Is it possible to have a jrpg without a whiny edgy teenager?

Is it possible to have a jrpg without a whiny edgy teenager?

Yea go play a game like go home it sounds like you would enjoy it OP

that wouldn't be a jrpg

Most jrpgs just have a blank emotionless MC to self insert ass nigga


Forgot the pic.


Tales of Symphonia's MC is a dumb character that just wants to make the world a better place. Cecil from FFIV is never edgy. I don't recall him being whiny. Radiata Stories MC is a dumb happy go lucky guy. No whiny edgy teens in FFXII.

Nier Gestalt. Everyone in the cast is an adult except Emil. And Emil isn't edgy, he's literally the nicest fucking kid you'll ever meet.

I Am Setsuna. A few teenagers but I wouldn't describe any of them as whiny or edgy. I guess Endir is kind of edgy simply because his design is dark, but he's a silent protag.

Neptunia games, simply because everyone in those games is close friends with each other and the entire thing is so light hearted.

I mean, you'd be hard pressed to call most characters in Gust games edgy...

Emil is also like 1500 years old.

Lost Odyssey was made with western audiences in mind. No autistically screeching teenagers around.

that must be why he's quiet
he's literally experienced everything a human being could possibly experience and can literally guess the next thing someone will say or the next reaction they will take so he does as little as possible to have it directed at them or he'll suffer the consequence of having to respond to an exceedingly trivial matter

I ironically think vayne from mana khemia to be a good mc.

Are you conveniently forgetting Cooke and Mack? Granted, they're not teenagers, but they Mack especially behaves like one. Still a great game tho.

I actually had forgotten about them. But I also don't remember ever getting the same feels OP complains about while playing that game.

just because he's old doesn't mean he's not a kid

Sure, but you'll probably complain that you'll have to play as a grumpy old man or a wacky protagonist or a silent protagonist.
What about playing as a Gene Simmons expy, would you like that? Because you can.

>gene simmons

Oh if only a lot of jrpgs had mcs like him.

To be fair be looks kinda edgelordy, but he's just a calm, rational, professional guy with actual critical thinking skills and normal social interaction skills.

I don't remember Felt from AI2 being whiny or edgy. But it's been a long time since I played it

Well, there's at least one game where you can play as Gene Simmons, there's another one where you can have Steward Copeland as a party member too, so there's that.
There's a lot of good MCs in JRPGs, but most of Sup Forums rarely plays JRPGs that aren't million unit sellers, so it's only natural they wouldn't know about them.

I miss edgy characters. Stoic and serious are the most boring shit that you can get.

You can't, this is the target audience of jrpgs.

Tales of Vesperia.

>Cecil from FFIV is never edgy.

Dude...he was a DARK Knight....that was top tier Edgy before Shadow The Hedgehog existed.

That's pretty much what the main demographic of JRPGs is.
But once you get over your "I'm too mature now to admit I also was a whiny edgy teenager" phase you get in your late teens to ealry 20s you can actually enjoy them again.

Etetnal sonata
Fragile dreams
Kingdom heart 1
Persona doesn't have whiny teenagers protagonists

Chrono Trigger, duh. Also Dark Cloud, Golden Sun, Grandia and Skies of Arcadia. Basically any JRPG that isn't Final Fantasy, Xenogears or Star Ocean..

Instead you have an autistically screeching grown ass man with poor career choices.

>Cecil from FFIV is never edgy. I don't recall him being whiny.

He was worse than every other FF MC combined in both those categories. Play the game again.

Most Tales games(Luke was whiny and Velvet was Sup Forums's definition of "edgy", but they had legit reasons for beine that way.)
Most FF games
DQ games
Persona games
Hell, even Neptunia games
You just haven't played enough video games, but this isn't surprising seeing as this is Sup Forums.

Maybe stop parroting shitty internet memes and actually play the damn games yourself.

But i Dont. Im 30 and i want to fucking punch my chuuni self. I want 40 year old mcs who talk like normal people, not a kid who nasally says his lines like his balls are being crushed.

