it rained and thundered all day today
get the fuck out of my thread with that hostility druggie
>OSRS fishing
>spicy chai tea
It's my go-to combo if I need to relax. Shiny hunting in x/y while talking to friends on skype is good too, but I can't be bothered with it anymore.
Handhelds are good for achieving comfiness- spent hours curled up in a blanket playing Mario kart 7 and acnl.
>not TTT
play don't starve as a little dragon girl
Been replaying RE 1-3, those perfect pre-rendered backgrounds are amazing to just stare at and get lost into.
But for real, I think I should buy either a 3DS or Vita because handhelds are always the comfiest.
It's gotta be cold, either outside or in your room. Comfy is impossible when it's hot as fuck.
The comfy season is about to end.
fucking agreed
it's too hot already, can't wait for winter
RE is like the opposite of comfy for me, those games were spooky
I tend to be happier in summer so I actually have the motivation to play a game instead of spending all day in bed watching youtube videos. It fucking sucks
Might be the sunlight more than the temperature, some places like the flyover states in Burgerstan get god damn cold but the sun is out surprisingly often.
I get it man.
Personally I love to get lost in dark isolated places where you're on your own and slowly progress at your own pace.
Unreal, Dark Souls, old school Resident Evil & Silent Hill, Bloodborne, Metroid Prime. Comfiest vidya for me.
Worst meme since cuck.
But comfy became a meme first.
it's not a meme
I play MAngband while watching Twitch streams in the background.