Than play something that isn't a JRPG.
I for myself left my puberty so far behind, that i can ironically enjoy the forced emotional mess again.

Strange Journey is a JRPG where you play as a Space Marine shooting demons in antarctica


In which JRPG can you play as Jesus??

>Whiny edgy

Also I haven't seen one of these threads since 2010, wow.

Persona 3


Shadow Hearts is one of those weird things where they give you a main character who is literally TRAGIC STORY THE DEAD PARENTS DARKNESS WHOSE POWER IS MONSTERS AND CURSED TO DARKNESS WHOSE DAD HAUNTS HIM and he tries to peep on the heroine when she's sleeping, comes off as dumb as a rock about things happening around him, relentlessly banters with villains to the point they can't even keep their monologues straight, and gets hilariously and violently seasick to the point everyone else teases him over it.

Then the sequel follows up after the BAD END of the first game and somehow after everything that has gone horribly wrong in Yuri's life up to this point including being subjected to a CURSE OF INEVITABLE DEATH AND MADNESS he STILL manages to be a stand-up guy who believes in doing the right thing even if it's hard and painful. Also still gets sea-sick.


You must have been gone since 2010 then, because this thread and variations of it gets made pretty regularly.


All I can of recently was 9s from nier. Damn that kid can whine.

Depends what you mean by whiny edgy teenager. If you mean a character like Squall or Hasedo, then yeah there are lots.
Legend of Dragoon, Legend of Legaia 1 & 2, Lunar, Grandia, Valkyrie Profile, Chrono Trigger and Cross, Dragon Quest 8, The Souls series, Front Mission 3, any of the Atelier games, Skies of Arcadia,

>no whiny edgy teens in FFXII
Except the literal worst character in any FF to date, Vaan.

Vaan qualified as a character?

Tales of Symphonia, Xillia 2.
Ni No Kuni.
Xenoblade Chronicles.

There is a good reason why jrpgs fell from the throne. The golden age of jrpgs of the snes and ps1 is over. People who were teens and knew nothing better at the time got older. Juvenile stories about conflicted teens trying to grow up a little does not appeal to us anymore. Its understandable, most of the stories are cringeworthy with a lot of cheesy dialogue and awkward situations and relationship that are so forced and unbelievable.

The average age of a gamer is 35 years old now. Is it so much to ask from Japanese devs to cast an older more mature lead and deal with more mature issues in a JRPG?

Well he is Captain Basch after all.

I always thought of him as "playable design"

>I don't recall him being whiny.

Oh, bullshit. I fell asleep during FFIVs intro precisely because he whined to the king, whined to his wife, and somehow channeled the sheer magnitude of his whininess into a text crawl to reiterate everything we just saw.


No way. Radiant Historia falls into just about ever JRPG trope in the book, especially on the amnesiac main character chosen one with an initially too-cool attitude towards Heiss, Rayne, and Marco.



None of that is relevant to what OP said. Stocke doesn't whine and isn't edgy. And while he's technically a teen, he's 19, an adult.

Not sure why you think it's impressive to make counterpoints to points no one made.

>too cool attitude to Heiss

It wasn't. Did you pay attention at all? He worked for Heiss since before the game. He acts the way he does towards Heiss because immediately after the game begins Heiss starts acting suspicious as all fuck. Which is also why he doesn't open up to Raynie and Marco initially, because they worked for Heiss, and he didn't know if they were just Heiss' mindless goons. Most of the characters he meets he takes to pretty well right away, like a normal person. Reading, friend, it helps.

>I want 40 year old mcs who talk like normal people
Well, Cash is 34 and is a pretty cool guy who goes on crazy adventures with a talking flower, an oldass wizard, a samurai with cancer and some other weird guys, he also kicks the edge out of his little brother as part of his story so there's that.


>The target demographic of x games doesn't pander to me! Change the protagonist or else... REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Barkely's Shut Up and Jam Gaiden is in the style of a JRPG and has an old ptotagonist.

Funny you say that when one of the MC is named Edge.

Or was it Iris, I don't even remember this game anymore.